
All too similar

After Tolverkin's speech, the day proceeded almost exactly the same. The only exception was during the test with Hasumi, I could use magic right away without having to be taught. It definitely raised some eyebrows, since people couldn't believe a peasant could use magic. 

I also controlled the output this time, preventing any unwanted attention because my magic was better than others. 

'This is kind of boring.' This was probably the worst part about resetting everything. Having been through the days already, it felt like such a drag to hear the same thing. It wasn't so bad now, as it gave me time to think about the apple that was currently sitting in my bag. 

The only thing I know is that eating this apple resets the timeline to the exact point that I woke up. It also still had a bite in it, suggesting I only have so many uses before I don't have any more chances left. 

'I might be able to only nibble it.' I didn't know how much of a bite I needed to take in order to reset, but I'm guessing it will take more than a tiny piece. I'm already being tortured by existing in this world so I doubt this god apple will be forgiving. 

It would be nice to test this kind of thing, but by testing, I also eliminate another chance at this life. I also came to the realisation that the existence of this apple suggests that I will be put in more situations where I will need to use it. 

'Fuck, is this timeline pre-determined or something?' It was a grim reality to face, but considering that I rested in less than a week, it was believable to think that more was to come. It also doesn't help that I still have to be alive to eat it, so it isn't necessarily a cheat death item. 

'Urgh, this is such a pain. I should focus on living as long as possible.' I'd rather live long and reset than keep resetting every few days, so right now my goal is to get through this school year. 

If I could at least do that, I might be able to make a strategic reset as I also bring back all my memories. I also don't doubt that throughout the year I will want to reset if something horrible happens, but I need to avoid that as much as possible. 

For now, I needed to deal with more immediate problems. Even on day 1, April confronts me during the break, so I wanted to prepare for that. 

"Did you want to go to the cafeteria to eat?" Lyra asked the same question right after class about going to eat. 

"Sure, sounds good." Following the same path, we once again found ourselves having to use the courtyard tables. I took my seat while Lyra headed inside to buy some food. 

While I waited, I kept an eye out for April to see where she was coming from, and just like last time, I saw her approaching my table with her two sidekicks. However, right as I saw them my entire body froze. My mind flashed with what happened at the karaoke place, causing me to shake in fear. My body also recalled the feeling of being constantly hit with magic-infused bats. 

"If it isn't the lucky peasant that got into noble school." Starting with the same line, I stayed silent, unable to speak. I wanted to talk back, but the fear of being beaten was strong, preventing me from doing anything. 

"Ignoring me now, are we? That's not how you should treat those above you." Something in me was screaming to do something, but I couldn't mentally bring myself to do it. I still didn't know how to properly control my magic, unlike Lyra, who has great control over it.

Unless my goal was to kill April, then that wouldn't be a problem, but that would just cause further problems.

'Maybe I do it and just reset with the apple.' It was a tempting thought to cave into this desire to kill April and just use the apple to make it seem like nothing happened. However, I still needed the will to do it and right now I'm still paralysed with fear. 

I would also be sacrificing another bite and I didn't want to waste it.

"Come on, talk back." A part I had forgotten about was that April actually got physical and grabbed me by the hair. A familiar, sharp pain coursed through me and once again I was conflicted with myself about whether I should take action. 

'If I don't, I will forever be stuck in a cycle.' My head instantly got bombarded with thoughts telling me not to and the consequences that I made up. My entire body trembled with fear of what could happen, but I kept telling myself I should act.

"Fox got your tongue~? If you keep this up, we will just throw you out of the school ourselves." Finally being brought to the edge, I pushed everything in my head to the side and allowed myself to act on impulse. I knew Lyra would be back soon, so in the worst case, Lyra would stop me from doing something stupid. 

Making direct eye contact with April, my golden eyes glowed and flakes of flames came off my body. They lingered in the air and floated upwards towards April's arm. I didn't intend to let out any kind of spell, but I knew if I let my emotions go rampant, my magic would tend to flare up, causing an aura. 

"Ow! You bitch!" The flakes ended up hitting April's arm, forcing her to let go and freeing me from her grasp. Out of frustration and retaliation, April went to slap me in the face, but then suddenly ice spikes arose from the ground, pointing straight at April's neck. 

A furious Lyra had returned with her food and she didn't hesitate to protect me from the oncoming slap. 

"Tch, Lyra, the outcast noble. Let's get out of here, girls." Despite the confidence in her voice, it was clear she was scared for her life. It was honestly satisfying to see her be afraid for once and be able to fight back a little. 

Once April left the courtyard, Lyra quickly ran up to me to check if everything was alright. This time I was a bit more comfortable in talking and Lyra wasn't suspicious if they had done more than I said. 

I was also able to finally make some conversation during our lunch instead of the awkward silence from before. 

"S-so Lyra, is there anything you do outside the academy?" It was rather simple, but it needed to be since technically I don't know anything about her. 

"Hmmm, not really, I do want to see if I can enter the dungeon for extra points, but I need approval first." This time Lyra brought up her idea of wanting to go to the dungeon much earlier. It was definitely something I wanted to do, and it would be good practise. 

"I see. I've only heard about the dungeons, but how is it structured? Are there more than one?" I knew they housed powerful beasts, but I was curious if they were everywhere or just a few locations. 

"Pretty much every major city has one and they consist of floors that get more difficult, but they also give much better rewards. It is said that the best adventures bring back magic crystals of the highest quality, which are used in the top-of-the-line machines." Lyra's face lit up when talking about the dungeons, which showed she was passionate about this. 

For me, it was a dream to be teleported to another world and clear some dungeons with whatever OP skill was given to you. However, it isn't so simple for me, but knowing that something is possible made me excited. 

"How many floors are there?" I expected something like 100 floors, but I don't quite know how strong people can get. 

"The lowest floor recorded at the moment is floor 47, but it is believed to go on forever. I think it ends at 100 and there you will find a root of the world tree, but we won't know unless someone strong enough makes it down there." It was a shock to hear that they were only up to floor 47 especially if the 100 floor theory is correct. However, what piqued my interest was Lyra's guess of the world tree at the bottom. 

It was very possible and with my apple most likely coming from it, maybe I'll be able to get a brand new one by reaching the bottom. It was a little food for thought, but a goal for future me to strive for. 

"Interesting, I definitely want to attempt the dungeon." Expressing my interest caused Lyra to almost jump out of her seat.

"Really?! There is a way we can apply to do it early. Did you want to join me?" I saw the anticipation in her eyes for my answer and there was no way I could say no. 

"Yes, I would love to." I still had no idea how to use my magic properly yet, but I wasn't going to ruin the mood now. 

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