
An old woman's secret, Nen Expertises

In her hotel room,

The old but veteran Tsubone exhaled a sigh of exhaustion, talking to herself,

"My goodness. Nothing like a nice hot shower after a hard workout."

Sitting back in her chair, she opened a can of lemonade from the minifridge and thought with her eyes on the ceiling,

"The young master is impressively full of vitality..."

"Even with his healing skills. After all, he's drawing on his vital force and possibly physical strength to use a Nen ability like that. Does it also get restored?"

"My, my, he's just becoming more and more surprising if so."

"That said, by his Nen attributes, the young master can't be ordinary."

"Since he's under my charge from now on, I'd better get used to him as soon as possible..."

"What should I do? I'm already so excited."

"It's too late to break the promise..."

Tsubone, still a little shocked, put her thoughts in order.

So many things happened in a few hours.

In the end, she was just doing her job.

However, there was a small conflict of interest.

Before she was dead-loyal to Master Silva, Tsubone was utterly devoted to his illustrious family.

It was the same now...

When she met Silva, he was just a child without hair.

Tsubone also kept her promises.

She had decided to serve young master Hiruma to the best of her ability, which would only happen if she considered his welfare above all other standards.

She knew Silva would not resent her for putting her child before him and his latest interests.

On the contrary, he would understand how important the boy was if she made such a move...

Silva had the utmost respect for her and was not stubborn or bloody-minded.

He was a pure cold man. A cold and rational killer.

He would understand her choice since she was the one who had taught him to keep his promises.

All that said, Tsubone suddenly wondered why she was so enthusiastic about the idea and promised such a thing to the young master,

It was really done on a whim.

"Haha, I guess I'm also a Zoldyck at heart..."

Tsubone laughed; she had spent so much time in the mansion.

"I still can't seem to stay calm in front of a student with brilliant potential."

Years passed, but Tsubone realized that she remained the same. She loved superb, raw jewels that she could polish with her hands.

Even when she retired from the Olympic teams as a coach after her own track-and-bodybuilding careers and got married, she joined the Zoldyck family directly.

Right after the offer came up.

Tsubone was over a hundred years old, but her heart and resplendent ideals never transformed, unlike her Nen.

She liked what she liked. Quality and Excellence.

Tsubone was born a Conjurer, but her Nen moved between Conjuration and Transmutation.

More than a detail, this particularity was a secret some Nen experts kept.

It was possible to change or increase one's facility with different Nen attributes over time.

In addition to naturally owning one Nen department at 100%, it was possible to become a perfect genius in others through lots of rigor and practice.

When Tsubone recalled how she became such a strange conjurer, thanks to her powerful and altered attainments in Transmutation, she saw an odd and rectangular-shaped object.

It materialized in her view.

It was rectangular and translucent, with words and a question mark.





Author's Footnote:

I apologize for the briefness of this chapter; however, I had a lot to say and couldn't finish it as I usually would.

Consider this an added bonus to the previous one.

Togashi, not me, releases perplexing new material, as you have just observed.

I developed my own viewpoint on the subject because the one offered by the NewWorldReview guy on YouTube is equally, if not more, perplexing than Togashi's.

Affinities from birth will continue influencing my decisions in this fic. Despite this, with enough practice, people can almost flawlessly (89+%)(or more?) tap into other Nen attributes across the board, as seen with Zeno and Silva's flawless use of Transmutation when they should be normal Emitters.

Togashi's update clarifies that these two are Emitters who attain a higher level of consciousness.

If Togashi hadn't made it clear that it wasn't just these two's extensive Transmutation experience that allowed them to pull off those feats, I wouldn't have done this strange stuff that doesn't alter our knowledge.

It's more than experience.

Zeno and Silva should find it as easy and carefree to pick up new Transmutation techniques later on as young practitioners would. Because their Nen underwent a mutation. For some reason, they have the same innate abilities, talents, and gifts in Emission and Transmutation.

Togashi even referred to Killua as a Transmuter-Enhancer, indicating he was a different type of Transmuter. Killua, on the other hand, appears to be unaware. I'm not sure when he turned into this, but it was near the end of the Chimera Ant Arc. I like to think so.

I changed this upsetting stuff because Togashi makes the entire situation much more complicated and aggravating by adding 2% or 5% to other departments, for instance, or by lowering the innate Nen attribute.


You'll be perplexed if you look up Milluki's affinity with Specialization. His Manipulation% remained largely constant (97%, if I recall correctly). However, his slight propensity for Specialization makes this new material somewhat frivolous.

Is Togashi bored?

Or is he returning with something eye-catching?

In the upcoming Hiatus X Hiatus release, let's all find out. If possible.

Good day and or night, beloved readers.

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