
The Return


People were staring at him and Jon, eyes shooting left and right in between the pair of them. His heart felt like it was gonna explode out of his chest, he could feel the rapid beats throughout his entire body. His ears had a slight buzz to them and his breathing was becoming harder and harder to grasp with every second that passed.

To his right was a grinning Lord Halys, to his left was a smiling Robb with his intended joining in with him, he was so glad they'd got her back. Thankfully, her and her brother had been rescued, rescued by the boy...man that was stood right in front of him a few feet away.

Him and Robb couldn't believe it when one of Lord Hornwood's scouts met up with them stating that he'd been sent to tell them that Lady Alys and her brother Lord Harrion were back, safe and sound within the walls of Hornwood castle. When he'd asked how they'd managed to escape, the scout just said 'some bloke found em, Lord Halys has said he wants to present him to you when you arrive.'. To say he was intrigued to meet this man was an understatement, Robb had even suggested giving the man lands for his deeds before riding off towards Hornwood without even waiting for him.

He'd not seen Lord Harrion when they arrived but they were so happy to see Lady Alys safe and unhurt when they finally entered the courtyard. Seeing his son and his future wife embrace justified his choice even more that Alys was more ideal for Robb than either of the Targaryen Princesses. He hadn't married for love when he was younger, dark hair and violet eyes flashing through his mind momentarily, but he was gonna try his absolute best to give his children the chance to, and with the way the two young ones were holding each other, he'd not failed his son.

You failed one of them though, didn't you? His conscience uttered to him.

He was now staring across at the man he'd failed for so long, and he was staring back.

Wherever he'd been for the past three years had done wonders for his boy, he looked strong and healthy. He must have grown half a foot whilst away, he'd been the same height as him before he'd gone but now, Jon must be the same height Brandon was the last time he saw him, maybe even more. His hair had grown out a bit as well, mainly the hair on his face, Robb will definitely be having words with him about that.

He smiled at that, his two boys were back together again, he smiled at the fact that Jon was back and the fact that he was indeed alright. Maybe the nightmares would stop now.

He carried on smiling as he took in the rest of his son before looking up and reaching his eyes, that's when the smiling faded. Those eyes, those eyes that had haunted him for three years, one minute they belonged to Lyanna the next they belonged to her son. In the accumulated years of seeing those eyes, he'd never seen them look so hard and cold before, ever.

The glare he was receiving almost made him flinch, he could feel the blood from his face slowly draining away as he carried on looking at Jon. He could feel the anxiety firing back up again.

Does he know?

He slowly walked up to him, his heart beating quicker with every step. He could faintly hear the footsteps of his son and his intended following him.

If he knows, I'm fucked.

The look on his son's face hadn't changed when he finally reached him, without a pause he grabbed him into a crushing hug, one part wanting to feel his son in his arms again and the other to hide his worries in the fur of his son's cloak.

"We need to have a little chat when we're back in Winterfell." Jon whispered into his ear. No 'Hello father' or 'I've missed you', just straight to the point, like he was meeting a Lord he had no intention of being friends with, purely business.

He knows.


The only other person who knew was Howland, he'd not seen the man for years. The man swore on his life to not tell a soul.

What had Jon done to convince him otherwise?

In fact, how would Jon know to go to Howland in the first place?

He swallowed hard as Jon squeezed him back within their embrace, almost to the point where he couldn't breathe.

I can't breathe...

He clapped Jon on the back a few times in the hopes he would let go but he didn't. He didn't want there to be a scene so he stayed as calm as he could. With one last squeeze that felt like it had rearranged a rib, Jon thankfully released him, not even giving him another look as he went towards Robb and embraced him a little more lovingly. He could hear the pair of them muttering into each other's neck, it looked like the both of them were fighting the tears off.

Robb suddenly released him and punched Jon on the arm.

"Where the hell have you been!" He said, almost shouting. He grabbed Jon and started hugging him again. Regardless of the current tension, it still melted his heart to see the two of them like this.

"I'll tell you later. But first, you need a bath, you stink. Not fair on my sister-in-law having to put up with that." Jon said as he smiled back at Robb before winking at Alys.

Robb smiled back at him before holding Alys' hand and planting a kiss on the back of it, poor lass didn't know where to look with that blush on her face.

The three of them walked back in through door to the main keep, Alys holding Robb's hand and Jon with his arm over Robb's shoulder. This was probably turning out to be one of Robb's best days in recent years.

