

Naburus sends extremely quick stabs at me with his rapier, which I could dodge most, though a few struck me as I was already strained from my earlier fight. My body has not fully recovered and I'm pushing it to its limit. The wounds are very shallow and my armor blocked the ones that would have been more deadly. While I use the butt end of my halberd to strike his stomach making him double over in pain.

Then using the same blunted end I smash him across the face knocking Naburus back a few feet in the air. Though he was able to do a backflip and land on his feet. While my human body was starting to fail me, as the strain was making me almost scream in pain. If I stay in my angelic for a minute longer it will destroy my human body leaving me an angel forever. Once in my true form, I can only stay on earth for a few hours before I must return to heaven.

Dropping out of my angelic form because the pain became too much, my halberd disappeared too. Realizing I'm now at a big disadvantage Naburus smiles sadistically and rushes toward me. I'm unable to dodge his strikes as they land on me piercing my lung, arms, and legs. He wants to play with me before killing me. Right as I was about to force myself to turn back into my angelic form regardless if I 'die'. Mazikeen appears and kicks Naburus away from me.

"Mazikeen, what are you doing here?" I say coughing up some blood as my one lung is pierced, my body is very slowly healing as the wounds were made with hellfire. Otherwise, they would have healed almost immediately.

"Lucifer sent me, he was worried you would push yourself too far. Seems he was right for once… don't look at me so surprised. You are one of the very few beings in existence that actually has the respect of Lucifer," Mazikeen says to me as my eyes widen in disbelief at her showing up after Lucifer asked her.

"Lucifer may respect me, but I heard you and him do not really have a 'boss and subordinate' relationship anymore," I say as Naburus stands up from Mazikeen's strike that sent him flying into a building destroying it as it collapsed on top of him.

"You're right, I don't really like to listen to him anymore. Though I came to respect your wife and daughter, they don't deserve to lose you… at least not yet," Mazikeen says to me with a complicated expression.

"Thanks," I say while struggling to stand as Mazikeen just snorts at my response and charges Naburus who is running toward us with a very pissed-off look.

"Stand aside whore of the false King!" Naburus yells while rushing toward me and Mazikeen rushes him.

Her face shows a sadistic smile as she brings out the two daggers she is famous for using. Both in heaven and hell Mazikeen is known as Lucifer's champion, bodyguard, and torturer. Even though Lucifer lost his powers from losing the throne, Mazikeen should be able to stand up against most if not all the other champions of hell. As I finally stand while stumbling over to a bench nearby, I watch the fight between Mazikeen and Naburus.

They are both fighters that rely on speed and dexterity, though Naburus is slightly slower than Mazikeen as he is wearing his hellfire armor. Which also limits his movements to a small degree, seems Mazikeen is using this to her advantage. As she is able to skillfully dodge each of his thrusts from his rapier while landing small cuts on his armor. She appears to be slowly removing the armor so she can land a killing blow.

Naburus is losing his temper as he is continuously unable to land a strike on Mazikeen, while Mazikeen is taunting him. He lets out a battle cry as he now recklessly charges her, Mazikeen capitalizes on this dodging his latest strike and almost decapitating him with her daggers. Only a small amount of flesh is connecting his head to his body, he falls to his knees and gurgles on his blood.

"You may want to burn him so he does not return ever again," Mazikeen says to me while smiling down at Naburus who is drowning in his own blood.

"Right," I say while pushing myself up from the bench and spitting my blood on the ground. Then walking over to Naburus who is almost dead, I blast him with my holy fire quickly so I don't overexert myself again.

"Midoriya, who's that hot lady hero?" I hear Minoru Mineta ask Midoriya very loudly as apparently, the kids did not listen to my command earlier. I turn to see the students all glare at Mineta as he exposed them all.

"Come here you morons," I say annoyed with them all, while Mazikeen smiles sadistically at Mineta having heard him. Seeing her smile Mineta shrinks into himself nervous at her look.

"Why did you not return to U.A.?" I ask them all while still coughing up some blood.

"Cause we thought you might need some help and we were right! We almost jumped in until this lady did," Bakugo says to me while most of the other students nod their heads agreeing with him.

"None of you would have been able to handle that villain, I was injured from my past fight before coming here. I seem to have pushed myself to my limit once again," I say to the class trying to get them to understand the strength of the villain I just fought.

"Sure whatever you say," Bakugo says while giving me a disbelieving look about them being unable to fight him. I just shake my head.

"Sensei Yagi, U.A. might not be safe anymore," Momo Yaoyorozu says to me with a worried look.

