
Chapter 100 : Furihata's Day Off

Two days after the game, Furihata found himself sitting in his room, waiting for his guests to come and take over his home. Besides him, his mom just smiles while playing on her phone, waiting for his friends to come too. Thinking about who will come here, Furihata knows that this day would not be an easy one for him.

A few minutes later, the sound of the door being knocked finally could be heard, followed by a cheerful voice behind the door.

"Excuse me?"

Hearing the unfamiliar girl's voice, it is not surprising that his mom would be the one who reacted first. She opened up the door just to find out a pink-haired girl standing there with a smile that Furihata couldn't guess whether it is fake or not anymore.

"Good morning, Ma'am." The girl bowed slightly. "I am Satsuki Momoi, a manager for the Too basketball team and Kouki-kun's new friend. I have heard a lot about you from Kouki-kun and Hana-chan. It's nice to meet you!"

"Oh, my… What a polite girl…" His mom gasped before she giggled excitedly. "Don't be too polite! Just call me Anzaki-obaasan, okay?"

"Sure, Anzaki-obaasan. I am sorry for the intrusion."

"Just like I said, girl, don't be too polite. Come here! Hana-chan and Saya-chan would arrive in a few minutes!"

Yeah, as you could guess, the girl in front of them right now is Satsuki Momoi, which he somehow invited to his home. Honestly, he didn't know what wrong medicine he took last night when he agreed to Hana's request to bring Momoi along with her today.

'Well, at least I could ask her about that old man and his relationship with Akashi. It would be easier compared to searching blindly on the internet.'

He shook his head, trying to put his focus back on the room. He could hear his mom is currently talking with Momoi before a minute later, another knock on the door could be heard from the outside.

"I will get it." Furihata raised from his seat before opening the door, just to see Hana and her sister Saya standing there, smiling brightly at him. "It's nice to see you again, Hana-san, Saya-chan."

"Right! It has been a long time since we have been there, right, Onee-chan?"

"Y-Yeah." The shy big sister nodded while hiding her face from Furihata. "Sorry for intruding…"

"Don't worry about it." Furihata waved his hand nonchalantly. "Momoi-san has already been here. Come inside!"

When they entered the room, both girls suddenly were engulfed in a bear hug from his mom.

"Hana-chan! Saya-chan! It has been a long time since I have seen you! How have you been?"

"We are good, Obaasan," Saya answered on her sister's behalf too. "And we bring something from our bakery too. We hope you and Kouki-san like this cake."

"Oooh.. What is this?" When his mom opened up the package from Saya, her eyes shine in excitement. "Is this muffin? I love it!"

"Yup! And this is not just a normal muffin!" Saya nodded proudly. "This is our homemade muffin, the best in Tokyo!"

"Ooh! I love it! Come quick, girls! Help me prepare this! Let's eat it together!"

Furihata could only shake his head in amusement when he saw his mom turn giddy over the cake. Momoi followed from behind, giggling at Hana and Saya who was forced to help his mom.

"Anzaki-obaasan seems to like Hana-chan and Saya-chan a lot, huh?"

Furihata snorted at her question.

"Like? Adore is the better word to describe it. Although she didn't say it, I know Mom always wanted a daughter. That's why she always pushed me to bring a girl friend to meet her."

"Oh?" A hint of mischievousness suddenly could be seen on Momoi's face. "Does that mean Hana-chan is your girlfriend now?"

"Not you too, Momoi-san!" He groaned, eliciting a giggle from Momoi. "And just for you to know, it is a girl friend, two words with a space separating them. Don't misunderstand like that."

Momoi giggled harder before she replied, "I am sure Hana-chan would be disappointed in your answer."

Furihata just rolled his eyes before he turned his expression into a serious one.

"Momoi-san, do you mind if I change the topic to the serious one?"

"Oh?" Seeing the sudden change in his expression, Momoi couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly, a bit intrigued about what is it that Furihata wanted to talk about. "Sure, be my guest."

"Thank you." Furihata took a deep breath before asking directly, "Do you know the old man called Sonoda who seems to be close to Akashi, your former captain?"

"You met Sonoda-san?" Now, it's time for Momoi to be surprised. Even though she watched his last game, she and Hana didn't stay too long and left right after the game was over, so she didn't know about his encounter with Akashi. "Well, Sonoda-san is Akashi-kun's uncle, a bit like a godfather in a less religious manner, I believe. If I remember clearly, he is best friends with Akashi-kun's father and helped his family a lot when they started rising about twenty years ago."

As expected of Momoi, her information network is top-notch.

"What about his position? Is he someone important?"

Now, Momoi looked at him as if he was stupid.

"It doesn't seem like you, Kouki-kun. Usually, you would gather basic information first before you asked." She shook her head as Furihata scowled at her mocking tone. "It doesn't matter. To answer your question, Sonoda-san is the people from the Ministry of Education, culture, sports, science, and technology or you can shorten it to MEXT. He is the one who is responsible for youth development in sports, and one of his projects is this inter-high. That's why you will see him sooner or later."

