


Suddenly the spotlights blaze, the creature is at the back. Piet unlocks the door urgently, moves out onto the stoop. Andrew moves to one side to cover the rear, and both Adele and David cover the front as they move steadily towards the sanctuary of the waiting Land Rover.

David opens the rear door and ensures that Adele is the first in. He turns rifle at the ready to cover the rest of the group as they converge on the vehicle. Piet moves around to the driver’s side and slides in behind the wheel, hand on the ignition, ready to fire up the motor the second all are safely inside. Andrew moves down from the stoop, walking backward as he continues to cover the rear. He indicates to David to climb aboard once the rest are in. Andrew approaches the front passenger door, which Piet opens from the inside. David slides into the interior of the Land Rover, closes the door softly as Andrew starts climbing into the front cab.

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