

  Logan POV

  The anger I felt was indescribable.

  My baby was chained. She was hanging from the ceiling. Her arms were above her head. She was unconscious. Her head was hanging on her chest. Her clothes were practically gone. I could see her skin. It was black and blue and covered in cuts and burns.

  Oh, I was going to enjoy killing these fucking witches.

  I let out a loud growl, and the witches looked at me.

  They couldn’t break out of the spell. They tried to focus on us, but they couldn’t. They tried to hit Andrew with the spell, but it wasn’t strong enough to do any damage.

  Both Andrew and I jumped up at the same time.

  I felt my canines piece through one of the witches’ necks. I could taste her disgusting blood on my tongue and in my mouth.

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