
Eight Already?

At the academy, I strolled leisurely with Annabelle, who was taking in her surroundings with wide-eyed curiosity. It was her first time seeing Trinity Eden Academy up close, and she was visibly impressed. The grandeur and architectural splendor of the academy stood in stark contrast to the Royal Eden Academy in Celesta.

I had to admit, the architecture here was extraordinary. Sancta Vedelia had evidently allocated substantial budgets for this, surpassing all other countries in this regard. Yet, I couldn't help but think that the Academy in Edenis Raphiel would be even more awe-inspiring. Fortunately, Edenis Raphael would open its doors in just over a year, giving me time to prepare. That was a relief, given how quickly the transition between the end of the First Game and the start of the Second Game had felt. 

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