
Healing Tony Stark 2

"It's always good to be prepared for new things, Tony. Do you remember a test you did when you had just created the Mark 2 armor that you told me about? It started freezing when you went to a very high altitude," said Jack.

"You're right, I also thought about going to space someday just to see what the view is like outside of Earth. I didn't do it because I didn't think it was necessary and my previous power source wasn't sufficient," said Tony.

"But I'll just create two armors. One will be specifically for exploration so that it will save energy in other areas. It will be expensive to make that armor," said Tony, thinking about what was needed to create such an armor.

Soon, Tony began making improvements to the current armor he had. He added new, more powerful weapons and improved the old ones. Jack was watching Tony do all this and trying to learn some things.

Jack had left two of his clones to study some books that Tony had recommended to him about engineering, so Jack could understand some of the things Tony was doing. Of course, the technology Tony was using was much better than what was in the books.

Jack hadn't thought about it, but despite not being a genius like Tony Stark, he was already several times more intelligent than a normal person. His unlimited physical potential accelerated his reaction time and thinking speed.

His talent for magic also increased his thinking capacity and memory. Maybe when he was much stronger, he would really be a genius like Tony thought he was, not just having Tony's creative genius.

But even if Jack wasn't a genius, he certainly had enough to learn some things about creating armor. His clones continued to learn more about mechanics.

After a few days, J.A.R.V.I.S. told Tony that the test was complete and it was safe for Tony to put the new arc reactor in his chest. Tony was excited and immediately put the reactor with the new element in place.

There was no bright light like in the movie, Jack only saw Tony make some strange noises of pain and joy and then stop. Jack knew from the movie that the new reactor was absorbing the palladium radiation from Tony's blood and transforming it into pure energy.

Jack could see with his good vision that Tony was much healthier than a normal person with this new reactor, and even the fragments near his heart were slowly moving toward the reactor.

Seeing this, Jack understood that after a while, it would finally be safe for Tony to have surgery to remove the fragments from his heart using a giant magnet.

"Congratulations Tony, you're cured, and full of energy, I can see that the palladium is being absorbed by the new reactor and the fragments that were near your heart are moving toward the reactor," Jack said.

"Soon we can have surgery to remove those fragments from you so you won't have any more risk," Jack said, telling Tony what he had seen.

"Now, let's test the improvements you made to your armors with this new power source," Jack said, laughing, he wanted to prevent Tony from thanking him again for helping him.

Tony had improved his old armor, Jack opened a portal to the desert so that Tony could do several tests on the new armor, and Jack could clearly see that it was better than before.

"You were right, Jack, the armor is definitely better, and now I have more confidence in facing more powerful enemies. I can't improve the armor's weapons anymore, otherwise, even the new power source won't allow me to fight for very long." Tony said.

"Let's create more armors based on the current model. After what you said, I thought that in the future, when facing a large number of enemies, having more armor will help, even if J.A.R.V.I.S controls them," said Tony.

"Actually, Tony, I'll tell you another secret. Just as I have the ability to fly, super strength, and use magic, only you know about my healing ability. Along with this healing ability, I gained another ability," said Jack.

After saying this, Jack ordered his clones to drop the books on the ground and then released the jutsu. Right in front of Tony, Jack performed the jutsu again, and ten clones appeared in the desert.

"This is another ability I acquired. It's not very useful for fighting, but it allows me to study magic and other things while I was with you for the last few weeks," said Jack, looking at Tony, who was shocked.

"Wow! I have to say, Jack, of all your powers, this is the one I envy the most. With this ability, I could use multiple armors and learn a lot more and create much more in my laboratory in much less time," said Tony excitedly.

"Yes, I also think this ability is very useful. But I said it's not very useful in fights for a reason, like when you punched one of my clones while wearing your armor, Tony," said Jack.

Tony did as Jack had said and was startled to see that the clone he had punched without much force had disappeared and turned to smoke.

"My clones can't take even one attack before disappearing. They don't have my super strength, can't fly, can't use magic, and don't have my speed. Do you understand what I mean?" asked Jack.

"I understand, that's why you asked me to create more armor. If your clones use armor, they won't disappear after one attack, so you can use your clones to fight," said Tony, understanding what Jack was thinking.

"I'll give you some armor for your clones to use, Jack, but I have to ask, do you want to create an army and conquer the world with your clones? That way you can fight most of the heroes on Earth and win," Tony joked.

"I'm not thinking of anything like that, Tony. I appreciate the trust you have in me, but I'll only borrow some armor if a threat appears on Earth that requires me to use them." Said Jack.

"If that happens, I'm afraid my clones won't be enough. So you should create several armors as insurance. I'll take only one of them and give it to one of my clones to fight, so that clone can become Iron Man while you're not fighting," said Jack.

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