
chapter 75

--Allison POV--

"Are you better now mom" I asked worried, because of the assault that happened yesterday night.

"Yes honey, in fact after those guys left, I could move my hands like normal and I don't have nightmare anymore. It seems that they were able to close the door in my mind. It was just a little scary when it happened, but then everything passed" said mom as she happily made breakfast now that she could.

"Rather than worrying about your mother let's speak about you and your poor choices in relationships" intervened father with a frown stamped on his face.

"Well… you once said you liked him more than Scott" I rebutted.

"That was when I though he was already taken and there were no risks he would pursue you, but now I know that he is a werelion, who already has many girlfriend and is pursuing you too!" technically he already got me, I doubt any woman would be able to walk away after tasting what he can give you.

Still I won't tell this to father as it would just farther anger him.

"Going back to the topic of yesterday's assault. What did you mean when you said that these guys might have come after you" I asked, and dad's face got calmer and more contemplative.

"I shot one down in the past, I'll have to look into it to fully understand if I'm related to this assault".

"Ok, I need to go to school now or I'll be late" I said as I kissed mom on the cheek and left.

"Hey! stay away from that womanizer guy" shouted dad, but I have no intention to listen to him.

"Daddy's girl got a new daddy after all" I though as I licked my lips.

--MC POV--

"On your end have you finished all the preparations" asked Danny.

"Yes, I have. My friend will bring us drinks and food this afternoon. How many are going to come?" I asked him as we kept walking in the hallway.

"I made sure to invite everyone, so we'll be a lot" he said.

"You are bringing Ethan with you, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, the true question is how many girls you are coming with" he said jokingly.

"Well, there will be another addition, maybe two." I said thinking of extending an invitation to a particular girl who had a feud with me.

"Wait seriously, you got more girls? And Malia and Lydia are okay with it" ha asked, while looking at me with a shocked expression.

"Once you taste polygamy it is difficult to stop" I stated as I looked ahead at Allison, who was getting some books from her locker.

"Allison seriously? Are you trying to rob all the best girls of the school? These are the moments I feel lucky to be gay" he said while shaking his head.

--Ann Evans POV--

I should pay more attention from now on at not exaggerating when eating bad emotions.

Yesterday I got caught drunk and I'll now have to deal with the revelations I made as fast as possible.

Either way, it seems that while I stopped Barrow from getting to Kira, the Nogitsune had a second plan.

I was now in front of a door and on the other side I could hear two men speaking vehemently.

"You said that the previous mass murderer was Jennifer Blake and that with her death, the deaths would have stopped. Then tell me why there have been 3 more deaths! I'll have to suspend you, seeing your incompetence" said a man.

"I was caught by her, I know better than anyone who was the previous serial killer" replied sheriff Stilinski.

"On this occasion I think the sheriff is right" I said as I entered the room interrupting the two men.

"And you are?" asked the one with a suit and black hairs, who seemed to be an agent of the FBI.

"Ann Evan I'm the forensics. I have just finished to examine the bodies of the three new guys and after comparing them with the previous cases I'm sure that this one is a copycat. Probably someone who wanted to emulate the previous serial killer. The previous serial killer was clearly an expert when it came to the human body. This one is too rough he practically cut of the whole throat rather than just cutting the vein." I explained to them.

"Anything else" asked Stilinski, while looking at the images I brought him.

"Like the previous murderer this one killed them all in three different ways. These three guys were always hit with a blunt object first, probably something like a baseball bat" I said earning some admiring gazes.

I like this kind of reaction, although nothing beat the satisfaction that seeing desperate people brings me.

"Did you perhaps also find if they have something in common. Like being virgins or soldiers or something like that." Asked Stilinski.

"Well, this wasn't something I found thanks to my competences, but all the wives of the victims knew each other. It seems that their husband all worked in the same place. The same power station where Barrow worked and died" I said with a grim tone to create a dark atmosphere.

