
-Tape your eyeballs open-

I crafted my first nightmare today.

I don't mean one of my 'jobs' for Time Baby either. I sat myself down and made a bubble of madness. I have the power to do so and I might as well practice it. This was a large orb of twisting chaos that I shape to my will. I've been feeling a little antsy as more of my powers developed. This itchy feeling that was unpleasant but not yet uncomfortable.

What kind of nightmare should I make? Should I start with something simple or just go all out? What do I even do with it after I'm done? I suppose I can just leave it floating somewhere in the Nightmare Realm. I could save it for use as punishment. So many possibilities.

The question remains though, what sort of nightmare should I make?

An idea comes to me and I grin wickedly. Oh yes. This should be fun.


In a deep dark house there was a warm soft bed. A nice soft pillow for you to lay your head. You wake up in the dark feeling a sharp strong dread. A harsh primal fear that you will soon be dead.

There stands beside you something tall and red. Its stick thin face shows it has not been fed. It whispers in your ear words that should not be said. Your eyes begin to bleed as the madness spreads.


I lean back to study my work. It's a bit cringey but not bad for a first attempt. I let the bubble float away and start making another one. Lets try something that doesn't rhyme this time.


You stand in a pool of water. It goes up to your waist and appears to stretch infinitely in all directions. The water is dark, or is it just because everything is dark. You don't know if you are indoors or out but there is blackness all around you.

There is no sound or light, yet you can still see. You glance down to spot your reflection in the water. You move a hand and the ripples blur the image. There is a quiet splash as your hand trails along the liquid around you. The only sounds you hear are your own.

As you stand still the ripples die down and once again you see only your reflection. You sigh and look around. Where are you? Is there a way out of here?

You pick a direction and start walking. You have no idea where you're going but anything would grant more progress than just standing there. Your legs make loud splashes and you find comfort in the noise.

You walk for what feels like hours. There is no end to this. You stop to rest. The ripples fade and you are left once again with just your reflection. With nothing else to do you look down at it. It's simply an image of you reflected in the water.

Your reflection is smiling. That's odd. Are you really smiling? You bring a hand up to your face, the movement disturbing the water once more. You are not smiling. Did you see wrong?

The water stills and you freeze. Your reflection hasn't moved. You have one hand on your face but your reflection continues to grin at you. Hands down at its side.

You back away warily. The ripples distort the image but somehow you can still see that smile. You strike at the water with a fist. Again and again you smash at the water. The sounds of splashing fill the air. It doesn't last long. You slump exhausted with your eyes closed. You don't want to see it.

You know its there. That reflection that isn't you. You know its watching you. Even with your eyes squeezed tight you can see it grinning up at you. Its eyes remain open and its watching you. Its waiting. You stand there with your eyes closed.

And your reflection is waiting.


I pull back and examine the Nightmare. Hm...still doesn't seem quite right. I let this one float away as well. Crafting nightmares is harder than I thought. Am I being too tame? Maybe something more violent and gory? More surreal?

I shape another bubble and try again.


A group of friends sit around a table eating an assortment of cakes out of a burlap sack. One of the sacks was unopened and yet the cakes were still being devoured.

A mutant rabbit is eating the cakes through the sack. Sucking the pastries through the gaps in the fibers.

A scientist takes the rabbit for study. He kills it for dissection. The lab where he works is dark and cold. Suddenly one of the boys from the lunch hall is here. How did he get in here?

The scientist questions but the boy's eyes have gone milky white. His skin is clammy and bloated. The boy opens his mouth into a wide pitch black circle.

There is a buzzing noise as insects stream from the boys mouth. The dead rabbit laughs. The scientist is pulled feet first into that mouth. There is a grinding noise as the insects buzz and tear and chop like a garbage disposal.

The scientist is flung out of the boy's mouth. His legs are gone. He lower half is a mess of blood and bone. The bottom of his spine is clearly visible.

The scientist does not scream. He is not afraid. He thought it was pleasurable. So much so that he lowers himself back into the boy's mouth to grind more of himself away.

The dead rabbit laughs.


