
Without A Trace Part 1

“Yeah, I already heard that it’s shit show in there”. Greg Moser said. Greg was a special agent, about 6’1, that was called in after the fiasco in the brick building. He wore a black suit with a turquoise button up and a blue tie. He was driving a 2022 grey Lexus as he passed a Seattle’s best to the right of him.

“Indeed. But everything has been comprised”. Jason Randolph, Greg’s superior informed him. “How far are you away?’

“I’ll be there soon enough”.

“Which would be?”

“You’ll see me when you see me”.

Greg ended the call. Soon enough, Greg found himself in Seattle. There was a sense that things had gone quite haywire the day before. As he parked the car, he could see pedestrians staring at the building as if there was gold or some kind of monster that was stuck inside. Making his way to the building he began to get some stares himself.

“I guess they’ll call just about anyone huh?” A familiar feminine voice said.

Greg turned around and saw that it was Sheila Takahashi. Sheila was a strikingly beautiful blonde who wore a woman’s suit. She had blue eyes and long legs. She was of Japanese and Australian decedent, and she exuded an exotic essence. Her hair being tied up and her posture was firm. However, she still wore stilettos.

“What, you don’t think that I’m the best?” Greg asked.

“Maybe the best of the rest”.

“Still the best”.

“I’m surprised that you were able to get up”.

“Took it a little easy last night”.

“That’s a first”.

“You know how it is, a few steps a day towards progress gained”.

“Is that something new?”

“Yeah, I read it some self-help book”.

“Too bad, would have been nice if you had come up with that yourself”.

“I’m just a lowly government employee. That’s why I read those books. It’s easier to pay someone to think about stuff like that for me”.

“Precisely”. Sheila said as she walked into the building. Greg waited a moment and watch her walk away.

“I guess they brought us both here because they figured that we’d be a good team”. Greg said as he followed Sheila inside.

“Or we were the only two agents that they knew they could rope into coming here”. Sheila said.

“What? You don’t like Seattle?”

“Grey isn’t my favorite color”.

“Too liberal for you?”

“No comment”.

“Glad you two love birds could make it”. Jason said, walking right up to Greg and Sheila. Jason was a man of stature. He stood tall at 6’5, had a fitted black Armani suit with a white button up and red tie, and slick black shoes that shined.

“You’re as intrepid as ever Jason”. Sheila said.

“Right”. Said Jason. “Anyway, we have brought you two here because we had two specimen that we were planning on conducting a research experiment on break out of our facilities”.

“What kind of specimen?” Greg asked.

“They were owls”

“How?” Sheila started. “They are practically extinct”.

“Two police officers came across them by chance and were equipped to capture them.” Jason said, his fingers pressed against his forehead “Just our luck, they used tranquilizers to transport them here”.

“But how did they escape?” Greg asked.

“There was a fire in the vents. It looks like in all of commotion they were able to get out. Only thing is that their cells were never opened”.

“How could they get out if the cell was locked?” Sheila questioned Jason.

“Your guess is as good as mine Sheila. Unfortunately, this is where we are”.

“I don’t get it”. Greg started. “We had two owls under our watch and now they are all of sudden gone. And the cells weren’t opened? What kind of owls are these?”

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out”. Jason said. “And I need your help with that”.

Jason led Greg and Sheila in their control room. In this control room there were several computer stations and large pc monitors all around. A buzz from one of the fax machines went on in the background as Sheila waited around. She turned to Jason as the two made a bit of eye contact before Sheila broke away.

“So, what’s the deal?” Greg asked.

“The deal is that we need to know their whereabouts”. Jason said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. “We may have let them slip through our fingers, however that does not mean we are going take the loss on this one”.

“But how are we going to find them?” Sheila asked.

“Good question. How do you track down and capture birds of flight? Like I said, the police officers used tranquillizers to bring them here. And while they were out, we were able to do this”.

Jason showed Greg and Sheila on the computer screens tracking info. On the computer was data from two chips that had been implanted. The screens were filled with two lines of code. On another window was a simulator that used a 3D model to track movement. There were two lines going as well.

“Where are they going?” Greg asked. “And why does it seem like one of them is walking?”

Chapitre suivant