
Revelations and Unsolicited Advances

I explained to the others how for a moment, I was able to control time and once I did their desire to activate the power of the suits only got stronger. So, we trained for hours and hours on end. Any minute we weren't devoting to resting, eating or a little personal hygiene, but despite hours of constant training, it seemed as though we were getting absolutely nowhere. I on the other hand was training on increasing the time I could keep the suit on and maintain it, it wasn't even practicing form change…just maintaining the suit at base was taking so much time and I could only hold form after a week of training for just 10 more seconds, the worst part about it was the physical pain the suits use had caused me. Every other training, we had done had been going smoothly up until it came to the suits, the most difficult of them all. Frustration had begun to well up in the others including me, we had all managed to keep it together though and go on with the training but very little progress had been made and no one was able to still activate the suits. Tensions had gotten to fever pitch eventually and was like a bomb waiting to explode. Someone eventually did. Isabel and Ethan got into a fight during training and punches were thrown, punches with killing intent behind them. No one tried to stop them, after all everyone was feeling the same way, we all just sort of thought letting it out like this would be good for them so no one got in their way. That was until Isabel hit Ethan to the head so hard he didn't get up

Isabel tried shrugging him as she continually told him to wake up, believing he was faking it. Ethan's head started to bleed on the floor, that's when Isabel panicked and screamed. She called us for help so we quickly arrived at the scene. I was shocked when I saw Ethan on the floor. Isabel then started ranting, giving excuses as she stammered for why she did it and how she didn't mean to do it. I stared at Isabel in shock and with murderous intent, Maya got down on her knees. Lifted Ethan's head up, put her hand on the head injury and sobbed.

My anger was rising, my blood was boiling, and my veins were popping. I felt like I was one second away from killing Isabel, I saw a weight on the floor and wanted to use it to bash her head in but, just when I wanted to reach, Maya began to glow and her hand that was on Ethan's injury began to glow and Ethan's wound was closing

"It…it's closing…the wound…it's healing" Isabel stares off in amazement

"You've done it…you activated the suit" Cayafaz follows

"But...but what am I doing?" Maya asked to which I replied

"Healing him"

Ethan's wound was completely healed and he immediately woke up, he should have gotten up infuriated with Isabel but, he got up and was overjoyed with the fact Maya was able to activate her suit. The others (meaning Cayafaz and Isabel) didn't feel the same way, feeling as though this may be the only other person to activate their suits. Just like me, Maya could only keep her form for ten seconds so not long after healing Ethan, she defused. The others in disappointment went back to their regular training routine, but since Maya had activated her suit by accident, she trained with me to learn how to do it on command and also keep the form going for twenty seconds just like me. The training was difficult but became easier now that I had someone who could also transform with me.

For a few days after Maya's transformation there was nothing but mopey faces all around. Other than Ethan who felt positive he could activate his powers if he kept on training, the others didn't feel the same way. They didn't believe they had what it took or Ethan did either, but Ethan was surprisingly the next person to activate his suits power. No one really expected him to have any advice for the others to be able to activate their suits. But surprisingly he did, and not only did he turn it on, he could also keep the form for up to a minute before deforming he got Isabel and Cayafaz together and told them

"If you want to activate the suit not only does your desire have to be matched with the suit and be able to imagine yourself in it, but your heart also really has to truly believe that you want that, once you do this the suit starts to connect with you. Once you feel the connection then you have to, and this is the most important part. Don't think of the suit as a tool or outside extension connected to your body. You have to treat it like it is your body. A part of your body that you can control. Think of it like a limb for instance, your right arm or left arm or any other part of your body you use subconsciously"

Isabel didn't get it a first but Cayafaz had started to piece it together once he did, he took a pose, squatted, yelled and finally he activated the suit. With a cocky grin on his face he smiled while staring at his hands and said

"So, it was that easy, a pure heart, a connection with the suit, in-visioning yourself in this state, and finally accepting it as a part of you. I have to say I feel stupid for not being able to figure this out myself"

He looked at Isabel and said to her. "Your next". Isabel despite being told the method to its activation in simple detail she was still unable to understand, we all agreed, that no one would use their suits or activate it until Isabel was able to activate hers. Though it took a while for her to understanding it, after spending a little time practicing with Cayafaz she was finally able to activate the suit. When she did, she, Cayafaz and Ethan where the only ones who could maintain their transformations for up to a minute, while me and Maya struggled with thirty seconds

Ethan came to our rescue once again, he asked me. "Do you still treat your suit as a tool? If so, you should stop. Your suits rejecting you because of it"