"For now it is the safest place for you and your families. Now I want you all to return and I mean it this time. My friend here will make sure you all make it back safely" I say to them and they all nod turning around to head back. Mazikeen gives me an annoyed look but nods her head motioning for the kids to move.

"Sensei Yagi… I don't think I can just stay behind while the archenemy of All Might is running around. I'm supposed to be All Might's successor!" Midoriya says to me once the other kids walked away and I had Mazikeen escort them back for me.

"First this war has nothing to do with my Uncle, at least he is no longer the main target. Second, you are supposed to be his successor, so that means you need to stay alive in order to succeed him. Let us adults handle this, we almost got them all," I say to him as the two deaths of these villains mean only All For One, Tomura Shigaraki, and Gigantomachia are still alive.

Midoriya just stares at me with a hard look trying to determine something in his head, before nodding and running back to catch up with the others. I give a deep tired sigh as I'm not only physically exhausted but mentally too after today. I shoot Shota and my Uncle a text telling them to keep a closer eye on the students to ensure this doesn't happen again.

I then grab the next train to my city as I'm too tired to turn to my angelic form and fly there. However, just as I'm about to board the train Rumi's SOS signal goes off. Forcing myself through the pain I turn to my angelic form and fly there. I arrive above my house to see it destroyed and everyone that once was inside is missing. I see the footprints belonging to Gigantomachia in the area. The pain I felt for turning is quickly being replaced by the rage I felt having seen my family missing. I quickly follow them and see the giant walking toward the forest outside the city.

Summoning my halberd I throw it at the back of his head covered in holy fire. The giant does not even have the time to react as my halberd pieces his brain killing him instantly. I then trap him and the demon champion possessing him inside the realm of wrath. I then go through the memories of Gigantomachia who is extremely dull it appears. I see talks between All For One and Doctor Kyudai Garaki about Tomura Shigaraki. Then moving forward I see the Doctor performing experiments on All For One and Tomura.

Then the most recent memory I see that All For One appears dead but passed on his abilities to Tomura. Gigantomachia seemed to not view Tomura as his boss until recently when he showcased the abilities that All For One had. Shigaraki a few days ago ordered the Toga and Twice to kill Midoriya, while he and Gigantomachia captured my family. Seems he hoped and figured I would go to the student's rescue. Gigantomachia was then ordered to cause havoc as Shigaraki hide my family away from me. Though after going through every memory of Gigantomachia and the Doctor who was still trapped in the realm of Wrath, I was able to find the true hideout of All For One and now Tomura.

Not wasting any more time, I rush over there as the pain I felt was now a dull throb since my anger replaced it almost completely. I arrive on the west side of Mount Fuji deep in the mountain range. There I see a very well-hidden huge steel door that holds the hideout of All For One, now Tomura's place of residence. Blasting the door open I walked inside with my Halberd killing any villain on my way through. Dozens of Nomus are sent to kill me each stronger than the last, though at this point my anger is so high that I just burn them all as I walk through the hideout.

I follow the familiar small angelic feeling Eri gives off, while this place is heavily saturated in demonic energy. I enter a huge room with a throne at the end made from the same metal used in hell. Sitting on the throne is Tomura, while my family, Lucifer, Chole, and her daughter are chained up behind the throne. Tomura smiles at me with a crazed look as I enter and stands up from his throne, while I look at my family who are all slightly injured but still alive.

"I will save you all," I say to them while they all look at me with hopeful looks, though Lucifer seems extremely pissed that he and his loved ones were captured.

"Maybe you will, but maybe you won't. Don't be so hasty!' Tomura says to me as I move to rush him but then I notice several demons with swords ready to kill my family at a moment's notice.

"What is it you want?" I ask him while trying to think of a way to save them.

"Oh, not that much… just control over Japan. All Might and his successor's lives. If you can give me both, then I will release your family," Tomura says to me with a smirk.

'Fuck not much I can do here… there seems to be only one good option,' I think to myself as I look around the room for any more surprises. While Tomura is growing impatient at my lack of an answer.

"Rumi, Eri, I want you both to remember I love you more than anything else," I say to them. Making them both stare at me confused, before Rumi's eyes widen suspecting I'm about to do something bad.

I then scream in pain, as I tap into my realm turning to my real form. Which then kills my human shell, turning me into an angel completely. A blast of holy fire explodes outward from me destroying the part of the mountain was are in and healing my family while forming a dome over them keeping them safe. After the blast disappears I see that Tomura is gone and in his place, the demon that possessed him, the demon that I saw surprised me.

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