


Piet and company gather in the bar area that evening, still in shock at what they had witnessed out on the river, numb at the loss of yet another person connected to the horror that commands the African night under a full moon. Determined to put an end to its reign, determined to return it to the hell from where it comes, the group shake off the shackles of grief and horror that bind them and start to plan how they are going to triumph over the evil that walks the night.

Adele sits forward in her chair, the excitement written all over her face. /"Guys I know where the grave site is./" Piet puts his drink on the table and turns to the blonde woman, a serious look in his eyes. /"Nee Fok Adele, don’t play now, this is serious./" /"I'm serious Piet; it’s been there all the time, right under our noses. Think back guys, remember I commented on Blood Lilies growing near water, and yet there’s one growing at the rubbish dump in the yard./"

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