


With the rain falling heavily, and the sound of the thunder rolling in the heavens the two men have to rely on their eyesight and the beam of the torch as it lights up the flattened grass and drag marks ahead of them.

Carefully they enter a small gully, the wind whipping the small bushes into a frenzy of wild dance and the flashes of lightning that cross the dark sky throwing shadows at the two men. Making them jump at every turn, their nerves stretched taut as they struggle to see through the pouring rain, the water running into their eyes.

The trail of the killer starts to wash away in the steady downpour, as they crawl up a sand bank that has turned into mud, making the climb up to the ridge of the gully slippery and difficult as they search for firm footing, only to find themselves sliding down, back into a small stream that has started to form in the gully.

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