He was nudged on his right shoulder by Lord Halys, he caught a quick glimpse of a miserable looking Theon in the background. "Turned up at the main gates with Lord Harrion and Lady Alys, bold as brass that one, well and truly showed up my men at the gates according to Lord Harrion." The Lord of Hornwood smiled and shook his head.

"How is Lord Harrion? I didn't see him in the welcoming party." Ned asked as the pair of them walked into the main keep themselves. He was already looking around to see if he could spot Jon.

Lord Halys sighed "In a bit of a shape to be honest, maester was dealing with him last I saw. He did confirm one thing though, it was Roose's bastard that had caused all this mess." He said.

He'd thought as much.

"Any word on where he is?" He asked as they made their way towards Lord Halys' solar.

"Dead. Harrion told me so, claims your son had sorted him out, got the bastard's associates as well." He said "Got a good one there Ned, if my Larence had been born a girl I'd have suggested a match ha!" He said as he chuckled.

Jon has killed. It would have come eventually but it still shocked him to hear that his son had taken another's life.

You can't judge. His conscience whispered.

"Never mind, I'm sure a good looking lad like that won't be short of suitors. Hell, if no woman wants him, we'll have him. Would probably improve our guard tenfold." Halys said as he grinned. They'd reached his solar but Ned couldn't for the life of him understand why he was even here. He wanted to see Jon, he needed to see Jon right now.

"Halys, I know it's rude of me to say but if you don't mind, I would like to go see Jon. It's been three years since I've seen him and I've got so many questions to ask him." He said, hopefully not offending the Lord.

Lord Halys nodded his head and started moving Ned back down the corridor they'd just walked through "Of course of course, my wife says I could talk for westeros haha. Please, go and see your son, we can talk later my Lord." He finished as Ned thanked the man and made his way towards Robb's room, no doubt he'd dragged Jon in by his ear.

It didn't take him long to get to the corridor their rooms were in, Ser Rodrik had found him on the way but Ned had dismissed him and asked him to guard the corridor he was heading down.

The door to Robb's room opened whilst he was walking down, Jon came out of the room smiling.

"You be good Alys, don't want to get Robb in trouble." He said into the room. He heard Robb say 'Piss off' which caused Jon to laugh. The smile on his face dropped when he clocked eyes with Ned. "I'll see you two later." He said before closing the door and walking in the opposite direction from him.

"Jon!" He shouted. Thankfully, Jon stopped walking and turned around.

"What?" He almost growled out.

"3 years without a word and that's all you can say to me?" He said. Wrong thing to say with the way Jon's face morphed into a look of anger.

He visibly gulped.

Jon just turned back around and carried on walking away.

"Jon, talk to me." He said as he followed him down the corridor. Jon reached a door and entered the room within. Most likely the room he was given.

Jon stood at the door and held it open for him "Get in then, you wanted to talk." He said as Ned entered the room and scanned it. The slam of the door made him jump and spin on the spot.

Jon was walking right towards him, it was only now Ned realised he had two swords on his back.

He won't hit me...will he?

He released a breath he didn't know he was holding as Jon walked past him and sat down on the bed. He walked across the room himself and stood next to the bed, pointing at it and looking at him.

"May I sit?" He asked.

"No. Get a chair." Jon replied, emotionless.

This is gonna be awful. He thought as he grabbed the chair at the table and sat a couple of feet away from him, just enough room to avoid Jon lashing out.

He seems in the mood for a fight.

He sighed as he looked at Jon, coming to the realisation that he was a man now, a very moody man.

"What er...what did you and Robb talk about?" He asked.

Jon looked at him.

Why was he so scared of him all of a sudden?

He kn e w why. It's because he knows the truth and the truth was damning to him and his family.

"It's none of your business what me, my brother and my sister-in-law were talking about. But if you must know, we were talking about their wedding and how excited they were, that's until some maids brought in a bath for him and I was chucked out so Alys could take care of him." He said as he ran his hand through his hair.

Ned was momentarily worried "Wait, there not...."

"What? Fucking? Probably not. I bet his mother has taught him how terrible it is to do that out of wedlock." He said "I doubt you'd be the one to teach him given the circumstances." He finished as he got up from the bed and walked over to the table where a jug of ale was waiting, he poured himself a horn full.

Ned wasn't offered one.

Why was this going so badly?

He looked at Jon who was now returning to sit back on the bed "Where have you been Jon?" He asked, almost pleading to understand how they had found no trace of him.

He shrugged "None of your concern. What's important is that I'm back. Back to see my family." He said.

