


Adele is the first one to break the silence. /"Oh my God, what have we unearthed, what Pandora’s box have we opened?/" Her sudden question sends the room into a frenzy as questions get thrown at Veronica from all sides. /"Hold on guys, hold on please, I’ll give you a detailed breakdown of what I have learned as soon as I can get a word in edgeways./"

/"Pastor Steve, you’re more than welcome to join us, I think that with what we’re up against, a little bit of help from the team of the Almighty will come in handy./"

/"Okay guys this is serious, very serious but we have time on our side as there’s nothing we can do until the next full moon, tomorrow night is the last full moon of the month, so that rules out any offensive on our part, but it gives us plenty of time to get things ready./" Piet smiles and looks at David. /"It looks like we are going to war, my friend./"

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