
For all our worth

Aizawa had been sitting in Recovery Girls office, in the main UA building, even since the sports festival had finished waiting for Recovery Girl to take his bandages off. Tonight was the next suspected night for an attack from the villain he was meant to be following, he couldn't exactly go out and find them while stuck in bandages. The undeniable evidence that it was someone from his class didn't help him either.

Aizawa lowered his head into his capture weapon and sighed. The thought that this villain was in his class messed with his emotions in ways he hadn't expected. Calling them a villain felt so wrong when he thought of them as one of his own students but no matter he tried to manipulate the situation into something in the light, the facts kept bringing him back to reality.

There was nothing good about this situation.

Someone in his class was a murderer, whether they wanted to be or not.

He hadn't been in the official meeting discussing what had happened at the USJ while he was facing off against the League of villains, but Nezu had filled him in as soon as he had arrived back at the school after leaving the hospital. Aizawa had still been in shock from the brief information he had received from Hizashi, as Nezu explained the full situation to him and showed him the pictures take for the investigation, in the ruins zone. Photos that matched the carnage created in previous attacks.

The thought of his student not being able to eat normal food also left a bad feeling in his gut. He had heard from the Principle that the blood from the photos was from the villains which had initially attacked. That the League of Villains were not associated with the villain in his class, which made him feel more relieved then it should have considering the situation.

Good lord….. The League of Villains was another topic he didn't want to deal with...

He was distracted from his thoughts as the door to the Medical word slid open, revealing Recovery Girl as she entered the room looking unusually spaced-out causing Aizawa to go on edge.

Recovery girl wasn't known for her bewildered and airheaded nature. Seeing her so deeply lost was concerning, to say the least.

He watched silently as she shuffled across the room, not paying any attention to him as she put her equipment she had brought back from the sports festival into their original places.

Aizawa observed her carefully, "Is anything wrong, Recovery Girl?" He asked slowly causing her to pause slightly before continuing on with placing her things away.

"I was told about the situation with your class the other day, about one of your students being that villain that's been all over the news recently..."

Aizawa stiffened slightly as she brought up the topic, she slowly walked over to him and began silently taking his bandages off. After remaining silent as she unwrapped his arms, Aizawa was beginning to think she had brought it up expecting another explanation when she paused again looking down at her hands as she held the used bandage.

"…..After I had finished up surgery on Todoroki, I went back to the main office to put my equipment away and noticed Uraraka trying to sneak out of the room." She began anxiously, "when I turned around to speak to her I noticed she seemed to be greatly distressed about something and she looked as if she had been crying."

Aizawa frowned worriedly, wondering where

Recovery girl was going with this. Hearing that one of his students after getting so far into the tournament and doing so well was crying her eyes out afterward was concerning. Uraraka was always very strongly willed towards becoming a great hero, along with her friends lida and Midoryia.

Recovery girl continued and she slowly began to unwrap the next set of bandages.

"I asked her if she needed anything, she told me she didn't and faked a smile as she left the room..."

Aizawa continued to frown, not liking where Recovery girl was going with this. Recovery girl lowered her hands to rest and looked up at his face, worry and concern plastered all over her


"When I went to throw away the medical waste had used on Todoroki, I saw an empty blood bag in the bin. Aizawa, I never used a blood transfusion bag in that room. I always keep records of who I give them too, and when I use them. I look through the records before coming here, Aizawa there was nothing. There was no reason for an empty bag to be in the bin..."

Aizawa froze, eyes widening as the meaning behind her words sunk in. Of all people, it could have been. Being told in the hospital that someone in his class was potentially a villain, had hit a chord in him but to hear really physical evidence in confirming everyone's worst fears and for it to single out a student terrified him.

Terrified, not for himself but for the student in question. He remembered the conversation he had with Detective Tsukauchi about what living with a Ghoul quirk is like for them. How eating human food smells and tastes like what rotting flesh does to humans, causing them to be struck by a powerful urge to vomit.

He had seen everyone in his class eating at lunch.

All the staff had...

