
chapter 50

--MC POV--

"Good morning guys… are they the new betas of Derek" asked Allison.

"Yes they are, Boyd, Isaac and Erica." I said, while pointing at each of them.

We were just outside of school in the park, and this was probably the only place where I've seen Allison these days.

"Wow, Erica you got a nice new look" said Allison.

"Thanks" replied Erica with a newfound confidence.

"You know her?" asked Lydia.

"Yes, she was the girl that Stiles helped the day of my birthday"

"So, it was Styles. You see, it took little no time to find out." Smiled with a victorious smirk Lydia, maybe now Stiles will stop to have fantasies on Lydia.

"Anyway seems like the new addition is gathering some attention" indeed many were turning their head toward us, not like this didn't happen in the past, but now they were clearly eyeing the new guys, who were suddenly hanging out with us.


--Scott McCall--

"Are you still trying to hear Allison?" Asked me Stiles and he was right, but I didn't see the point of admitting something obvious.

"Stiles!" a beautiful girl I never saw approached us.

"Erica?... You look wonderful…" What? Is she that Erica? I could smell from her the scent of a werewolf, is she Derek new beta?

"Thanks, I got from Boyd the keys for the skating ring, would you like to come with me?"

"Me?" Said Stiles while pointing at himself incredulous.

"You can't?"

"No, I can. I'm free whenever you want for whatever you need?" said Stiles, spouting all the words that came to his mind at a speed that put him on par with a rapper.

"Perfect, see you tonight" said Erica as she left.

"I got a date" uttered Stiles.

"She is probably a werewolf" I told him.

"I got a date with a hot werewolf" He added, but he avoided the main problem.

"She must have been sent by Derek" I said, raising my tone.

"I know how Erica is, she is not that kind of person. Is it too strange for her to like me?"

"You knew her before she became a werewolf" I specified.

"Yes, I knew the her from two days ago. I don't think she went through a fast paced brainwash program" He said with irony.

"What if she wants us to join Derek?" I asked him.

"The time has come for Stiles to stop being just a third wheel and start to have some romance in his sad life. I am 16 and I never kissed a girl. I will go, Stiles needs to have fun too, if I see red flags I'll run away".

Maybe he is right, I'm probably just scared of losing my best friend too.

"Pay attention" I reminded him.

"To what? Love bites?" Replied Stiles, and we soon started to laugh.

--Lydia POV--

"It is strange" murmured Allison.

"What are you talking about" I asked.

"You have made no attempt to throw Erica in Thomas' arms" replied Allison.

"He is already working on two girls at the moment. Moreover, he can't just monopolize all the good looking females" I stated.

"Two? One is me, who is the other?" said Allison without even trying to hide the fact that she considers herself as one of Thomas targets.

Well, she is right, we have been quite obvious at it, especially me.


"Derek's sister? She is nearly thirty, isn't it illegal?" asked Allison.

"Thomas looks a little older, while Laura looks young, there won't be problem. We already hide our true nature as supernatural creatures, how hard can it be hiding a relationship between an adult and a minor? In some states it would be already legal, in Japan the age of consent is 13!" I said, and seeing her nod, it doesn't seems she has too many problems with it.

We probably already changed her mentality about relationships during these months.

"However, I have yet to understand why this would stop you from pursuing Erica" said Allison.

"We concentrate more on what we want the most, and that would be you" I said as I approached and slapped her backside.

"Could you at least not touch my ass".

"I'm just checking the goods" the quality is perfect.

--MC POV--

"I really needed a shower" I had just come back from one of Laura's training sessions and my muscles were screaming at me.

Luckily my rapid regeneration also meant that my soreness last just two hours and that is a proof of how hard these exercises are, after all when I end lacrosse practices I barely feel tired.

If the coach could assist my training, he would say something like, "suicide runs, which actually end in suicide" or "I know better ways to inflict pain".

I just got out of the shower with my towel wrapped around my waist, when I run into Laura in the living room.

"You really like to expose yourself in my home" she said.

"Thanks to your training I have to take one more shower everyday" I stated with a calm face, but a raging boner.

"It has its effects, look at how sculpted your body has become." She said as she run her finger on my abs.

I could inhale her lust and while she can hide her smell, she didn't bother doing so.

Lately we have always been on the verge of shagging, but we still lack a spark or a pretext to start fucking.

It isn't as easy as it sounds, after all we have more than ten years of difference, and because of my mark every shapeshifter, her brother included, would know immediately what we did.

"Next time I'll also try to teach you how to turn in a full lion. My mother told me how it works, and maybe hers advices may help you" She stated as her hand left my body and she tried to compose herself once more.

"Are you sure that we should? I couldn't control myself last time, and I didn't even recognize anyone except for those I marked, I don't know what would have happened if not for Jackson toxin" I said.

"It is normal for your reason to be suppressed by your instinct the first few times, but you'll eventually get better. Once you are in your full form you are more powerful, and your sense also get sharper. It is a boost that can save your life, you may need it in the future" she is right, last time I realized that I needed power and if I can make the full transformation mine, I will probably be stronger than any alpha werewolf.

"What if I hurt you while training?" I asked.

"Then we must make sure that your lion form recognize me as a friend" she said and the spark of lust that had just disappeared suddenly lit up again in her etes.

She approached me again and I knew that there was no stopping.

The moment she was at arm length I caught her from her hips and kissed her.

This was different from our first kiss, it wasn't just a peck, this was passionate and intense, and if the last one was just teasing, this one was the real deal.

"Are you ready, you know that I will never let you go after this" I murmured in ears as I planted a few kisses on her neck.

"You brats have been shagging in my apartment for months. You were the one who brought me to despair, if I don't get a nice and hard fuck, I'll probably go crazy" She said as she caught my face with her hands and brought my mouth on hers another time.

(Next chapter will be R18, so wait and suffer for the next 24 hours. Also the poll ended and Cora will be added to the pride too)

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