



The color of the suitcase catches her eye as it moves along the conveyor belt with the others being loaded onto the connecting flight to Port Elizabeth. She looks around to see where the supervisor is, as it’s been two weeks since she last helped herself to a passenger’s luggage. And this one was very tempting as if came off an international flight.

Quickly, with practiced ease, she removes the case and slips it into a dark corner of the loading area, ready to be picked up and taken home when she goes off duty. No one will say anything as airline luggage always seems to go missing when in transit.

She boards the taxi that will take her home, clutching the case with practiced ease, giving one the impression it belonged to her to anyone that might look her way. The contents of the suitcase feel the change in temperature as she holds it against her body and moves amongst the clothes, closer to the source of heat.

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