The pain and suffering one of his students must be going through, yet holding it together and pushing it away to inevitably overflow... It had almost been enough for the UA staff to begin retracting their theories, no chance of that now though.

And now the thought that it could be Uraraka of all people…..

It wasn't concrete evidence, yet the thought made hingwant to vomit. It was a horrible shame that the villain who had taken out the security system in the USJ had also taken out all the cameras...

Recovery Girl finished unwrapping the bandages on his face as he remained silent in shock, taking the information in. Once she had placed the used bandages in the bin, she gave Aizawa a quick healing kiss on the cheek.

"Aizawa, I need to report my finding to Nezu and the Investigation team but I thought, since you are their sensei, you had a right to know first..

Recovery Girl backed away the last of her things and headed towards the door, snapping Aizawa out of his shocked state, "Don't tell them today, wait until the weekend is over... They can't do anything with your information at the moment anyway and it will give me a chance to see them for myself beforehand. I need to confirm somethings first for myself..."

Recovery Girl looked up at him grimly for a moment, seemingly deciding her options, before sighing.

"Fine, I don't like the idea but I understand where you're coming from. Just don't get injured and make me regret my decision." She said firmly causing Aizawa to let out a sigh of relief. He looked at the clock on the wall noticing the sky outside turning dark.

"Thank you, Recovery Girl.."

She nodded bad sadly before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Aizawa sighed before lowering his head into his capture weapon, slowly pushing himself off the bed. The sky was beginning to go dark and soon he had to begin his patrol. He hardened his resolve and began planning in his mind how he was going to go about capturing this serial killer, whether they were his student or not, they were still a villain. He had a job to do because the scariest of monsters comes out at night...

Recovery Girl was walking down the corridor when she suddenly remembered something important but after some deeper thought, she dismissed it.

Midoriya Izuku had also been in that room, the current holder of one for all...

Recovery Girl shook her head, there was no way that All Might wouldn't have researched his successor before giving him such a powerful quirk.

Plus if it was him that would mean that Uraraka would have been in the room at the same time as him drinking from the blood bag.

If it wasn't Uraraka, she would have reported any villainous activity either way...

The sounds of the night came creeping in as a girl walked down a dark back alley in the middle of Musutafu, the sounds of a dog barking angrily in the distance were interrupted but the cutesy chime of a text message being received.

The tapping of light footsteps paused as the rustling of a coat was heard, the owner picking her phone out of her pocket. A low hum rang out at the sound of the flip phone flipping open

"Hello!" a feminine voice rang out, lips poping at the end of her greeting. "Whos this?"

A cold sharp voice came out like static, "I have a request for you."

The girl holding the phone straightened up at the voice of her sensel...

"Yes, Sensei?"

Static came through the small speakers again.

"I need you to find and follow Izuku Midoriya

tonight, I suspect after the sports festival he will go looking for food. It will be a good chance to see how his kagune is evolving in his new body."

The voice instructed leaving no room for disagreement.

"Alright, Sensei." She giggled out.

"Make sure he doesn't learn of your presence, blowing your cover could ruin the experiment.."

A dark grin formed on the girl's face, "Ok sensei. I'll be careful."

There was no goodbye as the line snapped off, causing the girl to giggle aloud as she snapped her phone shut. Tapping the edge of it against the edge of her chin, smerking under the setting sun as she turned back around to head back to the stadium.

"Oh sensei, where the fun in that. It's not like he can tell anyone, with the state he's in...'

This time it was the sound of an evil laugh that filled the nights coming air...

luku was walking back home when he felt the inhuman craving starting to crawl into his subconscious. His body slowly becoming more agitated by the constant scratching on his arms he had begun to try and calm the coming panic, his breath slowly picking up in speed. Tears slowly forming in his eyes, rolling down his face onto the floor below him.

As his cravings began to slowly take over his body he slowed his pace to a stop, his body shaking like a dead leaf in the winter wind, shoving his tremoring hand into his pocket and tightly grasping his mobile phone so as to not drop it onto the cold hard ground. He quickly tapped a few buttons and held the device to his ear as his phone began to ring his mother's number.

After the third ring, the sound stopped as a soft voice replaced it.

