
In the name of varda elentarí (End)

"The heroes and the general of the human kingdom are entering."

Everyone looked at the door and one by one, several people began to enter inside the room and among them, Jacob spotted raphael walking next to Emma and her teacher Rose and reflected:

'So he's hooked her already?'

Astrid being the first to enter, quickly bowed to sindar and said:

"Forgive us for this unannounced visit, it's just that we were looking for a way to help the heroes get stronger and your kingdom was the perfect place."

"You are forgiven, but did you really need to bring all of them?"

"Yes, but I can..."

Astrid suddenly stopped talking and looked shocked at a man with black hair and blue eyes, a man she knew very well who he was. It was not only she who recognized jacob sitting there, but also raphael, Emma, Rose and a few other heroes...

Even though they were seeing Jacob sitting there just a few meters away from them, they didn't make any movement, the whole situation left them confused and without reactions.

Sindar, who had already realized this, said coldly so that everyone could hear:

"I know you guys don't have a good relationship, but how about we talk first?"

He snapped his fingers and as if by magic, the table that had only seven chairs now had 30 chairs, and of the 30 chairs, only 23 were free to use

Right away, Sindar gestured for Astrid and the 24 heroes to sit down and without any choices, Astrid asked the heroes to choose a place to sit.

Just like when you are in school and need to choose a place to sit, here it was no different and the heroes who were already friends, sat together near lagertha, zed and ysabel.

Like a herd effect, everyone started to sit next to those heroes, leaving empty spaces next to Jacob.

Quickly astrid pulled raphael and sat at the end of the table, and raphael who sat next to her, was sitting facing jacob. Emma and Rose sat next to raphael and completed one side of the rectangular table.

The heroes who couldn't choose a place to sit in time, had to sit on the side where Jacob was sitting, but logically they chose the farthest place possible, which was at the end of the table.

One by one, they started to run like children so that they wouldn't have the bad luck to sit next to Galliel, who was the closest to Jacob.

They quickly occupied the seats, but to the misfortune of one girl who could not outrun the others, she had run out of a place to sit, all because Sindar had miscounted and failed to add a chair.

They all looked at the white haired, blue eyed girl who was standing seemingly confused and lagertha said to galiel:

"Get out and let her sit down, you need to leave because of your mission, right? So go now."

"What? I can't start the mission tomorrow? I really don't want to miss the show that's going to happen."


"Sigh... Okay mom."

Galiel stood up without blinking and bowed to his father and left the room. His mission was priority and since he couldn't disobey his mother, he had to leave even if he didn't want to.

After galiel left, a chair next to jacob had become free and lagertha said to the girl:

"Sit down."

The girl swallowed her saliva and sat down next to Jacob. After everyone sat down, sindar began to say:

"We don't know why you are enemies, but know that I will not accept any death in this kingdom. With that in mind, let's talk about the strength of heroes?"

Sindar was trying to change the focus of the subject, but Suddenly, Astrid came back to the subject and said while looking at jacob:

"He is a spy from the demon realm."

Hearing astrid say that, sindar looked at jacob expecting answers, but the one who answered instead was rodric:

"No need to worry sindar, He is not a spy, I can assure you of that."

"Hm, Now I understand what the misunderstanding was..."

Astrid was annoyed with rodric and asked:

"And who are you to have confirmation of that?"

"Sigh... Unlike You Humans, I can sense when a soul is bound to a demon, but I don't sense anything like that coming from jacob."

"Oh? What if by some chance he managed to camouflage his connection with the demons?"

"There is no camouflage in this world that I don't understand!"

"And you can prove that?"

"Hm, if you are a dragon, maybe I can."

"So you are telling me that you are a dragon? Are you really serious? Dragons were extinct long ago by the demon king!"

Astrid's speech, ended up bringing up some memories and feelings that rodric wished he had forgotten, feelings of guilt, all because it was his fault.

"Yes, they were extinct..."

Like a flashback, rodric's memories began to play out in his mind like a movie, one by one, he began to remember....

"Brother, We are Dragons! We must not interfere in wars!"

