


Cedric smiles to himself, as he stands on the balcony of the hotel and looks out to sea, the famous /"Windy City/" living up to its reputation as the wind whips the sea into a frenzy, and threatens to tear the flags from their masts.

He now knows where Veronica is, he has known all along how to find Piet, but before revenge can be taken, he will befriend them first and watch as the terror of the demon slowly erodes away at them, and then when he is ready, he will move in for the kill. He is also aware of the young couple with the chickens, and they will be the first, then the South Africans wife will follow as he toys with them and pushes them to the very brink of terror, and they beg for release in the form of death.

The /"Herald/" newspaper screams out the headlines: /"Strange killings in the township, Signs of Cannibalism, Has Devil Worship Returned?/"

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