
Two Bullies

Erwin's face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning as he exclaimed, "ah! I found it!" while crouching down to pluck a pink-colored grass with red edges.

After scouring the forest for an hour, Erwin had been on the brink of throwing in the towel and pursuing a more "lucrative" career, like becoming a professional cuddler. But the sight of the small herb gave him a renewed sense of purpose and motivation to continue his herb-gathering adventure.

"Mmmm, let's see... Ah, here it is!" Erwin said, holding up the borrowed book from Valara and wiping off some dust. "Koromina grass! The magical herb known for its stamina-boosting properties!"

Erwin couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Who would have thought that a simple grass could have such magical properties? Maybe he could make a fortune selling this stuff to marathon runners or overworked office employees.

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