"Izuku dear, Is everything alright? When are you going to be home tonight? I made your favorite Katsudon to celebrate you getting into the final.

I'm really proud of you honey." His mother said through the phone, concerned about her son's randomly timed calls.

Guilty spiraled at the back of his mind as gulped down the growing sob in the back of his throat.

"Sorry this is sudden, mum, but one of my friends asked if I could stay over there house tonight..."

Izuku lied through his teeth.

He heard the sound his mother made in surprise, making him cringe in shame.

"Oh, alright! That's wonderful dear! Who are you staying with, is it that lovely girl you brought over the other day?"

Izuku laughed half-heartedly before grimacing behind the phone screen, "Yea, it is mum..."

He heard a gasp on the other side of the line, "Oh honey, I'm so happy for you... You've done so much, I'm so proud of you!"

Izuku rubbed the tears away from his eyes and he strained to hold back the growing sob.

"Thanks mum.."

Izuku could almost hear his mother smile through the phone, making his heart crumble away in shame.

"Well be safe, honey. I'll see you tomorrow, have fun!"

Izuku prematurely ended the call before he could say goodbye as he slid his phone quickly back into his pocket before clamping his hand over his mouth. Silently sobbing in anguish..

He was a horrible person, a disgusting excuse of a son. Izuku knew his mother wouldn't be saying such guilt-inducing words if she knew what kind of monster he really was. It didn't matter what Uraraka said to try and change his mind, only he knew the true devastating carnage and horror he was causing the police and heroes of his city to deal with...

The painful headache throbbing in the back of his mind slowly growing angrier as a sharp pain began stabbing at his gut, warning him of the coming trauma. Trembling, shaking from head to toe, Izuku quickly began looking around for the area before stumbling in the direction of the industrial side of Musutafu.

Each step he took grew faster and faster as he felt his mental ability to function slowly dissipate. Fear blossomed in his stomach as he sprinted down alleyway after alleyway. As he sprinted past a window he twisted his head to look into a dark glass window, his eye looking straight back at him.

As he saw his own monstrous eye looking up at him, he felt his blood begin to drain from his face.

Quickly he dropped his bag and pulled out his hoodie he always brought with him, in case of emergencies, and shoved it over his head before hiding his bag and legging it as far away as he could from the center of his city. Turn after turn he felt himself lose control of his body as he slowly came to a tremoring halt, leaning against the wall of the alleyway.

Izukus mind was screaming at him, the craving clawing at his sanity, begging him for a slice of delicious gorgeous FLESH!

In a moment of panic and anguish, Izuku swung his own arm up to his face and bit down hard. The force and presure of the bite instantly piercing through his arm, causing the sweet smell of honey to leak into his mouth, causing him to let out a cynical sob of relief as the taste melted into his deprived tastebuds.

Welcoming the new salivating taste, he bit down onto his arm harder. Mesmerized, he slowly chewing down forcefully, unknowingly into his own skin and flesh... The delicate taste of blood and adrenalin numbing the pain receptors to his own arm.

Bite after bite, he slowly ripped a chunk of his own arm out, quickly ravaging it down as he collapsed onto the floor below him. Each chunk of flesh slowly allowing him to regain control over his own body, causing him to slowly realize the situation he was in. His bites of flesh becoming slower and slower as tears began to pour rivers down his own face.

What kind of monster cannibalizes on his own body...

Izuku slowly pulled his arm away from his mouth and sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of his arm. Blood pooled underneath him as he took in the horrifying sight before him, tendons and muscle visible for all to see, blood flowing out like a river as the white of his forearm bones shone under the moonlight.

The sight of his own arm falling apart in front of his own eyes made him go into a state of shock, to be able to inflict so much damage to his own body without being able to feel any of it was traumatizing.

At least he now knew a way to break through his own skin...

As Izuku slowly shifted his body to lean back against the wall, he began to bawl aloud for no one to hear in the empty nighttime streets. As his sobs quietened down, he slowly concentrated his energy into a specific spot in his arm, in an attempt to heal the gaping hole on his forearm, a skill he had learned from the many hero course lessons he had over the last month.

