


A sound of a rifle shot cuts across the silence of the valley, followed by a second shot that echoes off the surrounding hills.

/"I’m not aware of any hunting party in this area; someone might be in trouble, kom Joseph, let’s get the Land Rover and go take a look./"

/"Just let me grab my rifle Bwana Piet, I’ll just be a minute./"

/"You ladies stay put, the sun is high in the sky, and all should be alright. I’ll take Joseph with me, and Herman can babysit, how’s that sound?/"

/"What you mean Piet my love is that we can babysit Herman, he’s young enough to be Veronica’s son you know./"

/"Peggy, that husband of yours is just giving us a toy boy to play with, ag dankie Piet, we will be gentle./"

/"Nee man, julle vroumense, get your minds out of the gutter girls, and you say us men are bad. Fok ek weet nie./"

/"Run along Piet, I promise we’ll behave, after all, why should you have all the fun?/"

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