"None of my concern?!" He almost growled as he stood up out of his chair and stood above Jon "It was everybody's concern! Do you have any idea how many people have been looking for you? Even the crown had people searching for you!"

"I did tell you in the letter I left that I was leaving for my own sake, you sending half the continent looking for me shows that you couldn't give a fuck about my wishes or choices." Jon stood up then and looked at him, hard. He couldn't get over the effect it had over him "I left for a reason, I didn't do it because I was bored, I didn't do it in some scream for attention, I did it for me!" He growled out as he moved across the room to look out of the window.

"I've learnt so much while I've been away, met so many good people, evolved as a person. I let my brothers and sisters down, leaving them behind with nothing but a letter. But If I was given the chance to change anything I did, I wouldn't change anything at all. I have no regrets, I've returned a better man than I left as, that's just a fact." He said passionately.

He was about to open his mouth but Jon beat him to it.

"I wasn't gonna return you know. I was gonna stay where I was, a place that felt more like a home than Winterfell ever did. The only thing's I really missed were my siblings and Gage's pies." He said as he took a swig from his horn.

Ned felt gutted "Did you not miss me? Not even a little bit?" He asked, afraid of the answer that awaited him.

Jon looked back at him with determination in his eyes.

"You're the reason I came back." He said in a hard tone.

His heart was doing little flips hearing him say that, what he said next ceased said flips and made him anxious again.

"I came back because you have something that belongs to me."

He furrowed his brow in confusion, mainly to hide what he really felt.


Jon caught his expression and explained further "Don't worry, I'm not gonna claim Ice for myself or, as much as your wife would expect me to, take Winterfell from you or Robb. No, you have something of mine that is a lot more important to me and I think you know what I'm talking about." He growled out as he got closer and closer to Ned.

And Ned knew exactly what it was that he wanted. The same thing that made him leave three years ago had made him return for it. It would seem that it was the only thing Ned could really give to the lad anymore.

His mother's identity. Something he was thankful Jon didn't actually know about as he feared earlier.

I'm sorry Jon but I just can't tell you.

"Don't worry Lord Stark. It's nothing too serious, just a little chat about my mother will suffice. See, nothing to be worried about. And I've decided we can have this simple chat in your home, gives you chance to come up with a good enough excuse as to why this information has been kept from me for seventeen years." Jon said in what sounded like his most condescending lords voice ever.


"It's late Lord Stark, been a very busy day today and my bed is calling." Jon said as he put his hand on his back and started pushing him towards the door.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Jon said as Ned walked out of the room. He turned around and almost flinched at the look that was being aimed at him.

"If the hear the words 'when the time is right' being used as an excuse when we get back, I won't hesitate." Jon said in a low tone.

He looked at him in confusion "Hesitate? Hesitate what?" He asked. Jon had really changed, that was very evident now.

He smiled "Don't use the excuse and you won't find out." He said, slamming the door in his face after.

He walked away in a daze, hopefully in the direction of his bed.

Jon wouldn't accept anything but an answer to his burning question and expected an explanation as to why it took so long to be answered.

I'm fucked.

... Unless

This would take some thinking but, in the end, his family would be safe and Jon would have his answer.

The answer just couldn't be the truth that's all.

He just had to make the lie stick and prevent anything from debunking it seeing the light of day.

He'd heard the rumours all around Winterfell, he wasn't deaf to them. He just had to convince Jon of their credibility.

And hope him or Jon never meet the woman ever again.


20 years old.

She was 20 years old.

That fact hit her like a runaway carriage.

I'm getting old, I'm not long for this world anymore.

She must have said those thoughts out loud since her mother was tutting at her "You're not getting old darling, stop being dramatic." Her mother said as she helped her with her hair. She had maids but her mother still enjoyed doing her hair from time to time, mainly on special occasions.

Like her name day.

She didn't want a massive fuss being made over it but according to father, since all the family was in King's Landing for the first time in years, they were going to do just that.

Much to her annoyance.

Especially with some of the people he'd invited for it. Unfortunately, the people she would have liked to have appeared were unable to for whatever reason. Uncle Oberyn and Ellaria couldn't make it because they were visiting Ellaria's father in Hellholt, Uncle Doran couldn't because of his health and Arianne was almost running Sunspear single handily due to her father being away at the Water Gardens and Viserys and Quentyn being in King's Landing.

She should have been annoyed but she wasn't, because she didn't want this, especially with who had turned up at the Keep.

