

Tonight that day around 10 Kendrick's car stopped outside Lexa's place Bellamy and Steve were walking to Lexa's place they saw Lexa was coming out of a luxury car he stopped and started staring. Lexa closed the door when she was about to walk away Kendrick called her.

"Consider what I told you earlier am giving you two days to consider then I want your straight answer"

"Will do" The car left Lexa saw Bellamy was staring along with Steve. Bellamy walked inside without saying a word to her Lexa followed Steve.

"Hey how are you doing?"

"Am great how are you by the way Lexa?"

"Yeah am perfectly fine"

"Well I can see that, coming out of a luxury car with all those smilings on your face you really do look great"

"Come on Steve that's nothing believe me"

"Don't talk it out on me, you have a lot to say to Bell, come on let us go inside" they walked inside the bar it was full of people today many were drinking and dancing otheres were playing pooltable. Bellamy was one of them he was with some men playing pool. Lexa showed up Janet gave her a plate of waitress.

"Glad you are here sis come on too many people today we will get lots of money" Lexa started taking order she was moving around while staring at Bellamy. Steve went to Bellamy.

"Hey buddy what's up?"

"Great come on do you know how to play the pool?"

"Damn right I can"

"Thought the onclu thing you knew is holding a scalpel to the surgery"

"Come on bring it on" They started having a match.

The night was young Layla showed up inside the bar and went to stand watching the pool game between Steve and Bellamy people were leaving Lexa showed up to them with a plate of bottles.

"Hey guys some bear"

"Thank you Lexa" Steve went to take the bears.

"Yoh buddy need some bear?"

"Bo I'm good thanks" Bellamy was focusing on the pool he didn't lay his eyes on Lexa for a second Layla and Steve saw that. Lexa walked away Layla went to her.

"Hey girl what's going on? Why is the handsome seems angry?"

"Well he saw me earlier coming out of Kendricks car"

"Well what happened?"

"It's a long story Layla perhaps another time" Lexa saw Steve passing she went to her.

"Hey Steve can I ask for a favour please"

"Yeah sure, anything" Lexa whispered on Steve's ear"

Sometimes later about leaving hours Bellamy was about to go home he went to Steve.

"Hey I'll head back home now see you later"

"Actually I won't be coming tonight, I will sleep here"

"Oh Okay don't worry" Bellamy walked away back to his house he saw Lexa inside at the table.

"Hey Bellamy"

"So this was your doing all along, Wow I'm impressed" Bellamy went to open the fridge to get something cold to drink.

"I have been noticing that you have been laying your eyes off of me since the time you saw me getting out of that car Bell, If there's anything wrong please let us talk it through"

"Seems you have already concluded everything yourself what's the point of telling me now?"

"Look Bell am sorry I was about to tell you everything but…."

"But what?! Tell me! You think I don't know that car? Your prostitution boss came to recruit you earlier huh. Well good luck on that" Bellamy walked away inside his room and left her all alone at the sitting room.

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