
Ice World part 3

With hatred in its heart and an unquenchable thirst for her blood, the Netherworld wolf bellowed enough to make its prison floor quake. Trapped behind divine bars, it tried to bite through them but was only met with a powerful shock that held enough force to release the remnants of devoured humans from its body. Each time it tried to open a portal to escape, the bars either thickened in diameter or multiplied in number to shock the beast again. Pouncing on the bars did nothing either. When its power was being slowly drained, it started to whimper and lose strength in its limbs. The sound of Yuko's voice entered its mind, though. Her soft brown eyes and dark black hair pulled back in a short ponytail revealed a gentle girl, even her face was round and sweet. Had not that thief entered its domain it would've been resting in the snow! The sword it dedicated its life to protecting was probably used for some selfish reason. Yuko, however, showed genuine kindness to it and concern for the thief she named a friend. Meioshi... what was she doing in hell before? How did she escape?

The wolf growled, feeling foolish for caring about Meioshi in any aspect, and snapped its head to the remnants that came out of its body. Instead of busting through the bars of its prison, its eyes glowed a bright orange and it heaved out a blast of arctic breath to give the remnants a body worth using. The icy breath attached themselves to the leftover bones of either a neck, leg, or arm and formed glacial skeletons. Its drool gained mobility along the floors and wrapped itself around the bones to form the organs needed to harbor the wolf's powers. Lastly, it took some of its matted fur on its side and let it burst into whirlwinds before covering each new body and giving them a crossbred appearance. The claws, feet, teeth, snarl, and eyes of a wolf but the physical attributes of a man or woman. Choosing a leader among the remnants, the Netherworld wolf produced an orb of ice from the leftover arctic breath and acidic mist in the air and placed it within its body.

"Find the thief of my sword!" the wolf commanded. "Anyone who tries to stop you, infect them with your bite. I will regain my power through their flesh and blood. Resurrect the other remnants and build an army if you must. I will spare one human soul... Do not harm Yuko."


Yuko had finally packed the last of her bags to leave for Heiwa. She had to warn Meioshi of the beast coming for her! Since Ichi decided to be an absolute genius and piss off the creature, she hurried back to her basket of herbs and gathered the necessary branches and leaves to craft the purifying serum she would need for her journey. It wouldn't be the same as carrying a weapon, but Yuko was instructed very clearly on the serum's usage against demons. Her prized set of divine jewelry and shuriken that her beloved friend gifted to her would help Yuko run through most demons. Her main concern was more or less the demon that guarded the wolf creature.

He seemed more like her husband, who was also a demon, but he wasn't as kind and he looked a little too high-class in comparison to her working-class husband, Yamashi. She tried to offer that high-class demon a reward, but Yuko had a strong premonition that the demon was more interested in battle like many of the men who challenged her husband to fights.

Forgetting to pour the serum into her divine lamp, Yuko uncharacteristically cussed and went to work on chopping her herbs to boil them in oil. Her memory and anxiety worked together to do this. She slammed her basket on the craftsmen's table in her study corner and aggressively cut the herbs into fine pieces. Rushing to the kitchen, she retrieved a small dark burgundy pot from a shaded corner and nearly threw the lid into the ceiling before grabbing a ladle and pouring two scoops of her sweetly fragranced oil into a cooking pot over a fire. Her hands were shaking as she returned the lid and pot in the corner. Ichi's wife was probably trying to figure out what happened between him and Yuko this time. Yuko didn't want to think about it, though. Snatching a bottle of dried pepper and salt from a cupboard, she quickly tossed it in the medicine bowl along with the herbs and went to work mashing the mixture until it became a mass of goop. As violently as she tore through the house to get her things, she dumped the goop in the smoking oil and ran to get her lamp.

"Please be okay, doctor," Yuko whispered to herself as she snatched the lamp from its resting place and ran back to the kitchen.


About two years ago...

"What's that goopy stuff, Meioshi? It almost looks like poop!" Yuko remarked, cutely covering her mouth and turning away from the disgusting-looking mixture.

They were in the dining room seated at the craftsmen's table that Yuko's husband had helped to design. Meioshi was dressed in a light green top and a dark green skirt. Her hair was much shorter then, only going passed her shoulders in a clean, asymmetrical bob that was shorter in the back and longer in the front. She had just left her shrine to visit Yuko and to teach her about this tonic. As she watched Meioshi work with herbs left out on the table, Yuko copied Meioshi's exact motions in steps behind her to get the gist of things. Every now and then, she would stop to watch the doctor's facial expressions. Yuko always admired Meioshi's sharp, hazel eyes. They resembled no demon's eyes but were like bright center of a flame glowing against fresh wood. Her eye color was beautifully seductive. It was a wonder why she wasn't married with such decorative eyes. They complimented her face quite well. On the occasions when Meioshi and Yuko spoke of Yuko's recent marriage to her husband, Yuko was often curious about the medical aspect of the marriage bond. Meioshi was always quite open about it, even when Yuko asked about her friend's sexual history, and that availability between the two deepened their friendship. That trust helped Yuko engage in careful sexual relations with her husband and sparked interesting and humorous conversations with Meioshi.

