
The Attack by The River

A/N: I will answer some questions here.

The ER suit is designed for optimal exploration, so it has to be prepared for any environment. It has its own internal air system, air filtration in the mask, it is completely thermal resistant and maintains a constant internal environment.

Second, this novel will have emphasis on Relationships so it doesn't feel bland but the plot will be developed just as much.

Finally, I will be writing important parts of the plot, by either writing their transcripts or a brief summary. But if you remember them well then just skip over them, you will know the transcripts like this:--


PLOT Transcript


That is it, hope you enjoy reading~



___The Ark___

While Jaha, who was shot by Bellamy, was being treated by Clark's mother with additional anesthesia, breaking the law in the process, Kane was being notified about the situation.

Shumway, commander of the Ark gaurd: "Excuse me, sir. You asked to be notified if there was news. "

"The Chancellor is still in surgery, but we have I.D.ed the shooter. Bellamy Blake is the only person on The Ark unaccounted for."

Kane "Who is he?"

Shumway "He's no one, a janitor. We're still working up a profile, but his motive for going to Earth is clear."

Said Shumway as he handed Kane a tablet with both Bellamy and Octavia on it, while showing him, he himself looked uneasy as if he had something to say.

Kane "Sister. I remember. Her mother kept her hidden for almost sixteen years, nearly a record. What is it, Commander Shumway. Spit it out."

Shumway, "We could start now. As Chancellor pro-tempore, you can give the order to start reducing the population."

Kane took a deep breath, "Not yet."

Shumway reasoned with a low voice, "Sir, we're wasting time. Removing the one hundred from the population only buys us another month. Engineering needs more than that to fix those systems, if they can fix them at all."

Kane ,"You have my answer, Commander. Enough. If we're gonna kill hundreds of innocent people, we're gonna do it by the book. Is that clear?"

Shumway nodded and Kane continued.

"In the meantime, I want to know who helped this janitor get on that drop ship because he sure as hell didn't do it by himself. Seems we have a traitor in our midst, Commander, and the hundred have an assassin in theirs."

_______Earth: The Camp______

Wells was gathering wood when Murphy and his lackey approached.

Murphy: "Find any water yet?"

Wells: "No, not yet, but, I'm going back out if you want to come."

Lackey: [Chuckles]

Murphy: [Sniffles]

Murphy, " You know, my father, he begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him."

Wells passed by them and scoffed "You spelled die wrong, geniuses."

After a minute, Bellamy arrived saying.

Bellamy , "If you're gonna kill someone, it's probably best not to announce it."

Murphy, "You're not really a member of the guard, are you?"

Bellamy, " No. The real guard will be here soon unless we stop it. You don't actually think they're gonna forgive your crimes. Even if they do, then what? Guys like us, we're gonna become model citizens now, get jobs, if we're lucky, maybe pick up their trash?"

Mbege the lackey, spoke, "You got a point?"

Bellamy , "No. I got a question. They locked you up, dumped you down here like lab rats to die. So why are you helping them?"

Mbege , "The hell we are."

Bellamy, " You're wearing those bracelets, aren't you? Right now, those things are telling them whether or not it's safe to follow us down."

Murphy, "Okay. You said we could stop it. How?"

Bellamy, " Take them off. The Ark will think you're dead, that it's not safe to follow. Do you follow?"

Murphy, "Right, and if we do, I mean, what's in it for us?"

Bellamy, "Someone has got to help me run things."

And that was how later that night, the crowd was manipulated/ forced to remove their bracelets which let the ark know they were safe. With Whatever The Hell We Want being the new slogan for the delinquents.


While on the ark, Abby was about to be floated, and at the camp the crowd enjoyed rain for the first time, Clarke, Loon and the rest were sleeping in the forest amongst the woods.

The luminescent butterflies and vibrant fauna created a picturesque scene straight out of a movie. However, not everyone was asleep.

Leon rested against a tree with Stella on his lap leaning onto his chest, had never seen such scenes of beauty even before Praimfaya. Surprisingly, Clarke decided to join him and leaned against the tree right next to his as she assumed the silent Stella was asleep...she was not.

