
Chapter 21: On Your Marks!

Disclaimer: Any non canon physical stats or measurements featured in this chapter are not scientifically or mathematically accurate. I made em up for this section and this section alone, they will not effect anyone's performance in the novel's future and I have no idea how accurate on inaccurate they are.

About a minute later the first exam is set and ready to go complete with a cute little robot on a tripod sat at the end to measure their times.

"Awwww it's so cute!" Toru squeals when she sees it

Hitomi squishes her fangirling with an ominous "Kill it while it's young"

"Huh!? Why kill the cute robot!?" She grabs Hitomi's shoulder and points! "Look at those lil hands!"

"Yes kill it... Don't you see? That head shape... Those hands... That menacing stare!" She grabs Toru's shoulders! "That's a baby Zero Pointer!"

"Pfffff!!!" Ashido dies laughing while Toru pouts!

Hitoshi tilts his head "Zero Pointer? What's that?"

Ashido, while still laughing, looks at him confused "Th-the giant skyscraper squashing murder bot from the entrance exam?"

Realization dawns on his face "Ahhhh, I was recommended so my entrance exam was different"

Ashido and Toru stare at him! And he tilts his head "What?"

"You were recommended!? That means you must be really impressive" Toru says with a small hint of envy

He shakes his head "No... Not impressive... Just got spotted by someone in the right position when we happened to cross paths" he sighs and shrugs "The only impressive thing about me is my luck in that moment"

Ashido raises her hand! "Who recommended you!?"

"Ah that... It was the Pro Hero Nunya" he folds his arms

"Nunya?" She tilts her head "I've never he- Wait a minute!! I know that trick!!"

Hitomi and Toru laugh while Hitoshi smirks!

"That's mean you jerk!" She laughs and punches his arm! "And you two stop laughing!"

They keep laughing and Ashido mumbles and grumbles as she's called over to the runners marks next to Aoyama

Aoyama smugly turns away from the direction he's supposed to be going "Nice attempts mon amis!"

The baby bot calls from the finish "Runners! On Your Marks!"

"But you're just not showing enough panache!" He rests his hands behind his head and jumps up when the robot plays a gunshot! He blasts his Navel Lazer from his support belt and goes flying down the track "Let your powers shine!!" And about halfway down it sputters and dies... Causing him to fall and drag pitifully through the dirt

Ashido skates past on globs of weak acid! "Comin' through Lazer tag!"

He coughs up dust and gets up before adopting the same pose and doing the same blast!

They cross the finish line at near the same time but Ashido "Wins"!

Aoyama rests his hands on his hips and looks back at them "Shooting my beautiful beam for more than a second hurts my tummy" he winks!

Hitomi facepalms "Why does he still sound proud when he says that?"

"I dunno... Maybe he's just a super confident guy?" Toru shrugs

"Maybe... Oh! Another thing! So the Lazer comes from his belly button right? So does that mean when he uses his power he blasts a hole in his shirt below the belt?"

Toru laughs and Hitoshi thinks... "Hmm maybe, I suppose it would depend on how the belt works"

Ashido runs back over while pulling her shoes on "How was I!?"

Hitoshi nods "Good job Ashido, skating with your Quirk is a smart move"

"Thanks! Also Pfft! You're still on Ashido? You three can call me Mina from now on!" She gives a thumbs up!

Hitomi smiles! "Thanks! You can call me Hitomi then"

"You can call me Toru because that's my name!" She spreads her arms

"Hitoshi is fine by me" he folds his arms

It is then that Hitoshi is called up next and competes alongside "Sugar lips" Sato! Hitoshi crosses the finish line with a time of-

"7.02 seconds!" Calls the robot! As the panting Hitoshi makes his way back to the group

"Good job buddy!" Hitomi smacks him on the back causing him to fall on his face! "Oops?"

He coughs dirt out of his face! "That was mean, why do girls keep hitting me today?"

"An accident I swear! Talk to my lawyer!" She pushes Mina at him!

"Uhhh... My client is not guilty! By order of I'll melt your face if you disagree!"

"Objection!" Toru jumps to Hitoshi's defence! "Judging by the handprint left on my client's back it is clearly the fault of the defendant that my client ate dirt!"

Hitomi gasps! "Traitor! I trusted you Toru"

"Alas the world of the courtroom is no place for friendship" she wipes a non existent tear from her eye "I'm sorry..."

Someone clears their throat behind Hitomi and turning around she sees Aizawa! "That skit was hilarious..." He sounds super amused "Go run before I expell you" he pushes Hitomi towards the start!