Just this time, after hearing Momoi's explanation, he finally realized why Riko and Hyuga seem reluctant to make ruckus about Akashi.

"So, why do you ask? Did you meet him?"

After that, Furihata told her the story yesterday, from his encounter with Akashi until Sonoda appeared to solve the problem forcefully. Hearing his story, Momoi pondered for a few seconds before she lets out a deep sigh.

"Well, I cannot say I am surprised, I guess." She smiles helplessly. "Even though Akashi-kun is brilliant, his violent tendency could make a lot of trouble compared to what it is worth. And if any teams dare to make a complaint…. It happened before, when we were in middle school… Let's just say that team got disqualified mysteriously and their reputation went down quite fast. Until now, no one wanted to join that school for its basketball team anymore. Your coach did a good job, I guess. Holding you back so you didn't make a fuss. As Sonoda-san said to you, it would be a pity if a good team like Seirin couldn't compete anymore."

Furihata could only smile wryly as he heard Momoi finish her story. Even though they both know what Sonoda did is wrong, facing a politician figure like him, they were quite helpless in this situation.

"What are you talking about, Kouki-san? Satsuki-san?!"

Saya's voice suddenly snapped him from his thought. When he turned around, he could see her doe eyes widen in curiosity as she wanted to know about their conversation.

Furihata shook his head before he patted her head, grinning in a teasing manner. "Don't worry, Saya-chan. It is just a high schooler talk. A little girl like you wouldn't understand."

Saya pouted a little before turning around at Furihata's mom. "Anzaki-obaasan! Kouki-san and Momoi-san wanted to keep a secret from us! He said it was just a high schooler talk!"

"See?" Furihata's grin widened. "With how childish you acted, you wouldn't understand our mature conversation, Saya-chan. Don't bother."

As the answer, Saya stuck out her tongue, eliciting giggles from all the ladies in the room.

"Well, let's not talk about boring stuff! Come here, Satsuki-chan! Kou-chan!" His mom waved her hand, inviting both Furihata and Momoi to come over. "Look here! Saya-chan just showed me the video of you and Hana-chan singing together that she uploaded to her youtube account! See?"

"Oh, I know this one!" Momoi squealed as she looked at the laptop on the table. "I watched it two weeks ago! Your voice is really pretty, Hana-chan!"

"T-Thank you!" Hana blushed happily as she got praised by Momoi. Furihata just shook his head in exasperation, hoping that Hana would be able to come out of her shell and be more confident.

When he took a glance at Saya's little laptop on the table, Furihata could see that the video works pretty well. It has more than 15,000 viewers with almost 3000 likes and 120 comments, which was quite impressive for a two-weeks old video uploaded in an anonymous account. He could also see the comment which makes Hana blush more.

[Hikikomoriotaku: Woah! The perfect couple does exist!]

[Lelouch_Vi_Britania: The girl's voice is like an angel! I want to hear her singing another song!]

[Ariana_Saki: I want my future boyfriend to look at me just like the boy looks at the girl!]

[Andy_is_here: Someone please tag the singer! This one deserves more viewers!]

[Otaku_nerd: Please, be my waifu!]

[KilluaFutureHusband: Someone please call the police! She is just a high schooler, for God's Sake! Control your horniness!]




Furihata closed his eyes while cursing inwardly, trying to forget what he just read. Even though a lot of the comments are quite nice, there are a lot of nasty and weird ones which honestly didn't deserve to appear in public like that. When he turned around, he couldn't help but speak to Saya,

"Don't read the comment too much, Saya-chan. It is not good for your help."

"I know…" Saya nodded in agreement. "But can you see how famous you are? We should make more videos of you singing with Onee-chan!"


"Oooh! That's a good idea!" Momoi chimed in happily. "If you want to, we can do it in my home! I can play piano for you both! Let's make a trio!"

Saya's eyes shine in excitement. "That's great, Satsuki-san! We could even do more!"

With that, the next thirty minutes were spent with the girls planning around to take another video, disregarding Furihata's concern. As the only boy in the room, he could only smile wryly as his opinion doesn't really matter here. But when he saw the happiness that shines in the girls' eyes, he just shrugged it off like nothing.

'Mom is right. I am really weak when facing those kinds of eyes.'


Meanwhile, in the Seirin basketball team's room, even though the team was on a break after the last game, Riko and Alex as their coaches couldn't relax for a second, especially when they saw their next opponent's latest game.

"This is crazy…." Riko muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. Alex beside her could only nod in agreement as she saw the game too.

"Yosen High…" The blonde woman spoke solemnly. "They would be our biggest challenge if we want to advance further to the next stage…"


Author note :

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You can also read this fanfiction up to chapter 120 on that page. Thank you! :)

-Zeta Faes-

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