Leon raised his hand and opened a finger, the next moment a blue, glowing butterfly landed on his finger.

"Cool isn't it?"

Clarke's eyes widened as she stared at him in disbelief.

"You can speak?!" She shouted in a whisper so as not to wake the others.

"Oc course I can, we didn't speak before in order to gouge your personalities, can't be too cautious, unlike you who just let two strangers accompany you, haha."

"Well, it's true, it's our first time on the ground and everything has just been going wrong! First they send us to the wrong place, then Bellamy that idiot won't listen to reason and Wells..."

"Sigh, anyways sorry I laid out everything on you, let me introduce myself properly, my name is Clarke Griffin."

She then went for a handshake. Taking it, he replied,

"Hello, Clarke, my name is Leon Starz-, Star. My name is Leon Star. A pleasure."

Leon then looked at her, but got an alert from his suit's readings. It seems that Clarke was thirsty. Yes, the suit can analyze voice while his eyes can facial expressions, determining she was dehydrated.

Opening one of Stella's pockets, he found three more cans of Sprite, this girl really came prepared with the most trivial of things. I then got a sudden message.

Stella: [Look, I'm pretending to sleep so you can have your alone time with Clarke bu DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF!]

Leon: [Relaaaax, there's still one left, besides, you probably have more stashed somewhere]

Stella: [Hmph]

"Take this." He handed the Sprite over.

"Oh, thanks." She opened it and took a sip, and her eyes shined as she started gulping down the whole can.


"Ooh! Sorry" Clarke smiled awkwardly and blushed.

"Hahahaha, it's fine, it's fine. It's understandable really."

Putting his behind him, Leon got something out and handed it to Clarke. It was a small drawing book.

"What is this?" Said Clarke as she looked through them, they were all drawings of various things Leon drew along the way. The first of which being Clarke herself.

"They're beautiful!"

She stared for a while then turned her attention to The observing Leon.

"What? Something on my face?" He then scratched the helmet.


Taking off his helmet completely, Leon was putting his charm on full display as he smiled lightly. Which made Clarke stare, then squirm in place as if she wanted to say something.

"Speak your mind, Clarke, we're friends now aren't we?"

Clarke smiled faintly and asked," Your eyes, they've gorgeous, I have never seen anything like them, not even in books. What are they?"

"Oh, these eyes?" He pointed at his eyes, "They are Cybernetic, bionic eyes, able to see 10 times as much as your eyes as well as read micro-expressions, so no hiding secrets from me~"

"Aaaand, did I mention they have X-ray?" He then blatantly ogled her chest.

Clark's face turned red as she turned away, "Oow, Stop!! Pbbbt, Ha! don't look!" She started lightly punching him.

"Ooooh yaaa! That's the stuff! Okay! Okay! I'll stop, haha, relax!"

"How is that possible though? I've never read about anything like this?"

"Well, of course, they're my invention! Besides, have you read anything about glow-in-the-dark forests or man-eating snakes?"

"You're right, it's all been so hectic lately"

"It's okay to relax and let go every once in a while, I'm sure you've still got a long way to go, but I'm sure you'll get there and will keep your friends safe."

"I just don't know, sigh"

"Everything in due time, and if you need help, you can always come to me, I'll help a friend out. Here, take this, a gift. You can also press the red button whenever you want to call me."

Leon handed her a black watch with a small red button on the side, the design was a 12-hour format and a Black exterior with dark grey interior.

Clarke seemed to like the watch as she smiled happily and put it on, "Thank you, Leon. I appreciate you taking my mind off things, it's been really liberating."

"Yeah, thanks for avoiding questioning me too, I appreciate it." After a moment of silence, Leon began singing, secretly using Auto-Tune from his suit to make himself sound better, while using his suit's speakers for music.

And so, he began singing a song he thought appropriate for the moment. MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT by Elley Duhé.


