


There are no more reported killings from the surrounding villagers, and it almost seems as if the killer lion has left the area, and moved on, but it is just too quiet, almost like the calm before the storm, and too much to hope for.

The men had spent night after night in the hide, with no luck, and the only time the lion has struck was when he took the child from the hut, but other than the hyena, nothing had disturbed the bait or come calling.

Piet and David have been out hunting for the man-eater for seventeen days, and the time to call it quits has arrived as Piet has a full complement of guests arriving in three days time, and there were things that needed to be put in place before their arrival, one of them being a good long shower, followed by a clean shave.

The Chief Ranger is as good as his word, and a Land Rover with four armed Rangers arrives in the village to take over the hunt from Piet.

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