

"Robin wake up. We need to leave for the meeting."

Hearing that his mother was calling for him, Robin finally decided to wake up. He made grunting sounds before then sitting on the bed while rubbing his eyes, trying to get his vision to become normal.

He looked to the table on his left before reaching for the phone that stood there. Opening it Robin found the time to be 8. am, and the appointment with the realtor started at 10 am so he had enough time to get ready.

The reason they choose such an early date was that his mother would begin her work at 12 pm. And she would come back at a later time so this was the only time that worked for them.

So without wasting time, Robin took his bathrobe that was hanging from the closet before then entering the bathroom.

There he began by taking a shower before he then brushed his teeth.

When Robin came out of the toilet he then wore a pair of black cargo pants, a large t-shirt, and a pair of thick socks. If there was one thing Robin was sure about, that was his fashion style.

He had always gotten compliments from his friends and the girls he met in school. The only person who didn't like it was his mother, but when your mother hates something about your style then it just means that it's good.

He also put on some nice cologne which was something he always did before going outside.

"You won't get any girls if you don't smell nice," Robin said somewhat talking to himself.

After that, he then made his way to the kitchen where his mother was sitting next to the table eating her breakfast. Robin also made some scrambled eggs before sitting down next to her.

"Good morning," Robin said to his mother

"Good morning." She then responded.

His mother then began eating her food which prompted Robin to do the same. And a few minutes later, the two were done and ready to leave.

Closing the apartment door behind them, Robin and his mother made their way toward her car which was parked near the building.

As they went to the car spot, the two then spotted the fiat before they then went inside the car. With the mother as the driver.

Although Robin could drive and had his license, he was instead someone who liked to be derived instead. So he barely drove from time to time.

As his mother put the location of the house on the GPS, she then drove away while following the instruction.

A dozen minutes later, the two then arrived in front of the house that they saw on the profile when calling the realtor.

And in front of it was a woman wearing a black tight skirt, a big green sweatshirt, and a pair of boots. She had on cute glasses that fit her and she had blonde hair that was tucked into a bun, with a few strands that fell onto her front face.

Along with the big brown eyes and sharp eyebrows, she had nicely shaped lips that made Robin want to bounce at her.

'Whoa man, what am I thinking about? But she is gorgeous." Robin stopped himself from committing a crime.

As she noticed them, the woman waved her hand gently toward the two, making them come out of the car before they then approached her.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you both. My name is Matilda and I'll be the one showing you around the house." She said with a cheerful voice and a bright smile making my mother already somewhat happy.

'Well, it's to be expected since this is also a part of her job.' Robin thought to himself.

And after the two greeted her back and said their names, the trio then made their way toward the house.

"Here we have the front garden with beautiful bushed and two trees on either side of the house. In the middle, we also have a nice fountain with a couple of flowers inside of it." She then explained in detail about the front garden before then answering some of Robin's questions.

They were only simple ones such as who would take care of them.

Soon after the trio then went inside the house. Just as they came in, they saw a large hallway with a staircase that was connected to the second floor. Matilda then took both of them around the first floor which consisted of the kitchen, living room, and a few other rooms.

The kitchen was large and had marble tables with nice and comfortable chairs surrounding them. There was a large fridge with the latest technology and even a small ice container.

The living room was already furnished and had a 100-inch tv with a set of couches on the sides along with a big rug in the middle.

As the group was about to make their way to the stairs, Robin's mother suddenly checked her phone before she then panicked.

"OMG. My work starts in half an hour. I had so much fun that I forgot about the time." She said while giving an apologetic look to Robin.

"Don't worry mom. I'll take care of the rest, just go so you won't have to be late. Besides it's not like you'll be mad if I buy it without you right."

"Alright, Robin. I trust you choose, so do whatever you feel is right." She then kissed his cheek before then stormed out of the house.

Robin then looked back at Matilda while chuckling a bit at his mom's behavior.

"I'm sorry about that." He said to her

"Don't be, it happens more than you think it would." She also giggled a bit while covering her smile with her hand.

But Robin was still able to see it, making him more attracted to her than before.

'Damn she even has a nice smile.'

"Let me show you the second floor now." Robin then nodded before they then went up the stairs.

And as she was the first one to walk up the staircase, Robin was able to see her nicely shaped ass wiggly to the sides as she took each step.

Soon after, the two then walked into the master room where a large bed with two cabinets on each side, with a lamp on top of each. On the other corner of the room was a white chair stool that was next to the window.

In front of the bed was a tv where Robin could watch his favorite shows such as The Walking Dead while laying on his bed.

"Mind if I try it out." Robin then asked Matilda while giving the bed a look. Showcasing that he wanted to sit on it.

"Not at all." She said with a smile on her face.

Not wasting any more time, Robin walked towards the bed before jumping on top of it while earning himself a giggle from Matilda.

Robin then looked at her before asking something that he would never imagine himself doing. It might have been because he wanted to make her laugh since her smile was cute or simply because she was too sexy to pass up.

"How about you join me."

. . . . . .

I might or might not make the first-ever 18+ chapter tomorrow.

Of course, it all depends on if you suckers give me your power stones or not >:)

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