
[Event] [Dolphian Kingdom Under Ruins] [15] Against Adrian Dolphis

"The next match. Group O against the Group C."

"Finally!" Adrian's loud voice rang as he stood up. 

"Wait, who is Group C already?"

"Alicia and that guy's group…"

"Oh shit!"

"It's gonna be amazing!"

The collective roar of the students filled the air, punctuated by a medley of contrasting reactions.

"I can't believe it…" Victor muttered under his breath, disbelief that such match was going to happen.

"Seems like luck's taken a turn for the worse, hasn't it?" Roda chimed in, her eagerness to witness the impending fight evident.

"Yeah…" Celeste concurred, her expression clouded with concern. The prospect of Alicia and Adrian pitted against each other, with Amael thrown into the mix, cast a shadow of over her thoughts.

"Who do you think has the upper hand?" Cylien's question sparked a moment of contemplation among the group.

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