"This, my friend, is a purifying serum," Meioshi explained, pouring the mixture into a smaller cooking pot and expertly mixing it into the smoking oil. "You won't be able to make this around Yamashi or his friends, but you can make it at my shrine. It'll protect you from the stronger demons in case they get aggressive. They hate the smell and touching it will burn them severely."

Yuko watched with curious eyes as Meioshi stirred the oil one more time before bringing the pot to the divine lamp. It was a beautifully ornate piece made from gold. The shape of it was like a diamond formed from ore and it rested on a crystal base while the top of it was an opened lid that seemed to be capable of holding fire if needed. The crystals were a cloudy green with some of the base stones at the very bottom still remaining uncrystallized. A lace pattern was trailing up the sides to the top as though the ascension of curves was meant to represent smoke rising to the top. When the serum was complete, Meioshi carefully poured the oil inside of the lamp until the lamp glowed a healthy green. Smoke did rise to top, but the young doctor took a pair of elongated tongs and pulled on the tassel attached to the bottom of the lamp. Meioshi lifted the lamp by a set of clamps and continued to pull on the tassel until a saturated wick was over the mouth of the lamp.

"There now," Meioshi said with a pleased grin, placing the tongs down and standing straight. Yuko followed suit and looked at the mystical lamp. Meioshi then continued, "The purification lantern. You use this to protect yourself from other demons by making the serum as I instructed and lighting it with the divine flames in my shrine. This is far more potent than incense and equally as strong as a divine weapon. It won't harm you unless the oil is too hot or you drop the lamp and flames seek to devour your skin and bone. Carry it with you whenever you travel to Heiwa or to my estate. I'll give you the key to my clinic."

"Will it hurt Yamashi, doctor?" Yuko questioned, caressing the lantern. She took an interest in the white tassel before looking into Meioshi's eyes and clarifying, "I know you said it will burn him if he touches it, but to what extent could this harm him? He's fairly high class. Most upper-class demons are immune to purification antics."

"Well, I'm no doctor for naught!" Meioshi replied with a blush and a hint of disbelief in the lack of faith Yuko had for her abilities. "My family is known for expelling high-class demons. That's where my surname comes from. This oil and the combination of herbs and spices disturbs them enough to give you time to escape their clutches. I want you to be safe on your journey to my home in case I'm not by your side. I'll have no apprentice of mine be harmed!"

Yuko chuckled brightly at this before a crafty thought arose and she boldly said, "And I refuse to die without seeing your new lover. I expect your romantic skills to be impressive and exhaust him."

"Oh, shush, you naughty thing!" Meioshi responded with a playful laugh, whipping her hand down to swat at Yuko's wrist before placing the lamp outside.


Farmers, travelers, and merchants were unanimously confused by the sudden onset of snow the following day. No one could have predicted this rapid change of weather. Summertime crops as a whole were going to either die or be burned, and ill-prepared men and women would certainly get sick or freeze. Moreover, demons that typically thrive in the winter months to terrorize humans were grossly affected by the interrupted hibernation period. They knew it was summer by instinct, but the current bout of frost said otherwise. As a result, some demons were wakened by the early winter while others were weakened by the conflicting seasonal weather. That was if you were traveling outside of Heiwa. Demons from the Netherworld were dominating some parts of the world. Wolfish creatures and rogue bearers were taking soul after soul without warning.

If one was within Heiwa's barrier, however, neither hell's snow nor its demons harmed a traveler; in fact, it was still summertime in the village. There was a stale air in the night. Mosquitoes had risen and stirred the atmosphere with their silent buzzing. Fireflies, angered by the mosquitoes' insensitive hums, woke from their slumber and flew through the meadows. Wafts of sweet smells attracted the bugs towards a small flowerbed of acanthopanax, where other insects and snails were inhabiting them. An old traveler was walking along the beaten path past the meadow. He didn't notice Jaken or Aa and Un resting in the forest for the night as he walked past them and entered the village gates. His feet were beginning to ache from the stress of his work for the day. A short-eared owl made a scratchy barking call from its perch in a tree. It turned his head calmly and watched the man as he passed with his luggage.

"My, what a frightening owl!" the man whispered.

The owl called again. Possibly taking notice to the weary traveler's fears. It isn't certain. The owl took flight from its perch in the apple tree filled with blossoms. The man watched it fly above him then land on another perch sitting in front of an empty house. An outdoor fire seemed to have been recently put out. It was a large estate. Perhaps it was an inn of some sort. The old man hummed as it followed to the owl to its resting perch and got a much better look at the home.

"A house? This far away from the village? Odd..." the man whispered, walking down the hill.

