
Chapter 10_ Strange Handsome Dude

A Nulvie Bar Eleanor was with her friends were seen enjoying the rest of the early night in the bar drinking and chatting happily except Alice who seen to be lost in curious thoughts.

"It was really fun with Keisha the other day." Eleanor said.

"Yeah, we really dealt with her. Eve added."

"And this is just the beginning as long as she keeps stocking Alice man, she will know no peace." Eleanor said.

"Can you girl just keep it down. I'm trying to concentrate here okay. Alice shouted

"Alice, are you sure you're good?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking…"

"Wait, don't tell me you are still thinking about what happen the other day? Eve asked and Alice made worried sighs.

"C'mon girl, that was nothing so stop over thinking it. It's not like it our first time doing that to someone."

"To hell with Keisha, I'm only worry about my man. Didn't you saw how furious he was when he saw Keisha, Didn't you saw the way he acted towards her? "

"Really, C'mon you should stop that already. Like Eleanor said before, Keisha is not worth to be Skylar idea type of woman."

"Are you guys sure about this?"

"1,001 percent sure girlfriend. Pick up a drink and relieve your negative stress baby girl."

Alice sighs again. She picks up a drink and sipped in.

"Excuse me lady." Someone said. Eve look up and behold a Handsome, tall, richly dress hot looking guy was standing before their table gaze was focus on Alice. His shining black hair was resting on his shoulder and he smelled nice. His shirt was u bottom relieving his hard build chest.

Eve seems to be absorbed to him already.

"Hi handsome" she straight her hand forward for a handshake. "I'm Eve and these are my friend Alice and Eleanor."

"Nice meeting you girls, I'm David." He said looking at Alice. "Alice, can you please excuse me for a minute."

Eve seen disappointed as the guy came because of Alice but Alice don't seem to be interested in him.

"Alice…." Eleanor muttered.

"Please tell him I don't want to be excuse."

"Huh…, my friend is actually in a bad mood right now but it okay I can keep you company if it okay with you." Eve concluded

"I actually…." He hesitated and then continues. "It's my pleasure."

"Sure. Excuse me girls." She went to Eleanor ear and whisper to her, "Don't wait for me, I'm going to have a long night."

"Silly girl" Eleanor said and sip from her wine.

They walk out of the bar exit without David saying a single word to Eve.

"Where are we going?" Eve asked smiling trying to start up a conversation and end the cold atmosphere but David didn't utter a word. Soon they arrived a lonely path.

"Wait me here." David ordered coldly

"Okay." Eve answer and he left. She look around the path and it was empty. "What are we doing here?" she questioned herself.

David walks to someone who was eventually standing and waiting for David some foots away. He bows his head when he got there and after a few minute he began walking away.

"Hey! David, David, hey! Where are you going?" Eve called asking and running after him but was stop by the lady standing few steps away.

"Where do you think you are going to?"

"I don't get, who are you?" Eve asked looking at her. She seems scary. She tried to look at her face but it was already dark and her head was facing the ground with a black hood covering her head and half her face. She was putting on Black's all through. She seems really scary in her outfit. Eve was already scared but she tries not to show it off.

"Leave my way this second." She ordered. Eve was about leaving but she blocked her way again. This time David was already afield.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"You wanna know?"

"Yes, who the fuck are you?"

She remove the hood from her head leisurely, behold, it was Keisha. Seeing Keisha, Eve exhales tranquilly. "Keisha, are you nut? How dare you block my way?"

Keisha smile scornfully at Eve.

"I'm talking to you bitch….. How dare you…. "

She wasn't able to complete whatever she was going to say before Keisha grabs her hard by her neck and raise her up.

"Put me down this minute before I descend on you." Eve said struggling, trying to take Keisha hand off with her two hands.

She smile looking at Eve, opens her mouth and her teeth grow out.

Eve gasp in fear. She wanted to say something but her neck was hold even tighter and she couldn't.

"You know, maybe it's your destiny to die now. It wasn't you I wanted, I wanted to deal with that bitch mother fucking Alice but you took her place instead, so I'm just gonna use you as a massage to them."

She struggle for breath and tried to go free from Keisha but couldn't.

"Don't bother trying, you can't, it impossible. Now go to hell." She opens her mouth and bites her neck, feed on her blood leaving her body lifeless.


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