Much better! Wonderfully surreal as well.

I admire my work. Short, simple and yet...disturbing.

I work for the rest of the day making bubbles and simply letting them drift off. They were quite pretty to look at so long as you didn't touch them.

A nightmare from the POV of a child riding a tricycle through the science museum as people's shadows moved in ways that did not correspond to them.

A nightmare of being lost in an underground city. Your footsteps echoing through empty streets and an impossibly high ceiling of the cave walls. You hear footsteps that are not your own, a sound of a step just a split second behind yours. But you cannot see anyone else here.

One bubble was literally just the Narwal song repeating forever.

There was an itch inside me. With each nightmare I create I can feel that itch grow weaker and weaker. I feel a sense of relief as the nightmares poured out of me. Soon the itch is gone and I feel a pleasant tingle. My bricks buzz happily and a low moan slips out before I realize it.

What was that? I slowly form another nightmare (salad forks and eyeballs) and felt a jolt pass through my bricks. "Mmmph-" Oh that feels nice. Another nightmare is formed, a rather lazy one that simply makes everything turn into meat, I'm not going for creative I just need to make one. Again I shudder. Shit this feels nice.

It would feel even better if someone was inside the bubble. Their every scream would fuel me. Feed me. I knew this instinctively and I thought of grabbing some helpless sap off the streets and just throwing them in here. Just for a little while. It's not like it would physically hurt them.

I smack myself across the face.

Fuck. No. None of that.

How could I even consider that?! Using someone's pain just to...just to make myself feel good. But it'll feel sooo nice...NO! God no. I groan and float down so I can just lay on the ground. I suppose this is yet more proof that I really am some kind of demon-god now.

Small miracles that at least the itch isn't coming back yet. I gaze around at the dozens of bubbles floating slowly through the air. They really were quite pretty, for being such awful things. For a moment I wanted to just pop them all. Destroy them. But I decided against it. I can use them for Time Baby's next 'job'. Practical and pragmatic.

I'm just going to go vent to Ax about the latest in a long line of issues I now have to deal with. Truly he is God for the patience he shows me.


"So why DOES it feel so...good?" Like pouring cold water over yourself on a hot summer day. That sense of relief. Or getting a really good back scratch. I wanted to moan just imagining that feeling.

-Your powers want to be used. However it is that you use them doesn't matter but anything that results in the foundation of your Existence, that being Destruction or Chaos would feel euphoric.-

"Well fuck me." I grumble as I plop down to lie on the AXOLOTL'S head.

-Must you always come to me about this?-

"Who else am I gonna talk to? Time Baby?!"

-You raise a fair point. Counterpoint, go make some friends.-

"How? Everyone hates me."

-If you never search, you will never find.-

"Inspirational. I guess you're right. I need to continue spreading the knowledge of how to summon me anyway."

The more who know, the higher the chance someone will try summoning me, I'm doing pretty well so far. My name is known throughout several thousands of Dimensions. Not many people are brave or stupid enough to summon me, but it DOES happen, at least one summon every few years. It's not much but it would still be social interaction. I can also just turn into my 'human' form and charm my way into someone's house hold again. It was the only way I've been able to receive any positive social interaction. Sadly I can't make any long term friends because they always get suspicious of me as time goes on.


It doesn't happen often in my day to day life. Certainly much less than when I was human. But having felt that incredibly nice feeling earlier made me crave it. Crave some kind of release. I've masturbated many times over the many billions of years I've existed by this point. It's not often though. I'm still feeling somewhat off balance and I just…wanted to feel good. Let off some stress. There's nothing wrong with that. I floated in the Nightmare Realm, formed another Madness Bubble and decided to indulge this time.

((((((((((((((((((((((NSFW self-indulgent shit, feel free to skip- WARNING: contains sexual assault by a living water creature, inflation and triangle masturbation. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, I'm talking to YOU! Yes you! I know you're reading this!)))))))))))))))))))))))))

