


Adele looks down on the man she loves and silently offers up a prayer of thanks. She removes her crucifix from her neck and gently places it around the sedated David, kisses him on the lips, and quietly leaves the room. The only sounds left behind her departure are the machines monitoring his heartbeat.

The group gathers in the cafe area of the hospital and holds a war council. The situation with Amos and the demon had now reached a critical point and as Piet put it. /"Hierdie kak moet nou klaar kry, ek is gatvol. We must take the fight to them, and finish it once and for all./"

Veronica looks at the three people opposite her. They have been through so much together, and her heart goes out to Adele, trying to put on a brave front, with her husband lying in ICU. David only narrowly survived a very close brush with death.

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