I summoned you, please come to me

Don't bury thoughts that you really want

I fill you up, drink from my cup

Within me lies what you really want~

Come, lay me down

'Cause you know this

'Cause you know this sound~

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night~

Just call my name, I'm yours to tame

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night~


I'm wide awake, I crave your taste

All night long 'til morning comes

I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh no, ooh~


In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh~

These burning flames, these crashing waves

Wash over me like a hurricane

I'll captivate, you're hypnotized

Feel powerful, but it's me again~


Come, lay me down

'Cause I know this

'Cause I know this sound~

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night

Just call my name, I'm yours to tame

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night~

I'm wide awake, I crave your taste

All night long 'til morning comes

I'm getting what is mine, you gon' get yours, oh no, ooh~


In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, oh

And just call on me, ah, just call my name

Like you mean it

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night oh, whoa~~!


"That was beautiful! What song was this?"

"I wrote it myself, I thought if fit the moment, do you like it?" Replied Leon without an ounce of shame.

"Yeah, I didn't know your voice was so amazing!"

""CLAPING"" x4

Clapping then sounded behind the duo, Jasper, Monty, and even Octavia were awake, Stella too 'woke up' and was clapping and cheering with them.

"Seems like you had an audience!" Clarke smiled.

"That was amazing!"

"So cool! I didn't think you could speak, nevermind sing this well"


"Hahahaha" Leon laughed, it's been a while since he talked with so many people in such an atmosphere.

"Does that mean you can speak too?" Asked Octavia to her new friend.

And a sweet, energetic voice replied, "I can Octavia, oh, and my name is Stella. I won't take my mask off though~hehe."

"Hey, where is Finn?" Asked Jasper.

"Don't worry about him, he went off a while ago, let's just sleep for now." Said Leon.

"You're right, we have a long day tomorrow to mount weather." Clarke agreed.

Saying their goodnights, they all went off to sleep.


Hidden behind the group was Finn who just returned from the nearby river with some water, he was grinding his teeth in anger.

His presence and dissatisfaction didn't escape Leon's radar as his suit detected him long ago, but he didn't care about him. Someone who's chasing women when he already has one waiting for him, worried sick for him. Someone who will soon come down alone in an attempt to find him.

Finn really doesn't deserve Raven, and while this may sound hypocritical, Stella already knows and approves of Leon going after other women, she even wants to join in. After all, Leon didn't program her to not be bisexual, she developed her own tastes.

[A/N: Don't worry, I know some will ask if there will be Yuri without MC. While I don't think that's NTR, there won't be such scenes.]

In another part of the forest, Bellamy was threatening Wells to take off his wristband with his gun. He eventually succeeded in removing him forcibly with the help of some goons.

In space, Jaha recovered enough to barely walk and stopped Kane from floating Abby, and they began working on reverse engineering the bracelets to establish communication.

_____The next morning____

Leon: [Stella, be ready, we got 2 Grounders 43° degrees to your right, I want you to knock them out once they throw the spear at Jasper]

Stella: [Okay, but you won't let Jasper get hurt right?]

Leon: [Don't worry, I have everything under control. Jasper's injury worked as a wake-up call for the 100, so I will adjust accordingly]

Stella: [Okay stay safe honey]

Leon: [You too]

By the time their conversation ended, the group had arrived at the river, the other side of which was mount weather. Stella already sneaked off when nobody was looking, however, seems like Octavia just noticed.

"Hey, where's Stella?"

At her words, all the group except Leon looked around, when they noticed Leon didn't seem worried, Clarke asked.

"Did she go somewhere? Is she coming back?"

Leon nodded, "She'll be back soon"

Clarke then spoke to Finn, "You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling."

Octavia added, "Mount Weather awaits!"

Jasper commented, "Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine."

Finn, "The apogee like the Indians, right?"

Jasper, "Apogee, not apache."

Clarke urged, "He knows. Today, Finn."

Finn, "Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side."

Jasper suddenly spoke up wanting to impress the crowd, "Wait."

Finn, "What?"

Jasper, "Let me. I can do it."

