

'HnGh! No… No…!!' — Gripping the skirt of her dress, Ewelina ran desperately as chaos encroached on her whole spirit, numbing her senses as sadness menaced conquering her heart and soul. Unaware of the places she was running through and indifferent to those who could see her rush far from the celebration she was supposed to stay at.

And as she ran…


"!? Huff… Gilead… Begone. I am not to deal with you now." — Ewelina spouted out of breath, glaring at the guard so her conflict would not be recognised by his unwanted eye. Who even as she glared… stood in her path unmovable to her visible displeasure. — "... What is it? Move, I said."

"... What happened?"

"It's nothing for you to care about. Move." — Passing forcefully by Gilead's side, Ewelina stomped, dismissing him from her presence. Nonetheless, the woman's steps were to be halted by the question the ignorant yet honestly concerned guard conveyed as he watched her back.

"..... Did you learn about it?"

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