
Security Down

The nurse screamed in pain as the flesh was ripped from his arm!

Immediately, the two security officers engaged their stun batons and began to violently tase the young woman attacking him. She began to convulse uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Alexandre used his Pip-Boy to scan the frenzied patient. 

╔═══════Aurora Nexus: Inspection mode ═══════╕ 

╟─╼[Character] [Infected] 

╟─╼[Name] ??? 

╟─╼[HP] ??? 

╟─╼[LvL] ??? 

╟─╼[Tier] E- 

╟─╼[Biology] Human 



║"This young woman received an injection of the modified Virus Z. Unfortunately, something in her body reacted badly. It's a pity, because now her diet consists of human brains!"

╟─[Tip #1] Trying to communicate is pointless! 

╟─[Fighting Advice] [Locked] 


The electrocution went on for almost two minutes. By the end of it, the woman's skin was literally smoking, as though she'd been set on fire.

One of the security officers asked, "You think the bitch is dead!?" 

The other replied, "Well, she ain't moving." He turned to the nurse and crouched down. "Fuck, nobody else has come yet, we've got to get help—" His words cut off as the nurse lunged up and bit him in the face.

"Fuck!" the second officer screamed. He jammed his stun baton in the nurse's abdomen, but it was too late. His colleague had already been bitten—he was surely now infected also. Moreover, the electrodes of his baton were so hot and scorched by this point that they gave out and snapped against one of the nurse's ribs, making the weapon useless.

Seeing that the situation was critical and that he had no weapon, the uninjured guard sprinted from the room and tried to manually close the armored door.

It was too late. The infected guard charged his former friend and held the door open with his body, already growling and frothing at the mouth. Against normal humans, rather than candidates, the virus worked at lightning speed.

Alexandre, who was still sitting up in bed and watching all of this unfold, wondered whether he should get involved. None of this would affect him, considering he was locked up in the armored care unit. On the other hand, if the infected were to run rampant in the academy building, many non-immune humans would also fall victim.

With a deep sigh, Alexandre removed the cables from his Pip-Boy and the IV from his arm. He left the bed and pressed up against the room window, staring at the security guard trying to close the door. "Hey!" Alexandre shouted. "Look at me and listen!"

The sweat-covered officer stared at Alexandre, eyes bulging. "What the hell do you want!?"

Alexandre said, "You've got to avoid dying and infecting the academy. I'm going to help you!" 

The security guard had a look of disbelief on his face for a moment, but then he nodded vigorously. "Alright, let's do it! But whatever you're about to do, make it quick!" 

Alexandre looked around him. As he'd been thinking before, the care unit was essentially a prison cell. He'd already examined the armored door, but now he analyzed the armored glass. 

╔═══════Aurora Nexus: Inspection mode ═══════╕ 

╟─╼[Object] [Common] 

╟─╼[Name] Shielded glass 

╟─╼[HP] 5,000 (resistant) 



║"A reinforced glass capable of absorbing corp a corp attack or firearm ammunition." 

╟─[Tip #1] "Requires a Strength of 2 to break glass with bare hands." 

╟─[Craft] [Locked] 


Alexandre reflected on this information. His Strength was only listed as 1.62, so he couldn't break the glass with his bare hands. His skill [Immortal] wouldn't be able to help him either, as best as he could tell. It certainly hadn't protected him from breaking bones during the tests, even if he could regenerate quickly. 

Then an idea came to Alexandre: It might take a Strength of 2 to outright break the glass, but surely a lower strength could at least damage it.

Alexandre said, "Alright, I have a plan. Let the Zombie through the door. Don't let it bite you, but shove it against the glass of this window with all your might!"

The security officer screamed, "What are you, crazy!?" 

Alexandre replied, "Trust me, I've got an idea. Besides, that thing has more endurance than you. If you just try to hold the door, you'll lose and get eaten."

The security guard screeched back, "Fuck! Fuck! Fine, don't miss!"

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