He went toward the waiting owl to see if it had some form of tag or ribbon showing ownership of the creature, but there was nothing indicating ownership. He wasn't sure if the white-painted left foot signified anything, but that was the only unusual detail he could gather of the bird. Perhaps second only to its large size. It wasn't the normal size for a screeching owl; in fact, it might have three to four times larger than a regular one. Otherwise, he was ultimately stumped as to why he hadn't noticed a house along the beaten path before. It didn't look abandoned. There was firewood in the front yard. An axe set firmly in a large tree stump and wood chippings decorating it. The owl's perch was in the center of a grassless spot adjacent to the cutting table stump. A barrel full of apples was on the side of the small steps leading to the house's entrance. A well was further away from the perch that led to another part of the home. Flowers and shrubs were surrounding that building. The well was closed up for the night, fireflies and moths circling the lid but not entering it. A small lake or pond was behind the house with a water wheel resting in its place. Bamboo piping was connected in some fashion unbeknownst to the traveler, but it was clear that it was an irrigation system of some kind.

"Your lord must be wealthy beyond belief! Who lives here with you?" the man questioned in awe of the cunning bird. "I have been down this road for decades and have never seen this place before. Surely this must be a sign from the gods!"

The owl called again, startling the man from his whispering. A gust of wind passed over the two, silencing them both. A fire inside of the house was being lit, and the light from the flames came pouring in through the screen doors of the home. The old man hoped to perhaps see a figure in his vision, but he saw no one passing by the fire inside. Not wanting to intrude, he waited for a while to hear someone walking at the very least. Again, he heard nothing. Hearing his stomach growl, he and the owl looked down at his grumbling belly. Looking to the owl, the old man noticed the bird lifting his painted talon and pointing to the apple barrel. The old man smirked and walked to the apple barrel to lift a round, green apple from the top. The barrel was almost full.

"I have never looked upon some fruit more ambrosial," he said, taking a bite from its flesh. He savored the taste then sat on the porch, watching the owl. "Are you a god, master owl?" he asked, devouring the apple in thought.

"I most certainly hope not," a voice giggled.

The old man snapped his head around, almost hurting himself, and hurriedly stood to his feet. The apple's riddled core trundled to the ground. A woman stood before him carrying two empty wooden pails in her hands. She had deep brown hair that curled about and framed her fresh face and feral-looking hazel eyes. Her skin was darker than his by two or three shades, considering his fair complexion with age. She wore the traditional kimono in a translucent blue, a deep blue apron was tied around her waist and black geta sandals were on her bare feet. She smiled gently at the traveler, set her pails down and politely bowed in respect.

"Apologies for frightening you," she said. "I heard mumbling. Might I help you, traveler?"

"Do you...live here, miss?" the man asked.

"Yes. My name is Meioshi. I am the local doctor here. Isn't it dangerous for you to be travelling this late at night?" she asked, concern in her eyes as her brows furrowed. "The more ferocious of demons usually hunt around this time."

"It is late," the man started, chuckling nervously. My, this woman was beautiful! Perhaps her husband was inside? He then said, "But I would be most grateful if you could tell me where the next village is from here."

"Ah! You're in the outskirts of the village," the woman answered, picking up the apple core from the ground. "Welcome to Heiwa, sir. If you're trying to find the market and such, the rest of the village is up ahead. It might take you half an hour or so by foot. Why not retire for the night and take my horse at dawn? I have an extra room."

"I would not want to trouble you, Lady Meioshi," the man said, rubbing his hands as he watched her retrieve another apple from the barrel. "I doubt your husband would approve of an old man barging in."

"No trouble at all," she said, giggling. "I've no spouse. Please. Come."

"Meioshi..." a hiss called, startling the old man. "Meioshi..."

Meioshi and the old man snapped their heads around and saw a dark aura engulfing a weakened body. The body coughed - at first, slow then more like hacking - as it struggled to crawl towards the woman. The more it wheezed, the weaker he was becoming. A leopard-patterned loin cloth was on his bottom and prayer beads were draped on his neck. He had large tusks protruding from his mouth and a hanging maw with fur drooping to the ground. Chimes from the other part of Meioshi's home began to ring as an eerie wind passed over her body.

"Lady Meioshi! A demon!" the man screamed, readying a stick.

"No, no, wait! It knows my name," Meioshi said, stopping the man. She walked up to the demon then reached out and said, "He's weak."

"Are - are you a demon, too, Lady Meioshi?" the old man asked, backing away from the two.

"No, I am not a demon," Meioshi said, turning to the man. "I vowed to help those sick, injured or on the verge of death, and I will not let this unfortunate creature lay on my land and die because he is not of mortal flesh. If you cannot accept my vows, I will not be offended if you leave me."

The man was taken aback by her words and said no more as she went to work on the injured. However, she didn't leave him out of her services. Once she felt she was complete, she showed the most fetching hospitality. He had completely forgotten that there was a wounded soul from the depths of hell in another room. Before he knew it, he was sound asleep and eager to see the people of Heiwa by morning.

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