She knew the reason for it but she refused to believe her father would stoop to that level. Cersei Baratheon, the wife of Stannis Baratheon and her brood had been invited for the celebrations, along with her brother-in-law, Renly. Rhaenys wanted to believe her father had invited the Baratheon clan to keep good faith with the family he'd fought against in the rebellion but she knew better. It was to get her closer to Joffrey and Renly.

She'd met Renly once before when he'd visited her father on behalf of his brother Stannis. Tall, handsome, charming and seemed like one of the easiest people to talk to. He was a little up himself but not as much as some Lords she'd met before and most importantly, in her father's eyes, unwedded.

Unfortunately for her father, Renly was as about as interested in wedding her as she was with him. At first, she didn't understand why he seemed so uninterested in her and she had to admit, it wounded her pride a little but then she noticed why he wasn't interested.

She didn't have the right parts between her legs.

And she didn't look like Loras Tyrell.

At the end of it all, she felt ridiculous for being annoyed at a man who didn't find her desirable, even when she wasn't that interested in him in the first place. She was still civil with Renly for the rest of his stay but he would always annoy her now for making her feel stupid.

Annoyed with a gay man for not desiring you, whatever next?

Her pride would get her into trouble one day.

And then there was the other one. The other person on the list of suitors.

Joffrey Baratheon, the wretch of Storm's End Dany liked to call him.

She'd only ever met him once as well and my god was he the most ridiculous boy she'd ever had the displeasure of meeting. His mother was nearly as bad as him so it was clear where he got it from. Myrcella and Tommen must have been gifted to that family by the gods just to even out the crazy, both of them were saints compared to the wicked witch and her little monster.

That was unfair, Cersei Baratheon wasn't that bad. She was one of the most protective mothers she'd ever seen, the problem was, she was a little too protective. To the point where her son could do no wrong.

Something that was very dangerous for House Baratheon and maybe even the realm.

If a betrothal between her and that boy was ever announced, she'd be gone by the time the sun rose the next day. Probably leave a special present in one of her father's desk draws, probably eat some of that spicy beef stew that didn't agree with her that one time, make it extra special for him.

"What are you smiling about?" Her mother asked as she finished with her hair.

"Nothing." She replied as she stood up from her chair.

"Liar." Her mother replied but said no more of it.

They were disrupted by a knock at the door and Ser Oswell pocking his head through it.

"Sorry to disturb your graces but Lady Baratheon is seeking an audience with you, my Queen." He said.

She just rolled her eyes as she looked at her mother. A look of annoyance could be seen on the Queen's face as she nodded her head.

"I'll be with you shortly Oswell, I'm just going to finish talking with my daughter." Elia replied as Ser Oswell nodded his head and shut the door.

"You know what she'll be wanting you for don't you? She'll be trying to get you on board with betrothing me to that vicious little idiot she calls a son." She said as she looked over her jewellery in consideration.

Maybe the rubies today.

She heard her mother scoff from the bed she was currently sat on "It's no secret that I would like you to marry sooner rather than later but I'd choose you being unmarried for the rest of your life before I promise you to that brat." Her mother said.

She looked through the reflection of the looking glass at her mother and gave her a sheepish smile "Thank you mother. I know I said I would at least try more and I did when we were back in Winterfell with Robb Stark." She shook her head "Robb had other ideas though, with the way he talked about Lady Alys Karstark, he was already in love. I couldn't destroy that." She said as she started tying her ruby encrusted gold bracelet on her wrist.

She started putting her earrings in but stopped mid action "That reminds me, has there been any more news regarding Lady Alys' disappearance? I can't imagine what Robb is going through right now." She asked as she eventually put her earring on.

The other earring was just about in when her mother replied "Not yet no. Lord Varys has been keeping a close eye on the scene ever since we received the letter Lord Stark sent announcing hers and her brother's disappearance. According to Varys, Lord Stark believes it's a kidnapping and even went as far as to name the perpetrator." She said.

"And who has he been accusing?" She asked.

"Ramsey Snow, Lord Bolton's son." She answered as she stood up from where she was sat and walked over to the table, plopping a grape in her mouth from the fruit bowl that laid on it.

The word 'Snow' brought forgotten thoughts back to her mind.

"The Starks haven't had a great time of it with all the disappearances they've had, have they?" She said as she looked over which rings to wear.

"And what is that supposed to mean, Rhaenys?" He mother asked in a rather annoyed tone. She turned and looked at her, a stern look, almost angry was what she was met with.

She frowned in confusion "Well, Robb's intended has disappeared recently as we have just been discussing and a few years back, Lord Starks son disappeared without a trace as well." She explained as she saw her mother's stern look fade. She almost looked embarrassed now.