Finn, "Knew there was a badass in there somewhere."

"Heh heh." Laughing nervously, Jasper stood holding the ropes made of vine as he couldn't fight off his nervousness to swing across.

Leon then stole some words off of Finn's tongue, "Hey, it's okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it."

With a deep breath, Jasper decided to YOLO it and yeeted himself off the Riverbed. "See you on the other side."

He successfully made it, immediately spotting a worn down sign with the worn-off words 'Mount Weather' on it. Holding it up, he bumped his fist into the air and shouted in glee.

"Ha ha! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! We are apogee! Yeah!"

Clarke, "Yeah!"

Finn, "Yes! Whoo!"

Octavia, "Yeah! Whoo!"

Clarke, "You did it, Jasper!"

Jasper, "Whoo! Yeah! Ha ha ha!"

Seeing things have reached this point, Leon sent one last message to Stella confirming her position.

Leon: [Are you in position?]

Stella: [Yes, they are preparing to throw, you should move now!]

Leon: [Right away, knock them out once they throw it]

Leon then passed by Finn who was urging Clarke to be next, held onto vine rope with one hand and Tarzaned his way through easily.

Jasper, "Come on! You got this! Whoo! Apogee! We did it! Mount Weather! Whoo! Whoo!"

As soon as Leon landed, he pushed Jasper slightly, as soon as he did so, a spear came flying into Jasper's right arm.

"Aaaah" He shouted in pain as the spear nailed his arm to a tree. Although still painful, it made it less life-threatening and less agonizing than it would have while still serving as a wake-up call and a warning to The 100 about the Grounders.

Clarke shutes in worry, "Jasper No!"

And Finn warned, "GET DOWN!"

I ignored Finn's warning as I already know Stella took care of the Grounders, and pulled the spear out of Jasper's arm. Bringing out of my suit a pitch-black spray can the size of my palm, I sprayed it on the open wounds from both sized and immediately the wound began to be melded together.

"It burns!" Jasper hissed as I sprayed his wounds. Although effective, it leaves behind a grotesque patch of skin that looked as if it was burned shut together.

This was a first aid spray to prevent blood loss, not to heal, it overgrows the skin to cover wounds, and when the real skin heals, it comes right off like it was a piece gum.

I brought out a syringe containing green liquid and injected his arm. This is a chemical called Pyothine, it will reduce the pain and increase his regenerative capabilities by multiple folds around the area which it is injected into.

Hopefully, this heals him completely during the next 3 days. After bandaging his arm, I stood up.

I then offered Jasper my hand, which after a moment of silence he took and thanked me with gratitude evident in his eyes.

"T-thank you" he was evidently a little shaken up but that's to be expected.

Monty ran for his friend as soon as possible without thinking of any consequences while the rest were still a little reserved. Oh what a true friend Monty is, he deserves to be one of the best on the show.

Stella then came back running alongside the river.

Leon: [How is everything?]

Stella: [There were three of them, but they were weak enough. I tied them up and knocked them out as we planned.]

Leon nodded and escorted Jasper back to the group, and they all started checking up on him, but Finn reasoned.

"It's not safe here, we need to go!" Said Finn.

"It's okay, Stella drove them off"

Stella nodded at my words, but Finn and the others didn't seem to believe someone with such a small frame can really drive off anyone.

Stella said nothing and directly punched a tree lightly causing a large crack behind, and leaving the other's mouth agape.

Monty: "You're that strong!"

Octavia: "Damn Girl?"

Seeing things get out of hand, I stared at Stella who lowered her head. She knew she overdid it, fortunately, Clarke changed the topic.

"We've got to go, there may be more of them!"

Running together, we all moved through the woods at high speeds, it was silence until Finn again spoke out.

"Who are they?"

Clarke, "What are they?"

Octavia, "We are so screwed."


Let me know what you think about me writing the transcripts, it's my first time doing this.

So is it useful? Does it remind you of some scenes, is it boring, needs more detail, okay as it is, useful?

Let me know~~

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