


Brenda is recovering in hospital from the mauling she received from the killer leopard, and she is able to confirm that it’s a large tom that was responsible for her injuries. She describes the attack as completely unprovoked, and incredibly frightening, she stresses that the image of the cats face up against the car window will be something that she will take with her to the grave.

The couple’s eldest son arrives and makes arrangements to have his father’s body flown back to the U.K. and also to have his mother on the first flight out of the Congo, as soon as she’s well enough to travel.

He thanks, both Piet and Roger for their part in it all, and as far as he’s concerned, all he wants to do is get back home, and it’s a closed book. But the papers have other ideas, splashed across the morning news the headline reads:

‘Killer Leopard Attacks in Broad Daylight, Police are Powerless, Are We Safe?’

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