She turned back to her jewellery and started trying a few of the ring on "Why, what did you think I meant mother?" She asked, still fiddling with her rings.

"Nothing. Just forget I ever said anything." Came her mother's curt reply.

She knew exactly what had just occurred but she wasn't gonna mention anything to do with Lyanna Stark again with what happened in Winterfell between the two of them.

Her mother sat at the table and carried on nibbling at the grapes in front of her. Rhaenys was quite aware of what she was doing and found it rather amusing.

"I know what you're doing mother?" She said as she stared at the looking glass and contemplated her appearance.

Good enough.

"I have no idea what you are talking about my sweet Princess." Her mother said in a light tone.

She rolled her eyes and finally looked at her mother.

"I thought you had a meeting with Lady Cersei to attend to mother? Or had you forgotten?" She said as the corners of her mouth started to rise.

Her mother followed suit then all of a sudden snorting before turning back to the bowl of grapes that she found ever so interesting.

"I do, but she can wait." Her mother shook her head "Never liked that woman, don't like the way she looks at your father or Egg either." She said.

"Now now mother, the quicker you meet with her the quicker you get to return to me so you can help me choose what to wear at the feast tonight." She replied.

Her mother really smiled then "When did you get so wise?" She said as she stood from her chair and walked over to her.

"Besides, I know exactly what you can wear tonight." She said as she made her way to the door.

She turned in her seat and looked in her mother's direction, a look of intrigue on her face as she saw the sly grin grow on her mother's "What?" She asked.

Her mother opened the door and turned around to look at her "Why one of your name day gifts of course. The rest I'll give you shortly after." She replied "A special gown for a special occasion, your 20 years old now you old bat...you're not long for this world anymore, remember?" Her mother said with a cheeky grin.

"Mother!" She huffed, caught completely off guard. Her mother just chuckled as she walked out the room and closed the door behind her.


Something was off.

They'd been riding back to Winterfell for a few hours now, leaving Alys behind in Hornwood was one of the hardest things he's ever had to do, especially since they'd only just got her back. She'd told him that she'd miss him but reassured him that it wouldn't be long before they were wed.

He'd told her to send him a raven when she arrived back in Karhold, his worry becoming more profound after recent events. After a kiss goodbye and a firm handshake with Lord Harrion, Robb, his father and his brother all set off with the rest of their party, all the way back to Winterfell. The excitement of getting back home was felt throughout the entire group, or so he'd thought.

His father looked like he was marching off to war.

It was very apparent that words were had between his father and Jon.

Him and Alys had heard raised voices from down the hall after Jon had left and returned to his room a couple of doors down. He'd expected to hear his father having a strong word with his disappearing son but what he hadn't expected was Jon's raised voice giving as good as he got. He'd never heard Jon raise his voice to their father, in fact, he'd never heard Jon raise his voice to anybody, ever. He'd always stew quietly somewhere on his own after any kind of confrontation but the new Jon seemed to have no problems with barking back at the patriarch of House Stark.

If there was one change he'd noticed within his brother, it would be this new confidence that seemed to radiate from him like an aura. It wasn't the only change he'd noticed either, it was mainly his physical changes.

Robb was always the big brother of his siblings, showing a good example to Bran and Rickon, keeping Arya out of trouble whenever he could and humouring Sansa when she'd talk to him about some of her womanly interests. All in all, Robb was the protector of his brothers and sisters, the big brother who kept them safe from themselves and others.

Jon had smashed that image into a thousand pieces the moment he locked eyes with him in the courtyard.

He'd still protect his family to the best of his ability if the occasion were to arise, but nowhere near as well as Jon probably could. His brother looked like he'd just come back from fighting a war and training in a mountain for a few years. He was bigger than him before he left but now it was just annoying, the years spent away had been good to Jon he had to begrudgingly admit. As much as he'd have wanted him to stay, he couldn't deny those years away had made him into a better, more refined man.

He felt shameful when the idea of Alys preferring Jon over him came to his head, he loved his brother but the thoughts wouldn't go away. They stuck with him when the three of them talked in his room, they slowly dissipated though, the more and more they talked it was clear that the relationship between his betrothed and her saviour was more familial than lustful. He'd laughed when Jon had said that his sister-in-law had already told him off a few times for bad behaviour and that he was borderline afraid of her wrath.

His jealousy had completely disappeared when Alys had sucked his face off as soon as Jon had left the room.