Izuku felt his sanity once again slowly dissipate once again, causing him to begin to panic once again. He watched as his arm slowly sowing and knotting its self back together, tendon and muscles seeming moving of their own will to reach across the hole, making a horrible squelching noise in the process, blood continuing to pour out the shrinking gaps as the space below was filled leaving a horrifically visible scar in its place.

He let his arm flop down onto the ground in the pool of blood, listening to the sounds of the night as he silently cried as he pondered his reasons for even continuing to try and live. Each moment he sat quietly in agonizing pain as he thought of the consequences of his actions, his mental health slowly deteriorating by the second...

How long would he last if he locked himself up away from the world...

Howlong would it be before he finally began to starve...

How long would it take before he finally died...

He let out a hollow laugh as he raised his arms in front of him, knowingly full well he would cannibalize himself before he died of starvation leaving him in an endless cycle of regeneration, pain, and torture...

How many more lives would continue to suffer if he continued to keep himself free..?

He thought of Urarakas smiling face, the undeserving kindness she had shown him, how understanding she had been, and how she had continued to stand by his side...

He thought about how he had trapped her in this endless cycle of pain and misery with him, how he had boomed her future, and her happy chance at life...

Maybe it would be better if he endured all the pain and suffering himself..

To endure all the misery and anguish...

Endure all the hardships and sorrow on his own...

... He didn't matter anymore...

...It didn't matter if he died either, the longer he survived the more the people around him suffered the consequences.

..All Might had made a mistake, he should have rescued him die from the sludge villain and he should never have offered him one for all...

..And Izuku should have never accepted one for all...

Izukus laugh slowly turned into sorrow-filled sobs as his breath become more and more ragged, his mental ability becoming more impaired by the second.

Suddenly, the smell of human overtook his senses as he snapped his neck to the side, his eyes viciously scanning the surrounding area yet not seeing anything.

Kagune activating on his back, forcing his to get up and he hunched over forwards. Sorrow filled sobs switching back to the manic grin which haunted his dreams as he followed the sweet smell of humans. Slowly, the smell of humans changed to the scent of blood. Izuku sprinted down alley after alley, the smell getting stronger and stronger. His grin turning more and more manic by the second and his body was controlled by the insanity with him. His kagune whipping out of control, destroying everything they stood in his way, desperately trying to get to the beautiful smell of BLOOD AND HUMAN FLESH!

Izuku Midoriya had lost all his sense of his sanity, diving in the human carcass of blood and human tissue. Tearing and shoving handfuls of the raw beautiful meat Into his mouth like a brutal animal as he laughed manically, the sounds of his voice reaching far across the empty regions of the city.

The sound of Izuku's heart was thumping loudly in his ear as eat hand full he devoured made him go deeper and deeper into becoming the crazed monster so many feared.

Hand, foot, flesh.

Thigh, arm, neck..


Izuku ate and ate and ate, till there was nothing left but organs and bones. As his sanity once again came back to him, guilty swelled in the bottom of his stomach causing him to gag at the new body.

Izuku couldn't even remember if it was him who had murdered him in the first place, or who he even was and that thought scared the soul out of him, leaving him pale at the monstrous carnage before him...

He wanted to cry his eyes out and sob till the ends of the earth but his tears had run dry...

lzuku fell backward onto his legs and stared numbly at the unidentifiable body in front of him

as he slowly began to space out as his mind slowly tried to fix its self from the recent trauma...

It was at that moment Izuku heard the sound of

footsteps in front of him, bringing his eyes back into focus. Fear, panic, and stress shot into his system, adrenalin quickly building up his fight or

flight reactions.

However, even for all he could hear, there was no one in front of him.

Yet he could smell them...

Sat on edge he called out, his voice broken and raspy from the constant strain of crying and use..

"Who-os there…." He coughed out.

All he received was an unsettling girly giggle I response, instantly freezing his blood solid.

"My, my Midoriya. What a surprise to see you here.

lzukus eyes shot open in surprise before being

replaced with confusion and paralyzing fear...


Chapitre suivant