
Blossoms of Destiny

"The night is long... I can't sleep... where are you... I want a long sleep," I wrote in my diary, pouring out the whispers of my restless heart. The weight of loneliness pressed upon me, its tendrils creeping into the depths of my soul. Determined to escape its clutches, I rose from my bed and made my way to the kitchen.

As I entered the kitchen, the chime of the doorbell startled me. Tring Tring, it rang, breaking the stillness of the night. Curiosity sparked within me as I wondered who could be visiting at this late hour. I approached the door and found a beautifully wrapped gift box waiting for me. The sender's name, Triple Cosmetics, adorned the package, and its inscription reads, "Celebrate the dawning cherry blossom happily..."

A surge of warmth coursed through my veins as I unraveled the gift. Inside, nestled amidst delicate tissue paper, was a brand-new embroidery, a symbol of their appreciation. Today was the day of my cosmetics interview at Triple Cosmetics, and it seemed they wanted to convey their support in a unique and unexpected way.

With the gift box in my hands, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that led me here. I had once studied graphic design and illustration, dreaming of a career that would blend my artistic talents with my love for cosmetics. Life had other plans for me, however, as I unexpectedly inherited my parents' assets, propelling me into the realm of entrepreneurship. Now, I was known as a renowned webtoon writer, a testament to my resilience and determination.

A bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of my lips as memories flooded my mind. I had endured countless hardships along the path to success, and my diary held the secret sorrows I had carried within. Each step I took on the bustling streets mirrored the countless struggles and sacrifices I had made, molding me into the person I had become.

Arriving at the Triple Cosmetics building, a mix of nerves and excitement fluttered in my chest. I knew that this interview would be a significant milestone in my career, and I was determined to make the most of the opportunity. Time seemed to slip through my fingers as I hurriedly enjoyed a quick breakfast and ensured I was dressed impeccably.

Stepping into the interview room, a wave of unfamiliar faces greeted me. The air crackled with anticipation as I prepared to showcase my skills and passion for cosmetics. This was the first time I had ever attended a cosmetics interview, and the weight of the moment hung in the air.

As the interview began, I felt a surge of confidence welling up within me. I was not just a webtoon writer; I was a dreamer who had fought relentlessly against the tides of adversity. The years of hard work and unwavering determination had shaped me into someone capable of transforming dreams into reality.

With each question posed, I responded with heartfelt sincerity, weaving my words into a tapestry that portrayed my love for cosmetics and my unique perspective as an artist. The room buzzed with appreciation as I shared my vision and expressed how I believed beauty could inspire and uplift the human spirit.

On my journey back home, I found solace in the cherry blossom trees that lined the streets. Their delicate pink petals danced in the gentle breeze, a poignant reminder of the ephemeral nature of life and the blossoms of destiny that awaited each of us.

Reaching for my diary, I traced my finger over the heartfelt words I had penned earlier. The night had been long, but it had led me to this moment—a moment where I realized that the sleep I craved was not just a physical rest but a deep-rooted fulfillment that came from pursuing my passions.

With renewed determination, I whispered to myself, "I will continue to strive, to dream, and to create. No matter what lies ahead, my spirit will never waver."

And so, under the blooming cherry blossom trees, I embraced the destiny that awaited me, knowing that the journey would be as beautiful and delicate as the petals that adorned the world around me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_Yongvi_creators' thoughts
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