Alys had left him before he'd finished his bath, before the touches here and there became more than just touches. A kiss goodbye before slipping out of his room left him with a grin on his face that just didn't want to go away. His day had finished off well, Alys was back and so was Jon.

He shook his head to disperse his thoughts and looked across to where Jon was sat on a red stallion conversing with Ser Rodrik. The old man was bellowing with laughter with whatever Jon was telling him, in his peripheral vision he could see Theon riding next to him with a look of misery on his face.

He knew exactly why he was miserable.

He leant over and spoke in his ear "You had a go at me a few days ago for being miserable, maybe you should listen to your own advice and cheer up." He said as Theon eyed him with an annoyed look.

"Oh, you're talking to me now are you? There was me thinking I didn't exist." Theon grumbled out as he stared straight forward.

He sighed "C'mon Theon, be reasonable. I've not seen Jon in three years, none of us have. I'm ashamed to say that I actually thought he'd passed away a long time ago so you can imagine what I felt when I saw him in good shape when we returned to Hornwood." He said. Theon and reasonable didn't really mix but he was hoping he could eventually get him and Jon on good terms.

When dragons fly the skies again probably.

"I've not been ignoring you, I've just been preoccupied that's all." He finished, dreading the reason why Theon was now grinning.

"Oh aye, and what's been keeping you preoccupied eh? It wouldn't happen to have something to do with that pretty lass of yours leaving your room last night with a red face hmm?" He asked, looking almost predatory.

Damn him.

He shook his head and looked away from him "None of your business, but if you must know, I've been trying to figure out what has happened between father and Jon. They've barely spoken a word to each other since we set off. Doesn't help with the longing looks father's been sending Jon all afternoon either." He said.

Theon just scoffed at him "Jon Jon Jon, anyone would think you'd rather marry him than that little lady of yours with how much you talk about him." Theon mocked.

He looked back at him "Why can't you just get along with him? It would make everybody's lives a little easier. Have you even spoken to him since he's been back?" He asked.

"Have I fuck, not had the chance to with everybody else clambering over each other to talk to him. It's not like I want to talk to him anyway, I have nothing to say to the bastard." He replied.

He looked across to where Jon was and realised he was moving over to speak with him "It looks like you'll get your chance now." He said as he nodded in Jon's direction.

Theon attempted to bolt off but Robb grabbed his shoulder "Oh no you don't, we're talking this out like grown men. Hell, you might even like the new Jon, give him a chance." He said as he felt Theon's shoulder slump under his hand.

"Fine." Theon growled out.

Jon approached them both and moved to the other side of Robb "Robb, Theon." He said as he nodded at the pair of them and clapped Robb on the shoulder.

At least one of them was trying to be civil.

"Jon." He said as he nodded back at him. He noticed Theon didn't bother saying anything.


"What were you and Ser Rodrik laughing about just now?" He asked as he eyed his brother. Jon was currently burning a hole into the back of their father's head.

He definitely needs to have a private word with him about that.

Jon shook his head "I was just mentioning some of the antics I've found myself getting into in the past three years. He seemed to find some of it funny and I couldn't help but laugh along with him." He said as he smiled at him. He found that Jon was out of his shell a lot more than he was before he left.

Theon chuckled next to him.

Please don't say something stupid, please don't say something stupid.

"Probably laughing at you than with you." He said, as he laughed at his own words.

Fuck sake.

Jon to his credit just laughed along with him "Yeah probably, some of the things he was laughing at I didn't think were that funny but obviously I was wrong. Nice nose by the way." Jon said as he smiled back at Theon.

Theon's smile dropped and he just looked away.

"Can we just put this all past us and move on? Are you telling me that three years away from each other hasn't calmed whatever trouble you had between the pair of ya?" He said, frustrated at their attitude towards each other.

"I moved on a long time ago brother, I was just complimenting Lord Greyjoy here on his wonderful nozzle. The artist who created such a piece must have been a genius." He said, still with a smile on his face.

"Jon c'mon..." He said, exasperated with the whole conversation at this point.

Jon sighed "Fine." He said as he moved his horse across to ride next to Theon. He could see a small sneer on Theon's face as Jon moved next to him.

Theon actually flinched when Jon shot his hand out towards him, he recovered and looked down at it in confusion.

"I'm sorry about the nose, let bygones be bygones eh Greyjoy?" Jon said as he held his hand out for Theon to shake.

Shake the hand you idiot.

Theon begrudgingly shook his hand but not without something stupid spewing out of his mouth "Aye, let's move on eh, bastard." He said as he tried to pull his hand away. Jon held it like a vice if Theon's face was anything to go by.

