


Sunnet remains where she is, holding onto the dance pole, sticking to her character. A quick instruction from J.J. into a handheld radio brings the power surging back on; the lights flicker, and then burst back into life. The guests and Achmed are stunned by what follows, the area is completely surrounded by men and woman stepping out into the light, weapons drawn and faces grim.

/"This is the police, you are all under arrest! Lie down on the floor with your hands in clear sight, any instruction not obeyed will be seen as an obstruction of justice./"

An angry voice bellows out from the group, and the Major General steps forward, his white face red with anger.

/"I demand to talk to the person in charge! You will stand down immediately on my orders, or face dismissal, all of you./"

J.J. steps forward to face the man.

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