"I'm goin' I'm goin'!" She walks up to the mark alongside the bird headed Tokoyami, does a few stretches and makes sure her shoes are tied before mounting her feet on the runner block and placing her hands on the floor then looking over at Tokoyami "Hey good luck to you"

The edgy boy may not be able to see her eyes but he still fixes her gaze with his own and nods "To you as well, let us smite this challenge together" he assumes the same position as her

"Uhh... Yeah" 'Now THAT'S edge mode' she faces forward and begins to tense her leg muscles, tightening them like a coiling spring just like she and Gunhead practiced...

The robot calls again "Runners! On Your Marks!"

'Already am!' she steadies her breathing...

"Ready!? [Bang!]"

Hitomi releases all the tension in one of her legs as she shoots off the starting blocks! The initial launch sending her a good distance at an impressive speed! She pumps her arms like a normal sprinter and each time she lifts a leg she constricts the correct muscles within as much as she can in the miniscule time it's off the ground before planting her foot back down and launching as far as she can!

She's across the finish line in no time flat and the robot calls "4.09 seconds!"

She stands straight and winces at the quickly forming cramp in her legs "Ahhh crap crap crap crap...!" She hobbles back to her friends and sits down with a huff! "Hi guys, ah..."

Toru kneels next to her looking worried "Are you ok...?"

"Heh... Yeah" she starts massaging her legs "If I stress my muscles too much in a short period of time they cramp and lock up like a bitch..."

Toru giggles at the cursing "Do you need help...?" She glances at Hitomi's legs...

"Ooooo! After them legs already at the first chance you get Toru? Naughty" Mina jumps on the chance to tease!

"W-wah!? N-no if course not I just wanna help 'cause she's in pain! I'm not taking advantage!" She flails her arms and her face burns with a blush!

Hitomi and Hitoshi laugh at the poor girl's distress!

From her place on the floor Hitomi coaches Toru on the proper start posture and running technique for her run... And then Toru is called up next to Todoroki

"You got this! Just follow the stuff I told you and control your breathing" Hitomi living her non existent dream of being a coach hobbles after Toru

"Yeah what she said! You don't need no OP Quirk to kick this exam's butt!" And Mina being super supportive

Hitomi coaches Toru through some stretches and then helps her mount her feet on the starting blocks

"Don't worry about the results and just run ok?" Hitomi smiles at her

"Y-yeah... I'll just run. I'm not gonna be expelled! I'm gonna kick this exam's butt!" She grits her teeth and faces forward

"Atta girl! Kick it's butt!" Speaking of butts... Hitomi can't help but admire Toru's as she raises it in her runner's position

"Ready!? [Bang!]" Todoroki blasts off in a wave of ice! Toru launches off the starting block after him! Given her correct running technique her time is quite decent under her normal physical power

The robot calls her time! "7.10 seconds!"

Toru plops down on her butt, panting at the end "Phew...! That was... Good!"

"Yeah it was!" Hitomi shuffles up and offers her a hand to help her up which she gladly accepts

Hitoshi and Mina rejoin their two friends and after two more pairs do their 50 meters Aizawa steps forward "Alright settle down all of you... That's it for the 50 meter sprint, all of you inside for the grip strength exam" he points over his shoulder with his thumb and murmers of consent go through the students as they head for the gym

As she walks Hitomi sees Bakugo glaring at her through the moving students "Hey guys? BakuBlow looks like he wants to murder me, my descendants and my ancestors"

The three look and Hitoshi scoffs "We can take him"

"We can?" Toru looks between themselves"I-I mean of course we can!" She pumps her fists!

Mina stares around at them "Are you high!? Our heads will end up like that ball he yeeted into the atmosphere!"

Hitomi grins "Naaaah I ain't scared of him, I'm more scared of the collateral damage of fighting him really, he doesn't seem the type to care about the surroundings"

Toru chimes in "So... Why do you think he's glaring? We've not spoken to him"

"Hitomi beat his run time" Hitoshi says in a relaxed manor

Hitomi folds her arms and sulks "So did Ida, don't see him getting a murder glare"

"Hitomi beat his run time and beat him when they were kids" Hitoshi says in the same relaxed manor

"Hey Ida could have beat him up as a kid you don't know!"

Aizawa appears behind them again "Regardless of what Ida did as a child he is already inside as is the rest of the class and they're waiting to continue the exam so get moving!"

They all run inside while sharing a laugh!

Aizawa sighs... "Damn brats..."

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