I give up with these two.

"You wanna be careful Theon, Greyjoy's are dropping like flies lately." Ominously growled out at Theon, still gripping his hand hard.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Theon exclaimed as people started to turn and look at the pair of them.

"Nothing. Just make sure you don't find out that's all." Jon finished as he released Theon's hand and moved his horse back next to Robb.

He looked at Jon and ducked his head "Jon, Theon has the right of it, what was that supposed to mean?" He asked in a hushed tone as people started minding their own business again. He noticed his father's intense stare aimed directly at the pair of them.

Jon shook his head "I might tell you some other time, we'll see." He said as he looked across towards Theon who looked like he wanted to run Jon through. "I've met your uncle you know, I wasn't a fan but I suppose I wasn't the only one to be fair." He said.

That perked Theon up a little "My uncle?" He said with genuine interest.

Jon nodded "Yeah, your uncle Euron. I suppose we should be thankful you didn't turn out as bad as he did, fucking nut case." He sneered. A look of disgust appearing on his face.

That was probably the biggest compliment Jon has ever given to Theon.

"No one has seen my uncle in years, where did you find him?" Theon asked. He seemed genuinely interested on news about his family.

"A long way away from here." Jon answered as he clocked eyes with their father who abruptly looked away. Theon just huffed at the answer he got.

Now he really wanted to know what had happened between Jon and their father.

He nudged Jon's shoulder and nodded in their father's direction "What's all that about then?" He asked.

Jon looked at him "I think you know what that is about." He said. Robb just shook his head.

Jon sighed and nodded towards their father "Name the one thing I've always wanted from that man?" He asked. Realisation hitting Robb like a force.

He nodded his head and looked down in resignation "Your mother." He answered, not even having to look up to know he was right.

"Yes, my mother. We had a few heated words last night and I told him we were having a chat about her when we arrive back at his home." Jon answered.

Robb shook his head "Our home, it's always been our home, your home." He said with authority.

Jon smiled and shook his head "No its not Robb, it's never been my home. I know what a home feels like and it felt nothing like Winterfell ever did. Don't get me wrong, I love the place and a few of the people in it, but what that place did to me were never the actions of a somewhere I'd call home." Jon answered.

He knew it was bad enough for him to run away but he didn't know it was that bad. A feeling of anxiousness started to bubble in his stomach.

Was Jon not planning on staying ?

Would he be disappearing again for another three years?

"It'll be different now Jon, you just wait and see." He promised. Even to his ears it didn't sound all to convincing.

Before Jon was even able to reply, the front of their retune started moving their horses into a gallop. Him, Jon and Theon joined in.

Ser Rodrik moved across to join in with their small group "What's all this in aid of Ser Rodrik!" He shouted across to him.

"We're a few miles out from Winterfell and your father wanted to get back before nightfall!" Ser Rodrik shouted back. He nodded at the old knight.


All he could think of were people's reactions to seeing Jon arriving with them.

This could get messy.


She rolled her eyes as Bran went off on another rant, she was positive he was trying to wind her up and annoyingly, it was working.

She turned to him as they sat there in the main hall finishing their dinner "Will you shut up about it already." She said, exasperation evident in her tone.

Her brother looked so excited with the way he bounced in his chair "I can't Arya, it's so exciting. How are you not excited?" He said.

She huffed "I'm not excited because I'm pretty certain you were seeing things, that's why." She said.

Bran shook his head "Nope, I saw it with my own eyes Arya. Flying high up in the clouds, it was hard to see but it was there." He said.

She finished the last bit of her chicken pie "You didn't see a dragon Bran, it was probably a bird. Now will you stop blabbering on about it." She said as she about polished off her plate, Gage really was a wizard when it came to pie making.

Bran just leant back in his chair and crossed his arms; operation brood was a go.

Jory came through the hall doors and moved towards their mother, whispering into her ear and shooting off again in a hurry.

Wonder what that's about?

"Right children, finish off your meals, your father and brother's retune have been spotted and should be home shortly." Her mother said as she looked at them all with a small smile on her face.

Now that was more like it. Things were getting a little dull around here lately, maybe her father or Robb would have some stories to tell. Hopefully they'd found Alys as well, she'd not really talked to her that much the few times she'd been at Winterfell but she seemed nice and Robb seemed to act very silly whenever she was around, almost like a lost puppy.

Jory stuck his head through the door "They're about 5 minutes away my Lady." He said and returned to whatever he was doing outside.

