
I Have Mead

"Dad?" Thrud called out to her father once again before looking at Mjolnir hanging on his belt. She didn't know why but she knew it was different.

"Is something wrong, Thrudie? Is your mother okay?" Thor asked his daughter who immediately remembered what brought her here. Honestly, she was taken back by how her father looked. Due to constant drinking and generally not giving a damn about his body, he always had a haggard look, his red hair dull and messy, his eyes dull and unfocused while always smelling of mead. But, at the moment, she could see a great difference between the two.

Her current father stood with unbound confidence, his eyes shone with hidden cunning and intrigue, his hair seemed to shine, emitting sparks of lightning that would be invisible to any one else, the reason she could see them was her inherited power of lightning. While his figure seemed like he was obese, she could feel the raw power in his body, like a typhoon ready to be unleashed at any moment. If before he was a tired warrior who had accepted his fate, she felt that her father seemed like he had been given a new lease on life. What made her feel surprised, but a welcome one, was how his eyes lit up when he saw her. It has been a very long time since she saw that twinkle in his eyes when he looked at her.

"I saw the storm. Are you alright?" she asked with concern. The storm had been so strong even her power over lightning seemed ready to jump out and join the storm above. That had given her a fright.

"Don't worry, love, it's all over," he said with a caring smile. He went up to and squatted in front of her, somehow still managing to dwarf her in height. He put a strand of hair behind her ear, still smiling.

"You look so much like your mother," he said softly. "I'm glad, having my looks would have brought you more trouble than it's worth."

"W...What are you talking about?" she asked, confused by this development. Thor's smile just widened before flicking her forehead, making her look at him, startled. She had never seen her father this playful which made her apprehensive.

'What is he planning?" she asked herself, eyeing him with suspicion.

"Odin and I are going to Midgard, I don't know what will happen down there so I don't want to leave without saying a few words with you," he started, becoming serious at once.

"Thrud, you are my daughter, the remaining blood of Thor Odinson. I have been a shitty father and have not taken care of you to the best of my abilities. For that, I deeply apologize. So, I will leave you with this," He stretched out his hand as an orb of metal materialized above his huge palm.

"What is it?" Thrud asked in wonder. She stretched out to take it but the levitating orb did not budge.

"This is a weapon I made for you, an all interchangeable weapon, taking any form of any weapon you want for the occasion. All you have to do is introduce your lightning to it and it will accompany you in your journey to be the greatest Valkyrie," he said lovingly. Thrud nodded in understanding, making lightning from her arms and touched the orb, while Thor nodded at how well she could control her lightning. As soon as her lightning touched the orb, it streaked towards her and wrapped around her finger, forming a ring.

"I will not tell you how to use it, it will all depend on you," he said with a nod to her before his smile faded. Just then, the cry of numerous cro s was heard as Odin Borson himself walked out of a swirling vortex of crows, looking at him with unbridled fury.

"Thrudie, go home," Thor told his daughter who had quickly hidden behind him in fear of the All Father.

"Father, I..." Thrud did not finish her sentence for lightning suddenly streaked from the cloudless skies and she was gone.

"Do you think showing me how powerful you have become is going to lessen my fury towards you?" Odin growled at him, his one eye glaring daggers at him. But, Thor could see his apprehension and suspicion towards him.

"Is this about the little turd?" Thor asked the All Father who scoffed.

"Heimdall is loyal to Asgard and more importantly, to me. He is the Herald of Ragnarok which means you have to be extra nice to him if you don't want your fucking body poisoned to no end by the World Serpent," Odin continued his ranting.

"I don't think the turd needs a tongue to blow the horn of Gjallarhorn. For a god of precognition, it seems he doesn't realize his tongue will get him his deserved death," Thor said with a little sadistic chuckle. Odin frowned even more.

"Are you...Are you talking back to me?" he asked in disbelief.

"I thought we were having a conversation, All Father," Thor said in a carefree manner. Odin eyes him with suspiciousness before scoffing.

"Since we're having a conversation, why don't you tell me why you nearly destroyed the realms with your display of fireworks," Odin said, testingly. Thor chuckled.

"That conversation can be heard over a bottle of mead. I happen to have an urn full of it..."

"Save it for later, you hopeless drunk. We are going to Midgard, now, I don't need your drunkedness to come in the way of important work," Odin said with dismissal. " I hope you know what to do or do you need a reminder?"

"When have I ever needed a reminder on how to handle things?" he asked with an 'offended' look. Odin nodded before his two ravens, Huginn and Mininn landed on his shoulders, eyeing Thor with a side look. A vortex of crows surrounded them, transporting them to the edge of Kratos's home where the two ravens flew off while Odin slank back.

It was night time and Thor could see Kratos and Atreus were in deep conversation with Mimir. That was different because the two were asleep when the original Thor first came to them. He then realized it must be because they are worried when his storms spread to all the realms connected to Yggdrassil when he was forging his Mjolnir. His heart was beating with excitement, making him realize that the old Thor was revealing himself.

'So this is how a battlemaniac feels,' he thought before a bloodthirsty smile adorned his face. 'Honestly, I don't hate it.'

So, dark clouds started converging above him, winds started picking to hurricane levels. Thunder boomed, shaking the ground while lightning flashed, temporarily turning night into day. His smile broadened when he saw Kratos quickly arming himself while pushing Atreus behind him and Mimir looking apprehensive, staring at the door. Kratos opened it, gripping the handle of Leviathan harder, his yellow eyes sharpening into focus on him.

"Who are you?" he shouted at him, while both of them knew the other knew who exactly they are. Thor walked forward, his hands crackling with lightning, his eyes showing the lightning brewing inside him. He flapped his fur cloak behind, showing the buzzing Mjolnir that was bathed win lightning. However, his hand did not reach for his weapon but behind him where the urn of mead was tied to his belt. Snapping it off, he showed it to Kratos who was slightly surprised.

"Can we talk? I have mead!" he said, shaking the urn, letting Kratos hear the sploshing liquid inside. He could see Kratos already judging him by the words of Mimir and he couldn't be happier. The more he thought he was like that Thor, the more rude the awekening it will be.

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