And after he said this…it was like something that had been over our heads was lifted. We finally knew what made our progress so slow and once we got rid of that, we were able to hold the form for hours with not a single draw back. At this point Maya had started training without me and was doing her own training with some chimera in the colosseum, she felt bad about ditching me, but personally I was okay with it. I also needed to do some training on my own because I felt we were getting to close and needed the space…But that isn't the only reason…I also discovered something not long after finding out how to activate it

After this everyone started training together and we were doing all our training in our track suits. Weapon training, strength training, speed training, hand to hand and even mental. There was nothing we did without wearing them, over time we even found out that the more training we did with the suits the better control we had over them, the stronger they got and the stronger they made us even when the suits were deactivated or even off. We trained nonstop with them and eventually started the form training which was the easiest part of the three-month training schedule. It didn't take as long as it did for us to master weapon control to be able to switch forms. By the time we felt we had completed our training we still had a week and a half left before our time was up. So, we rested for three days giving our bodies a chance to absorb everything it had learned

After the three days…we went back to training but mild tasks, just to keep us sharp. The week eventually passes by and comes to an end. We gather the things we need and most of the food from the fridge…all of the food from the fridge. We put off all the lights in the house besides the one that hangs in the corridor with the door that can't open. After we finish packing everything, we stand in front of the door expecting the clown to come and pick us up.

We feel pretty confident, pretty sure, pretty strong and pretty prepared. As usual, I have both small blades an M15 and for this death-game's I'm carrying Cheshire's Katana, Ethan takes his desert Eagles and a small blade, Cayafaz takes a staff that can break apart into two sticks with knifes at the ends accompanied by a Smith and Weston, Maya carries a shotgun, a hand gun and a one handed, double bladed axe. Finally, Isabel is carrying every hand gun, revolver and small gun she can fit anywhere on or in her body. She also packs one in her cleavage and a long knife. In our bags are food supplies split equally and everything from grenades to stun guns. Were ready for these games

The door opens up slowly. And from it a portal opens and starts blowing wind into the place that circles the whole place blasting open all the doors we locked but none of us are fazed. After the winds stop its starts to suck air through itself like a vume, the winds get drawn in and the darkness inside the portal clears and through it, is a demon we weren't familiar with. It dressed like the clown but it wore a top hat and overalls, a coat, a mask and had a walking stick

"Greetings" It said "I am the young protégé of the great play pal pen *bows* I have been giving the very important job of taking you to the location of the second running of the death games. My name is Bernicus, but you can call me Berni"

"Why isn't the clown here to pick us up himself" I asked

"I'm sorry, but concerning all matters related to the second running of the death games, my master has only been given the permission by his lord to watch, he in no way cannot be involved nor can he have any connection or access to those participating and/ officiating"

"I see…well then, shall we?"

He tips his hat to me "Yes sir… we most certainly shall"

Bernicus takes us to the sight of the second running of the games in a giant bubble contraption with him at the front steering it with his walking stick. Through out the entire ride we don't make any conversation, most of us are to focused on the games. But through out the ride there I noticed in the reflection of Bernicus on the bubble, he kept looking at me, he would take his time to take his eyes off the road and use the bubble to look at me, when he did he would often smile. As strange as it felt, I tried not to question it and simply focused on what was ahead of me.

Not long after that we had made it to our destination. The place where the games would take place. The area is filled with columns, columns the size of houses that go all the way up holding absolutely nothing. It's also filled with hundreds of thousands of people, making the place pretty rowdy like a market. He drops us off where there isn't much of a crowd. After he drops us off he calls me back and asks me

"You know, my master has spoken very highly of you since your arrival, it seems as though he has great expectations for you. So, I wanted to ask you personally, how do you think these games will end? Do you think it will be in your favor like the last one?"

I respond asking "So, you watched the last games?"

"Oh, yes I did. I was busy though and couldn't be there in person but I found a way to watch it though. I arrived late. You know how we are, demons aren't omnipresent and all"

"Yeah, I figured. Well I can't exactly guarantee anything in these games, if anything I feel as though I won the last games on sheer luck…But this time I've trained and prepared. So, to answer your question, do I think it will be like the last game? NO! But I do know this"

"What's that?" He asked with a silly expression on his face

"We just want to see the gates, we just want to live our lives and be proud on the way and if we die at least we know we gave it everything we gave…"

Then I say with a smile on my face and a glow in my eyes "But I pray for the ones that will stand in our way" I take my bag, hang it over my shoulder and walk away from him "That's all I have to say. Enjoy the games, Bernicus"

"And you to Edward…You to. Your just as interesting as he said you would be…Maybe she is too" He takes off

I meet up with the rest of my team

"Well you stayed back a while, what was it? What did Bernicus want?" Cayafaz asks

"Oh, its nothing. He just had a question to ask me"

"Well I'm glad he didn't take up all your time"

"Why? Got something for me?"

