


Next morning, David and Adele have a look around in the general direction that he fired the rifle, and soon discover the source of the thud that they had heard. David’s bullet had hit one of the support poles of the fence. They check the ground around the fence and the only sign that anything had been there were the odd one or two human footprints. Bodger’s hackles rise once again, and low growls come from the dog at the sight of the spoor in the sand.

Both agree to wait until Piet arrives before they take any more action. It’s obvious that David’s shot missed whatever was there, but that the sound of the rifle scared it off, which in a small way is a comfort to them

They check the chicken houses, and once again, there are human like spoor in the vicinity of the fowls, but no damage done to the wire or bars. It’s possible that Bodger disturbed whatever was there, and his charge out of the kitchen interrupted the intruder.

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