"Speaking of Barrow. You were the one who found his body. I was going to come and search for you, but you spared me the bother. Do you mind telling me what happened?" Asked the agent on the side.

"I saw Barrow hit my niece classmate, so I took my gun out and pointed it at him before he could grab my sister. When he saw the gun he started running and I chased him till the power station where he died because of a stroke"

"Why did you chase after him and didn't call the police?" he asked.

"I hate all this discrimination. Just because I have Asian features it doesn't mean that I'm not American!" I protested.

"What are you talking about? I never offended you, I just asked a valid question" he said interrupting me.

"Like I was saying, I grew up in the USA and like any normal American, if I see a man attacking my family my first reaction is to try to shot him down. Wouldn't it have been stranger if I didn't try to get justice for myself and called the police?" I explained.

"Hate to admit it, but she is right?" commented Stilinski knowing fully well how easy nowadays with it was to get a gun and people preferred to seek their own justice, rather than going to the police.

On one side this allowed people to defend themselves, on the other it made it easier for any man to try to rob a bank or start a slaughter in a school and it also made the job of a policeman more difficult and dangerous.

"And do you also happen to know why he died of a stroke? From what I saw his eyes were red and he had a terrorized expression" asked the agent again.

"He is a crazy serial killer how should I know what scared him. If you think I'm responsible for his death you are far away from the truth. Usually, fear is not the reaction I get from men when they see me." I said smiling.

"Also shouldn't you present too yourself before asking these many question?" I added while looking at the bothersome agent.

"Agent McCall from the FBI" he said.

"McCall like in Melissa McCall?" I asked.

"She is my ex-wife" he replied with awkward look.

"I'm sure for a good reason" I said smiling and I could see in the background Stilinski trying to resist the urge to laugh.

"Well, now I have to go. If I find something new, I'll tell you" I said and left before the agent could recover his composure after being demolished by me.

With this sacrifice he should have gotten enough power to start using more of his abilities. In addition, the more time passes the scarier he'll become, as he devour despair.

There will be a lot of chaos and for the first time I'm not looking forward to it.

--MC POV--

"We are going to have a party and there will be many people of our age, so why won't you come too? It would be a great occasion to have fun" I said to the girl in front of me, who kept hitting a punching bag.

"Is your next plan to get me drunk and rape another time" she asked ironically, not even bothering to look at me.

"Can we forget about that, it's not like you could exactly call it rape. You were the most eager after all." I stated and she threw a powerful kick to the punching bag to release her anger.

"It would also be a great occasion to know your future classmates as you are going to join our school next semester" both Derek and Laura forced her to attend high school with us as she was of our age.

"I'm not looking forward to that. The more I delay meeting them the happier I am. In fact, I would be the happiest person on the planet if you just went away!" She exclaimed.

"Oh yes it must be fun to hit that thing the whole day alone. It must make you feel strong to hit an inanimate object one-sidedly" I commented.

"Do you want me to hit you?" she asked with an angry look.

"Nah, I don't think it would be entertaining to fight you" I replied.

"Oh, you think so. Let's do it then, I'll show you to not mess with a Hale" she said approaching me.

"Oh… you think you can beat me?" I asked, it seems that she had no idea of how powerful I truly am.

Although I don't know her level I know she is just a beta werewolf and no amount of skill will be able to make up for our difference in strength.

"I believe so?"

"Then why don't we make a bet. If you win, I'll stop bothering you, but if I win you'll come with me to the party" I proposed and as expected she fell for it.

"Okay! Don't you dare go back on your word" I knew she was a feisty girl.

Obviously I won easily and after a few second she was on the floor struggling to get up while I held her down.

"Get ready quickly we don't have a lot of time before the party begins and I have to pick up my girls too." I said after one minute, as I released her and she just grunted and went toward her room to get changed.

At least she kept her word, a pity this trick will work only once, our strength is too far apart for her to even hope of having a chance to defeat me.

(Quite the long chapter, hope you enjoy it)

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