
Beginner Adventurer

A young girl with emerald green eyes studied a weapon rack absentmindedly.

Always with the same question going through her head, a simple question she had found herself answering multiple times but that she kept going through over and over again.

Simply in case she shed a new light on it.

'What weapon was best against something that was fast?'

She stood still as she went through every sort she knew of, the other adventurers passing by not even sparing her a glance, already used to her daily debate with herself.

After the great adventurer guild had been brought down, crushing dozens of people under its weight and injuring many other, a replacement had been found, much smaller and constantly in the process of being built but this time, with stronger foundations.

It had quickly been determined some termites had been responsible for the whole thing, for the damage left on the foundations was exactly similar to what one could encounter in the wild but the termites being nowhere to be found, it raised some questions.

Not even a single of the critters was to be found anywhere, the popular theory was that of the three adventurers that had pursued the wretch around before the whole place slid down.

Although, they didn't know his identity or even what he looked like, he had crawled out from underneath the guild just hours before it happened.

Not that the blonde girl cared much about whatever people thought about this, the crown had sent investigators and they had quickly moved away, hinting that they had found enough clues quickly.

"The export of wheat and stuff will get even less this year, they still can't get a hand on The Shape Of Rova" an adventurer said in the distance, this shape character has been in the mouth of people for the past five years, a lanky monster that appear and disappear at will and that has been ruining the city of Rova's greatest source of income, their fields.

Showing up in the distance or right in the middle of them, sometime right next to people, everything that was around would start to wither away.

Leaving only but unusable crops and vegetation, the only silver lining was that the ground itself didn't 'die', only what was growing on it, so the soil had been having a premium buffet this five last years.

So this meant that if this shape thing was eliminated, the production should be able to begin again without any problem, even though the ordeal was a big blow to the country itself, no one seemed that worried about it, seemingly convinced that the problem would be solved eventually.

This monster didn't fit the description of the one she was interested in however.

'Now' once again she began rehearsing her thoughts on each weapon.

Swords were fine and all, they came in lots of shapes and sizes too, having a one-handed sword at hand was always a good idea but it lacked for what she wanted.

Even the longswords and greatsword were a bit too short, what was best was something that covered a lot of ground with each swings, she doubted she could get nearly as fast as he was, at best she could guess the direction he was getting and to maximise the chances that a vague swing would hit, length was necessary.

So a spear or halberd sounded better, she nodded to this thought she had had come to many times already, wondering if there were weapons she didn't know of that could fit the bill even better.

"Still staring into the void Superstes?" a hand with a few scales landed on the top of her head.

"Yes" she simply responded, her voice calm but her face stuck in a perpetual frown.

After arriving there, Superstes had been taken in by Lolianth and become an adventurer as the girl had been planning on since the start, in her mind, it was the best way to grow strong enough to eventually be able to fell the horrid little thing that had slaughtered her entire village.

He was a monster after all and adventurers were known to regularly partake in some monster hunting, during these five years, she had yet to encounter a monster that was fast like the wretch had been.

It was strange really, she had had to run from monster that were definitely stronger and that had shown what appeared like greater speed at times but the wretch wasn't just fast somehow, there was something about him that the other monsters didn't have.

She could feel their momentum, their speed meant power, a charge from them would be devastating, a charge of anything at these speeds should be but she didn't remember the wretch exerting such things.

He moved around but without power behind the movements, it felt like that even with ten times the speed, he would splurt against a simple obstacle.

It was a weird feeling she had really, she didn't know if it was accurate but to her, it felt like the wretch didn't abide by the same sort of rules as everything else.

She had looked up monster encyclopedias and that feeling only got stronger, he was a wretch after all, having anything going on was already breaking the rules.

"We are going to Rova, are you going to tag along?" asked the scaly woman, noticing that Superstes had grown in height again.

The blonde had gone nothing but stretch since she had gotten there, looking more and more like beanpole as time went on, to the point where Lolianth had to raise her arm a bit before being able to headpat her

"Of course, not like I wouldn't accompany you guys but what are you going to do there? The Shape is too quick to vanish for us" remarked Superstes.

"Cinla thinks her light magic is fast enough but no, a dungeon got uncovered, we got the intel before everyone else, if we are fast enough, we can empty this thing and keep everything for ourselves" she kept her voice low.

Superstes had some more question but since the whole thing sounded like a covert operation, she kept them all to herself until later.

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