"C'mon then." Her mother said as she rose from her seat and placed a hand on Sansa's back "We don't want to keep your father and brother waiting." She finished as they all rose from their seats and headed out into the cold evening air.

They were stood in the courtyard for only a couple of minutes before they heard the sound of hooves in the distance, the excitement was brewing inside her.

"Stop fidgeting Arya." Her mother chided. She just rolled her eyes as the main gate to the courtyard was opened up by two guards and a group of horses trotted their way in.

She noticed her father straight away, all the way at the front where he belonged, then she noticed Robb and Theon. Theon looked the same as he always did, annoying and up himself, but her brother Robb looked happy, very happy. The grin on his face almost made her grin for some reason, and she would have if time hadn't just stopped.

Sat on a horse next to Robb was a very familiar boy, a boy who was looking in her direction and smiling at her, a boy that was making it hard to breathe for her and made her eyes water.

She could almost feel her mother tense up next to her as she felt a tear run down her cheek.

Her legs had a mind of their own as she started sprinting towards him, towards her brother, towards Jon. She heard behind her Bran and Rickon gasping and her mother once again telling her off but she didn't care, not one bit as she collided with Jon's body and wrapped her arms around him, burying her nose into his mid-section. She felt arms wrapping around her and then she was being lifted into her brother's arms, she buried her face into his shoulder and just let the rest of her tears leak into his furs.

"Jon..." She mumbled into his shoulder as she felt a hand stroking her hair. "I'm here little sister." She heard him say as she felt Bran and Rickon's collision with him.

She wasn't listening to what he was saying to them as she gripped him harder with her arms, she wasn't letting go of him anytime soon.

Jon dropped to one knee as he stopped stroking her hair before wrapping his arm around Bran and Rickon bringing them into their embrace, it was now a big group hug between the four of them. She heard Rickon sniffling next to her.

She pulled her face from Jon's furs and looked at Jon, she could still tell it was Jon but now her brother wasn't a boy anymore.

Still her favourite brother though. She thought as she buried her face back into his shoulder. He still smelled the same.

"Give him a chance to breath Arya." She heard Robb say as he chuckled.

She begrudgingly released him from her death grip as he stood back up, he was taller than she remembered.

She heard somebody approaching from behind, when she looked over her shoulder, she noticed Sansa and her mother walking towards them.

"Jon." Was all her mother said as Sansa slowly walked up to Jon and gave him a quick hug, almost afraid he wasn't gonna reciprocate the embrace. Jon wrapped an arm around Sansa's shoulders and returned the hug like she knew he would. Her mother made a face that she didn't care much for.

"Catelyn." Jon responded.

That seemed to annoy her mother with how her face soured but she surprisingly kept her mouth closed as she reached for Sansa, who reluctantly left Jon's embrace and returned to her.

"Let's get everybody sorted out and settled in, get the cooks working on some food for everybody." Her father said as she looked towards his steward, Vayon Poole. The man nodded and walked off to carry out her father's orders.

She held Jon's hand in a death grip as they made their way to the main hall, Bran and Rickon excitedly asking all manner of questions as Robb chuckled behind them.

"I'll tell you all you need to know tomorrow after a night's sleep lads. All I want to do is destroy one of Gage's pies and sit amongst my brothers and sisters while I'm doing it." Jon said with a smile as he looked down at her with warm eyes and squeezed her hand.

The next hour or so was the best time she'd had for three years.

Jon was now walking her to her bedchambers, the excitement of the evening had crept up on her and now she just wanted to sleep, and hopefully wake up the next morning realising this was all real and that Jon was really back.

He gave her a big hug when they entered her room "I'll be here tomorrow morning when you wake up, don't worry." He said into her ear as she hugged him back.

He knew her so well.

She punched him in the arm as he released her "You better be, stupid." She said as she grinned up at him. He just ruffled her hair in response, she hadn't realised how much she missed him messing up her hair.

He opened her chamber door to leave but she spoke up before he left "Jon?" She said.

"Yeah?" He said as he held the door open and looked over his shoulder.

"Love you." She choked out as she felt her eyes tearing up again. Damn him for making her soppy.

"Love you too, little wolf. Sleep tight." He said whilst fighting his own war with his tears. He quietly closed the door behind him.

She got changed into her night clothes and jumped straight under her furs. It didn't take her long to get to sleep, all she could think of was that Jon had come back to her.

She didn't hear her father open her door to check on her, or see his face match the soft smile that was present on hers as she dreamt of all the things her and Jon were gonna get up to.

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