…..A girl sat on her couch reading a book. There's the soothing sounds of the rain outside. A multitude of tapping along her roof and windows. The girl startles when a water droplet falls on her head. She looks up and sees the leak on her ceiling. With a sigh she puts down the book and goes to find a bucket. As she walks off she doesn't see the drips from the ceiling come down faster and faster. A puddle forms along the ground. Instead of spreading out like water would, the puddle starts swaying and growing as more water drops come down. It wobbles like jello as it grows larger and larger.

The girl returns to the room with a bucket but drops it in shock upon seeing the growing gelatinous thing. It's tall enough to reach her waist and it sways back and forth. The girl tries to back away before the thing notices her but she's too late. It sees her and there's a second of stillness before it rushes up at her. The girl tries to scream but the mass of living liquid shoves itself inside her mouth. She thrashes and tries to grab at it but the creature squishes and slips between her fingers.

The dripping from the ceiling is becoming a steady trickle. The girl tries to run but the creature holds her down. She's pushed against the wall as the creature continues to squeeze itself inside her. The girl groans as the cold liquid settles in her stomach. It doesn't take long for her to be stuffed full. The creature seems to realize the girl's stomach couldn't take anymore. The water soaks itself into her clothes and she moans as it roams around her, searching for some other way to get inside. To get out of the cold. It just wants to be warm.

The girl gasps as she feels the creature nudging at her nipples. "Wait! You can't go in there-!" The creature doesn't listen as it begins seeping into her nipples. The girl twists and cries out as the liquid easily gushes inside her. She shivers from the cold and watches in amazed horror as her breasts fill up with liquid. This couldn't be real but there it was right in front of her. Her breasts shook as more and more water pours inside them. Her breathing picks up and the girl ends up moaning at the feeling of her breasts being filled. The flesh seemed to become softer and more stretchy because it didn't hurt at all. She pants as her breasts swelled up larger and larger. Sloshing heavily with liquid.

She was so distracted by her still growing breasts, they had doubled in size already, that she nearly didn't notice the water pooling down around her crotch. She jumped when the water entered both her front and back holes. It was cold but it felt so nice. She pulled at the water holding her wrists down and this time it let go. Her hands immediately went up to caress her heavy breasts. They sloshed at every movement she made and the sensation caused a warm feeling to spread through her.

The water had reached her womb and was steadily filling it up. She groaned and placed a hand on her stomach to feel her waistline expanding. The water sliding over her clit was driving her mad. She put one hand between her legs and rubbed furiously at the hot flesh. It felt so good. This sensation of being filled up. Her breasts had grown so large she couldn't see past them, her shirt was stretched tight and she could hear tearing sounds. The hand on her stomach rubbed at the expanding bulge and she pulled her pants off before it got uncomfortable. Now that she calmed down somewhat, the girl was enjoying the feeling of the water pouring into her…..

I was burning as I watched the image inside the Nightmare. My Piece was extended and my hands rubbed at it furiously. "Hah~hah~" I gasped, my bricks flushing orange as I worked myself over. Definitely destroying this bubble once I was done. It was way too embarrassing to keep around. My eye squeezed shut as my hands moved faster and faster. Come on. I'm so close. So close. "Hngh! Hah~ah~" I tried to buck my hips but it didn't really work when I was was floating. I lowered myself onto the ground and started thrusting against the rocks. They scraped along my bricks and piece with a delightful scratching sensation and I moaned loudly, my vocalizations unrestrained because there was no one around to hear.

I grind myself roughly against the rocks and whined. Dammit! Why won't I just get off already?! I snarl as I shove myself as hard as I can along the ground and claw at my piece desperately. Finally I'm granted sweet release. My piece clicks off and shoots into the ground while I collapse in a burning, panting slump. Shit that felt good. I weakly wave at the Bubble and it pops with a thought.


I did not expect the torrent of cold water that falls on top of me.



Incredibly, disgustingly self indulgent I know, in other news though...


Also I've been guiltily writing a bunch of Bill/Ford smut instead of finishing Teeth's story.

...don't even know how or where I'm supposed to put the smut...I just...have them...written out with nowhere to go...

My current mood is- www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYWQzuSDBNo

Mlzuum4creators' thoughts
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