


The six men follow the spoor along the road, and then break off back through the brush to find themselves on the riverbank, the tracks from Sandra and Debi clear to see in the mud, but suddenly all trace of the two runaways disappears into the waters of the Kafue River just after a few meters

/"They must have crossed the river somehow brothers, there are no more tracks./"

/"But the crocodile, they would have taken them, look on the other side, they lie and sleep in the sun./"

/"Brothers we must find the trail, or we are lost. Olga will have us killed or even worse, will sell us into slavery./"

/"Let’s follow the river, perhaps they walked in the shallows, we might find where they came out of the water./"

The men move off along the river’s edge, eyes searching for the telltale signs of Sandra and Debi leaving the water, and in the distance, they hear the sound of approaching vehicles, along with the excited screams of a child.

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