
Slaves Part 2

There were several different types of owls that were in the truck. They were all locked up inside multiple cages. Wiyot, Calian, Takoda, and Halian all stood there in awe as the owls within the cages all looked back at them through their bars.

“How did you know?” Calian asked.

“There were a couple of feathers and I was able to trace their scent”. Wiyot said. “I had no idea”.

“…So, gotta ask, what are you guys doing in there?” Takoda asked.

“Oh, you are not just going to talk about us while we wait?” One tawny owl asked.

“Who are you?’ Wiyot asked.

“Shayan”. The tawny owl introduced himself as.

“Shayan, why are you in a cage?”

“This is simply how I am safely transported back to my home when work is over”.

“What do you mean when your work is over?” Halian asked.

“We work for a farmer”.

“You get paid?” Takoda asked.

“With room, boarding and food”.

“You mean, you’re slaves?”

“That is all a matter of opinion”. Shayan said. “But I do not see it that way”.

“But then what way do you see it?” Halian asked.

“We hunt and kill rodents, radiate our energy as protection and keep a watchful eye for any suspicious activities”.

“This is unbelievable”. Wiyot said.

“Why do you do it?” Takoda asked. “I mean, can’t you just live in the wild or something?”

“It is a way for us to coexist with the humans which allows for us to live in a comfortable manner”. Shayan said.

“Calian, didn’t you say you did something like that before?” Halian asked.

“I worked with humans, but I was never a slave!” Calian stated.

“It is the way of live that we have grown accustomed to”. Shayan said. “We would not have it any other way”.

“How could you accept that?” Wiyot asked.

“I have seen that in any great undertaking that it is not enough for one to depend simply upon himself”.

“So your solution is to allow yourselves to be enslaved?!?”

“Again, it is all about one perception. What you seem as troublesome may in fact not be a problem”.

“But this is a problem. You have thrown out any honor that you have!”

“Trying to uphold honor as gotten me to this point. I am committed to correct it”.

“And this is the way?!?”

“Yes. This is the way”.

“But why?” Halian asked.

“We struggled and struggled for so long. Trying to make it in a world that no longer welcomed our kind. So, we realized what we were up against and did what we needed to do to preserve our lives”.

“At all costs”. Wiyot said.

“At any and all costs”. Shayan said. “After all, beggars cannot be choosers, can they?”

“Dad, we made a killing today!” Casey said. “I’ll check up on the…” Casey stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing Takoda and the rest of them with her father and hers’ owls.

“Casey?” Takoda asked.

“Takoda, what are you doing here?”

“Are these owls…yours?”

“Casey, hurry up!” Henry, a large Caucasian man said as he walked over to the truck. He was surprised once he saw Wiyot, Calian, Takoda and Halian hanging out with his owls. “How in the hell? What is this all about?”

“It’s nothing dad”. Casey said.

“Dad?” Takoda asked.

“Now who the fuck are you?” Henry asked.

“Dad, this is my friend Takoda”. Casey said. “And these are his friends”.

“What I want to know what they are doing here?”

“They just wanted to see how we do our work”.

“You know that is privileged information Casey”.

“Don’t worry dad, they’re trustworthy”.

“Sir, we just wanted to learn more about your owls”. Wiyot said.

“Don’t just throw that around!” Henry said.

“Can you show us about them? Wiyot asked.

“Funny”, Henry started. “Most of you youngins have no interests in owls. What has pegged your curiosity?”

“I want to understand the world around me”. Wiyot answered.

“I see. Well, if that’s you desire then why don’t you boys come over to the farm?” Henry asked. “You can get more acquainted with the owls and how they act there”.

“Are you serious?” Calian asked. “Go on a farm?”

“We’d appreciate that”. Wiyot said.

“Alright Casey, take two of your friends in your car and I’ll take the other two in the truck!”

Casey took Wiyot and Takoda with her while Calian and Halian went with Henry. Casey took them to her car which was a red 2013 Toyota Corolla. It had a bumper sticker of a female anime character waving on her bumper and on the dashboard was a snoopy bobble head that bobbled up and down with each movement of the vehicle.

“Sorry it’s a little unorganized in there”. Casey warned Wiyot and Takoda as he unlocked the door. Indeed, there was some trash, different papers, and bags scattered both in the front and back of the car.

“Nice car”. Takoda said after making room for himself in the back with Wiyot.

“Is lying really the best way to start this off?” Casey said. “It’s whatever”.

“No, it’s cool. The red looks nice, and it’s comfy enough”.

“What a ringing endorsement, it’s comfy enough”.

“What type of car do you want?”

“I want a Ford GT Mustang. Same color. But I want to feel that power every time I step on the gas”.

“Sounds fun”.

“What about you?”

“Oh, I’m not really much of a car guy”.

“There’s got to be a car that you think is cool though!’

“Well, those hellcats that I see from time to time look like fun”.

“A hellcat? That’s like over 1000 horsepower. You think that you could handle it?”

“I think that I can handle anything that I put my mind to”.

“What makes you so confident?”

“What would make me not be?”

Takoda smiled to himself as Wiyot sat in silence. It had begun to rain a bit as rain dropped settled on the windows. Wiyot looked around and saw signs that mentioned that they were in an area called Tacoma. Tacoma like the rest of the metro Seattle area was covered in green as they drove by hills and pine trees. They continued to drive they went into more of a green landscape as a distinct smell filled the air.

“I think you’ll like our farm”. Casey said. “It isn’t much, but you’ll learn a lot when you see where the owls live”.

“Where do the owls live?” Wiyot asked.

“Why don’t you find out?” Casey asked, having stopped her car right in front of the farm.

Chapitre suivant