


Dating advice, Mack style


I was getting ready to see Bella when I opened the door to see her dad standing there, smiling. /"Did you need something?/"

/"Nope, but you need something./" He grinned.


/"Help, much help./" He wrapped his arm around my neck. /"And I’m here to give it to you because I refuse to return my shirt./" He dragged me out of the house. Well, damn.

He dragged me to the car, opened the door, and shoved me inside. Okay, this dude was nuts. He closed the door and mumbled, /"Damn, kids always need help./" He got in and pulled out of the driveway.

He drove us to a pier. God, I hope he wasn’t planning to push me into the water because the Detroit River is not swimming water.

He parked the car and looked at me. /"Get out./"

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