
Chapter 6: His past

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'Sample'

Techniques [sample]

Author notes -sample-

Chapter 6

His past

After being welcomed once more by the darkness, He started to recall the journey that landed him in this predicament.

His name was Zarel Sundar and came with his family from the Grand Yang, a faraway continent that no one in Gandia probably knew existed.

He was part of a royal family in that continent, the nephew of the Sovereign.

But one day, when He was still a small child, their Empire was attacked by a horde of powerful demonic beasts that ended up destroying everything.

His parents, along with a small group of loyal soldiers, managed to escape by using a flying device created by their ancestors.

They had managed to cross the Jade Sea, but their flying device was damaged during the escape and they crashed in what will be known in the future as the Klaive plains.

At that time, the plains were home to many barbarian tribes who were always at war with each other. Even the surrounding four Kingdoms decided that taking over that land was more trouble than was worth, and so, the barbarian tribes were left alone to kill each other.

His father had decided to make this their new home, so He started by taking his soldiers and conquering one of the barbarian tribes called Yellow Spears.

After becoming its ruler, He started to make changes and improvements to the small village until it became a decent fortress.

The years passed and Zarel grew up into a man. He became a warrior and a conqueror like his father and commanded his armies to battle against the rest of the barbarian tribes.

It would take them over ten years to unify all of the people of the Klaive plains and create the Kingdom of Sundar.

Some years later, his father passed away from an unknown disease and Zarel became the King.

He married six women, one from each of the former mayor tribes to keep the union in his kingdom.

The advancements in farming and metallurgy they brought from the Great Yang allowed the new Kingdom to prosper, earning the envy of the surrounding kingdoms, especially the Kingdom of Galdam.

But, no matter their displeasure, they never made any aggressive moves against Sunsar. For over thirty more years, the kingdom knew peace, other than some small skirmishes here and there.

Zarel Sundar was considered a tough but fair ruler and his people respected him.

It all changed one day. Zarel went riding his horse through the grassy fields surrounding the capital when the sky turned dark even though it was midday.

Zarel looked up and witnessed in horror was the sky itself was torn apart, leaving a big gash on it.

Before He could even begin to wonder how something like that could happen, He saw something come out of the gash and fall towards the surface.

Zarel got off his horse, which was frozen with fear, and ran towards the falling object. Something deep inside him was telling him that He must acquire whatever this thing was.

He managed to catch it before it hit the ground. Zarel then opened his hands to observe it.

"What is this thing?"

The object had the shape of an egg and it was the size of his firsts. The color was almost completely black, except for a few red lines running across the surface.

He was completely mesmerized by the mysterious artifact.

"Is this really an egg? what kind of creature could come out of here?."

He then felt a pulsating wave of energy emanating from the egg.

"It's alive!."

He then had an idea. He had heard many stories from his parents about experts from the Great Yang continent finding mysterious artifacts. Then, they would let a drop of their blood make contact with the artifact in order to bind it to themself.

Without hesitation, Zarel pulled out a small knife that He always carried on his persona and made a small cut on his finger, then let a single drop of blood fall on the egg.

As soon as the drop of blood touched the surface of the egg, He felt a much stronger wave of energy coming from the egg and something shocking happened then. The egg started to float into the air for a few seconds before it launched itself against him, colliding with his chest and making him pass out.


When He woke up, the sky was clear and the mysterious egg was nowhere to be found.

It would take him a long time to find out that the egg took residence inside his soul realm. A mysterious place that all cultivators learn to gain access to and a necessary step in order to progress their cultivation.

He studied the egg for years, trying to unlock its mysteries or find its purpose but was unable to.

Four years after finding the strange egg, His personal guard started to capture a great number of thieves and assassins who were looking for something inside his castle, but they would not reveal what it was, although some of them did reveal the fact that they were hired by someone very important from the Galdam Kingdom.

Zarel suspected that someone must have seen him when He went into that field and word have reached the ears of the greedy King of Galdam.

Only a year later, the four Kingdoms surrounding Sundar declared war on his Kingdom.

Zarel and his armies fought as hard as they could, but in the end, they could not help but get overwhelmed by the alliance of four Kingdoms.

He did get one pleasant surprise before his death thought.

The egg that had remained dormant all these years finally started to show signs of activity.

Right at the moment of his death, his soul should have moved on to the Yellow River, but instead, it was pulled inside his storage ring, the one made of green jade that He always carried with him everywhere.

He didn't understand why it happened, but He knew that the mysterious egg was the one responsible for this event.

Once inside the ring, it was impossible to tell how much time it passed. He felt like He was in some deep dream. He would relive events of his life over and over.

Until one day, everything changed. He could suddenly feel a strong connection with someone nearby. He could feel the fear and anxiety of the boy who was in mortal danger.

He used their mental connection to talk to the boy and convinced him to pull the ring from the water and place it on his finger.

Once the boy put the ring on. Zarel knew what to do next. Taking over his body was very easy. If the circumstances were different, He would feel bad for the boy for stealing his body but after spending soo long trapped inside the ring, Zarel did not care anymore, He would need a body if He wanted to get his revenge one day and this one was very compatible with his soul, if He let that opportunity go, who knows how long He would need to wait for another chance.

That was how the old King Zarel Sundar became a young spoiled lord.

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