
Awakening Part 2

Wiyot continued to stare into his reflection within the pond. He tilted his head to the left before he bobbed it down, moved it to the right and right back in place. He stared deeper into the pond; his beak right at the edge of being dipped into the water. Wiyot then got back and regained his composure. He turned away, but turned back, his reflection staring back at him.

He extended his wings and began to fly around. Wiyot got to a high enough altitude that he could look down below. The trees, with their green heads rocking back and forth. The houses below caught in a stillness. Cars on the street zoomed by and the people who walked below were like ants.

The winds shifted Wiyot back to a lower level as he focused in on a shopping center. Down below near a clothing store two adult men were running away. Both men appeared to be in their early to mid-twenties. There was man who looked to be Native. He wore black jeans, black combat boots, a black t shirt, a medium dark green jacket, and had a crew cut. He had black sunglasses that covered any emotions in his eyes.

“Keep going!” The Native man commanded. “Almost there!”

Wiyot decided to follow them to where “there” was. As it were, there turned out to be on the outer edges of the city where an abandoned warehouse project was. There were still see old construction pillars out there where now people were climbing and congregating on. It had a rough and hard look and feel to it with a coldness that radiated like a force field around the perimeter.

“What did I say?” Calian asked. “I said that we’d be fine and we’re just fine”.

“Fuck you”. Calian’s partner, Tug said. Tug was a more thuggish looking Caucasian white man with brown baggy jeans, a red bomber jacket, and a black ski cap. “You almost got us killed back there”.

“We were never in danger.” Calian spat back.

“And how the hell could you be so sure?”

“I just knew, okay?”

“What, were your spidey senses tingling or something?”

“Got anything else to say?”

“Yeah, it was a mistake to become friend with you”.

“See, there’s you’re mistake, we’re not friends”.

“Whatever the deal is, don’t almost get me killed next time!” Tug yelled before he shoved Calian. Calian’s eyes changed right as he did that. Calian’s eyebrow and eye muscles tensed, his fists became clinched. Calian stood still before he looked down to the ground. A chuckle left his mouth as he rose back up, in face to with the thuggish fellow.

“Are you looking for trouble?” Calian asked, now with his hands on Tug’s shirt collar.


“You want me to go on easy on your now huh? Where was that modesty a second ago?”

Calian threw Tug on the ground as he gasped for air. In a tree six feet away was Wiyot, perched on a branch. Wiyot’s focus was stuck on Calian and the reactions of Tug. From the branch Wiyot could see that the two of them had engaged in a fight. Calian had overwhelmed Tug within less than a moment.

Police sirens went off. Everyone looked up and around as soon as a peep was heard. Wiyot surveyed the area and what surrounded it. He saw Calian looked all around him for where the noise was coming from. Over in the distance was a police car driving right in their direction.

“Fuck this!” Tug shouted. “You do your bullshit, I’m out!”

“That’s it?” Calian asked. “Abandon ship?”

“The fuck are you even saying? We ain’t even friends. And this is nothing to hold onto. Go to Jail if you want, fuck do I care?”

Tug and any comrades that were around rushed out of there. Wiyot kept his eyes on Calian as he crept closer and closer to him. His distance was kept, two and a half feet away from where Calian stood. The hanger oners and burnouts began to break into a frenzy, trying to run away but instead they ran into each other.

The police came in with vigor. But Calian had seemingly disappeared. The cops looked around for signs of anyone who was around. Wiyot looked around himself and could not see Calian anywhere. The police officers looked to each other and shrugged their shoulders. Wiyot looked around to no avail.

A great horned Owl appeared right next to Wiyot. The owl had a familiar sense to Wiyot as he observed him. The owl had a mean scowl his face, his eyes pierced like spears. He stood with an intimidation factor that bubbled to the surface. His talons were pointed and direct. Wiyot came closer to him for further examination.

“You one of the few huh?” Calian asked, now in his true form as an Owl.

“What do you mean by that?” Wiyot asked.

“Tch. Don’t tell me you’re green without telling me you’re green”.

“You mean to tell me that you changed into a human on purpose?”

“Are those Owls?” A police officer shouted.

“Looks like it”. Another one responded.

“Aren’t they something?” The first officer asked.

“Yeah but, I heard that they were gone”. The second officer said. “How are they here?”

“Above your paygrade buddy. Let’s bring them in!”

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