"Yeah…something you gotta see to believe"

It turned out despite the fact we were faced with an impossible game and a huge chance of dying, most people weren't fazed by it. What Cayafaz showed me was a group of people having an orgy not too far off from where we stood. The sight of what took place…is to graphic to describe but to cut it short. There where men on women, men on men, women on women, and I think even demons mixed in. most people standing were in shock, others turned on but tried to hide it but I and my crew were very disgusted and you could tell visually. A man in the orgy saw my crew and the disgusting look on our faces and decided to approach us. He got out of the orgy and put his Damnation Tracksuit on and nothing else. Then he approached us

"You guys seem like you're a bit far from where you should be" He said feeling cool with himself

"What?" I asked, still lost in confusion

"Why not join us instead of staring us from a distance with such a look in your eyes? Sure, your scrawny but I'm sure there's a girl in there that would want you"

Maya started to breath heavily. But the man doesn't stop there. No, he goes on saying

"Hell, if you end up not finding a single girl in there that wants you, I don't mind keeping you company for a few minutes. You got a look in your eyes that turn me on" He got harder as his hand rubbed against my cheek, he licked his lips basically showing off his intent, my team was ready to kill him on the spot. But I just smiled and said

"Sorry but I'm afraid that I'm someone else's property, they wouldn't like me being shared with you"

"Hard to get ei? Don't worry, doesn't make me any less hard or it any less fun. So, who exactly is responsible for you?"

Isabel in a clearly annoyed tone asks "What!?"

"Your friend here said someone else is responsible for him, I assume that means the person isn't only having sex with him but with all of you and is also giving you all orders. Basically, he's the leader"

Cayafaz also annoyed asks "What's your point?"

"My point, glasses. Is that I want to know who's responsible for this team. It definitely can't be the girls because, pffft, what moron leaves a girl in charge. Their incapable and have no leader ship skills or qualities. Their only worth something when they're on their knees. It can't be you scrawny because you look weak despite how inviting you are and it can't be glasses because well… it just can't be. Meaning the only one who could possibly be the leader is"

He walks up to Ethan "You. You gotta be the leader, you're the only one who looks buff compared to the others"

Ethan's hands are shaking from anger. He's about ready to shoot this guy dead in the chest, but doing that would cause a mass scale fight we don't need right now. So, I signal Ethan to go along with him…for now at least

"Yeah. I'm the one responsible for these guys. Names Ethan, you are?"

"Call me Baron" he said, placing his thumb in between his massive chest "I'm the leader of the team of twelve. Were a team that one the first running of the death games in another stadium on the other side of hell. Our squad was damnation…In fact most of the winning teams were damnation. Had way stronger fighters to. I'm surprised there are any Salvation squads here at all. If you guys made it here its either your no pushovers or your damnation opponents were just weak"

Ethan continues to hold back his tongue and so do the others, but they do it with barely held straight faces. I hold back mine with a smile. Baron doesn't stop talking though, he goes on

"I bet your whole team held you back and you ended up winning the games by clutching for the whole squad"

Ethan replies "You know it! These guys were so weak, I basically had to teach them how to fight from scratch. They aren't to bad now but still aint nothing when compared to me"

Baron laughs long and hard "Ha, I get that how frustrating that must have been for ya. I basically went through the same thing with my crew, I expect to carry the whole squad on my back again this time"

"You sure your team okay with you telling them what to do?"

A girl from the orgy then comes over and hangs on his shoulder

"Na, they don't mind. They actually sort of like it, don't you?"

She starts to fondle with his balls while she giggles and says yes. He slaps her across the face. She gasps, he then holds her jaw, she opens her mouth and he stuck his tongue inside it and fiddles with hers. This goes on for a while and he actually forgot he was talking to Ethan but then Cayafaz clears his throat

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Well I'm done talking to you guys for now but I hope to see you guys again soon" he looks at me "Especially you, I love those eyes of yours"

I say to him "Oh, don't worry. We will be meeting again… sooner than you think"

My eyes start to glow with a blue matching the aura of our tracksuits and so does everyone, but Baron doesn't notice. He just walks away and goes back to having sex. The others then stand next to me, side by side. They ask me

"Please can we kill him…Tell me we can kill him"

"Don't worry. We will kill him…In time, for now we wait" I turn around and look up to the dark nothingness above us "Can you hear that? It would seem as though the games are about to begin"

A being falls from the darkness above unto a couple of people. It crashes and creates a crater filled with blood and guts. What is inside is a demon dressed like an announcer, he steps out of the crater and asks loudly

"Are these all the people fighting for their freedom?" He isn't answered and simply stared at by everyone in meet shock. He smiles and says

"If so…let the games begin"

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