A dragon with completely white scales, was talking to his brother who was a black dragon with horns on his head:

"They will be extinct if our family does not interfere!"

"They are humans, why do you care?"

"I care about all lives."

Eventually the white dragon got tired of arguing with his brother who didn't understand the gravity of the situation and to end the conversation, he said:

"There are wars that cannot be won... So don't interfere again! We have an agreement with the demon king for generations that prevents our involvement, so if you keep doing this, you will end up dragging our entire species into this war."

"Agreements were meant to be broken one day, so I guess that's the time."

"Sigh... I hope you're joking, because you have no idea how strong the demon king is, so don't do anything else! This is an order from our mother. I'll go now, I have to pay a visit to the demon realm and apologize."

After the white dragon said that, it quickly started flapping its wings and began to fly away and the black dragon, just whispered a line:

"I cannot allow millions to die..."

After he said that, another flashback happened and rodric was looking at a battlefield with thousands of dead Dragons on the ground and a single man standing.

The man had his eyes closed and was holding his hands together, apparently he was praying for the dead Dragons.

After a while, he finally stopped praying and spoke to a black dragon that was on the verge of death:

"Death is a blessing, don't you think? Now all your family members are gathered and drinking and eating at a big table while waiting for your arrival in the afterlife... They died and are eating and drinking as if death is nothing... Death is really very valuable."

The black dragon was beginning to vomit blood and responded with great hatred:

"You're crazy!"

"Oh, please! Don't say that kind of thing."

The black dragon no longer had the strength to speak, he was fatally wounded and to spend energy talking to a man he thought was crazy, was irrational. After seeing that the black dragon would not continue talking, the man said:

"Once, when I was a child... My race used to be trampled on by all the other races, all because we had horns and black eyes and a different energy than you, so when I was small, my dream was that all the races would admire mine and vice versa. Wouldn't that be the perfect world? If everyone loved each other and overcame their differences? Yes, it certainly would..."

He started walking to a white dragon that lay lifeless on the ground as he said:

"But there was a day when a summoned heroine, with a beautiful silver sword, came to the village where my family and I lived and killed everyone there, and when I asked her why she had done that, do you know what she told me? She told me that she wanted to test her sword. She told me that THE best flesh and bones to test it on, would be that of the demons."

He stuck his hand inside the dragon's mouth and pulled out a tooth with all his strength and after pulling out the tooth, he said again:

"Right after that, an insatiable hatred grew in me and I asked myself, why? Why are demons destined to death and humiliation? And I asked myself, what are you doing, Lucifer? You are someone who dreamed of harmony, prosperity for all, love, life... But you realized that this dream was nothing but an illusion, he realized that life was hell and death was paradise, because it was where everyone rested and had fun..."

Lucifer then started walking towards the black dragon and said again:

"After, after she killed my family and friends, I decided that I would kill all the other races, as a form of protest! Yes! I needed to show others what it is like to be the hunt of a predator, so I ran away and started training to get stronger and because of the gods or fate, I gained enough strength to bring light to my people and became king."

He stopped in front of the black dragon and began to heal him as he spoke:

"The Dragons were never my enemies, why of all the races, they were the only ones who looked at all other races as flours of the same bag, but there was one black dragon who decided to take up a sword and fight to save other races, but why did it always have to be the humans and not the demons? Why when my family was being killed, no dragon came to save us? Why does someone come to stop humans from dying, but no one stops demons from dying?"

He finished healing the black dragon and kept the dragon's tooth as a trophy and said:

"You chose to sacrifice your family, for the humans of this planet, but I want you to live and tell me later if these humans, were worth it..."

After Lucifer finished speaking, the black dragon tried to attack him with its claws, but Lucifer teleported and fled the battlefield.

After Lucifer fled, The black dragon looked at his family completely dead and a hallucinating pain began to fill his heart and to get all that emotional pain out of his chest, he charged his fire breath and let it out upwards while roaring...


Author's note:

Lucifer: "he who brings light," later popularized as one of the names of the devil.

Thanks for reading (^_^)

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts
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