


Slowly things start to take shape, the generator is repaired and in working order, the chicken houses have been rebuilt ready for their new tenants as this is how David and Adele will supplement the trust fund left to him by his parents. Supplying eggs and chickens to the local supermarket in the nearby town which is 30 km away. The house is coming along nicely and the thatch roof had been replaced, new wiring installed, new plumbing, new kitchen door but not yet ready for David and Adele to move in.

Much to Adele’s disappointment she still has to use the outhouse when nature calls but as she tells herself, it’s far better than her first night when a hole was dug for her and David stood watch while she completed her toilet.

The bush shower is still in use, as pipes still have to be laid from the mighty Kafue River to feed water to the reservoir which in turn will supply the house, and to the outside irrigation system. David pointed out that they will use nature to supply the water by using gradient pressure.

A gas system will ensure that the house has hot water and electricity will be supplied to the house from the generator. When the generator is not in use, they will use gas or paraffin lanterns for light and the stove and fridge will operate on gas.

David and Piet left early in the morning leaving Adele behind as she did not feel like the 30 km drive into town if you could call it that. A small place called Kafue, 50 km from the hustle and bustle of Lusaka; it has two petrol stations, one motel in town, one just outside of town, and not much else, so she remained behind at the house with the laborers for company, knowing that they would return before mid-day.

Nature calls and Adele cringes at the thought of having to use the outhouse again. She has tried to use it early in the morning and at night when it’s cooler and the flies aren’t so bad. She crosses the area from the tents, no one sees her. She knocks on the door, not expecting an answer as the two men are in town.

She opens the door and looks into the gloom of the tiny room, steps across the threshold determined to conquer the negative feelings she has regarding the use of this primitive toilet. As Adele seats herself, her eyes adjust to the gloom and she becomes aware that she is not alone. Her visitor is not going to be going anywhere soon.

Draped across the top of the door is the deadliest snake in Africa, a Black Mamba lies there. The only motion from the snake is its small head moving slowly from side to side, its tongue testing the air.

Adele stifles a scream that rises in her throat, she feels the bile rush up and threatens to choke her. She swallows her breathing coming in rapid gasps and she feels as if her heart is now in her mouth. Sweat breaks out all over her body; she feels hot and realizes that she’s starting to hyperventilate.

This can’t happen, if she hyperventilates she’ll lose control and if she loses control she stands a very good chance of being bitten, and with no one to help her she’s on her own.

The snake moves slowly along the top of the door in no rush to go anywhere. Adele slows her breathing, her eyes never leaving the unwelcome visitor, and time moves on. She has no idea of time as she does not wear a wristwatch; she’s stuck and too scared to move.

Realization sinks in that she needs to stay as still as possible, and not attract the snake’s attention which is a bit hard when you are sitting bare butt on the seat of a long drop toilet, as they are not built for comfort.

Blazing heat from the sun beats down mercilessly turning the outhouse into a mini sauna. Sweat runs into her eyes, and burns, her shirt sticks to her body, her nose itches, she has the urge to cough but manages to swallow, her throat dry, feeling like sandpaper.

The temperature radiating off the iron walls is now intense, and Adele starts to feel faint. She’s slowly dehydrating and the snake has made no move to leave. Then in the distance, she hears the roar of a motor and the sound of a vehicle entering the yard.

The old thermometer attached to the trunk of an old tree reads 38 degrees in the shade. In a foggy distance, she hears David’s voice shouting. /"Adele, we’re home, Adele where are you?/"

She’s too scared to return his call, too scared to attract the attention of the unwelcome visitor that’s in the outhouse with her.

Piet asks, /"Where’s the madam? Kom, kom, kom, Praat julle, she could be in trouble./"

Adele hears the voices in a haze, the heat in the outhouse is slowly shutting her down, then the snake moves, its head coming up its body coiling, footsteps outside the door. /"Adele, are you in there?/" She tries to talk, but only a croak comes out, /"Snake./" Both men freeze in their tracks.

/"Shut up man, David I think she’s in the kleinhuis, daar’s iets fout; I think I heard the word snake./"

The snake is now on full alert, with the sound of voices coming from outside. /"Adele, where’s the snake, can you tell us?/"

With supreme effort, Adele fights against the darkness threatening to overcome her. /"The door... on top./" With that, the heat in the outhouse takes its toll and Adele slumps on the throne passed out.

Voices in the distance, the cool feel of fresh air on her body, Adele slowly comes around, to find herself on her cot in the shade of a tree with David and Piet by her side. David is wiping her brow with a wet cloth trying to bring her body temperature down. Piet offers her a drink but pulls it back as she starts to gulp the cool liquid.

/"Nee sister, slowly, drink it slowly, your body will reject it if you drink too fast./"

She remembers the snake and shudders at the memory. /"The snake, what happened to the snake?/"

/"Piet took care of it, once we realized that you had passed out and the bloody thing would not see you as a threat, he and two of the boys, Adam and Calvin armed themselves with sticks. Opened the door, and the snake came out like an express train but the guys were ready, the score, snake, nil and guys, one./"

/"Ja Adele, you were very lucky and also you had the presence of mind to stay where you were. That blikskim was a bloody Black Mamba and not small either. This bugger measured just less than 3 meters, one bite and it would have been totsiens to you young lady./"

/"Piet, I think that we need to take Adele in hand and give her shooting lessons, teach her to use the 303 rifle as well as the 9 mil browning. Adele, you can carry the 9 mil with you at all times, remember we are in the bush, anything can happen./"

Chapitre suivant