


The sun rises on the horizon, the cry of the fish eagle gliding above the waters of the Kafue River, the grunts from hippos along the banks, and the urgent chatter from a troop of monkeys’ high up in the trees surrounding the safari camp flow over Veronica as a greeting. She sits in front of her laptop, searching, researching, compiling in her quest to find a lead towards Adele and Debi. The love struck Le Vee approaches her with a steaming cup of coffee but she hardly acknowledges his presence, and he’s sure, doesn’t even know he has left with his tail tucked between his legs, to find sanctuary in his tent and plot his next move in his romancing of the lovely lady.

/"Guys, I think I’ve got it, we might have the lead that we’re looking for./"

Piet, Jacques, David, and Peggy gather around Veronica as she explains what the results were from the samples she had sent to Ben, the significance of that find and how she thinks it ties into the abduction.

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