
Chapter 70: The unexpected savior

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 70: The unexpected savior

This time, not only Vivi's arm was destroyed, but the dial was also turned into dust.

Vice-Admiral Mononga spat a mouthful of blood and fell.

Vivi took some distance and looked at the fallen marine.

The marines around them started to panic.

"What was that?!"

"That pirate killed the Vice-Admiral."

"Noo!, Vice-Admiral Momonga!."

"Stop making a fuss!." Yelled Vivi. There was enough strength behind her voice to shut them up for a moment.

"He is still alive. To get him medical help." She had purposely avoided hitting his heart. It would have been cheap to kill him like that when Momonga was taking it easy on her.

"Luffy!" She heard Usopp scream with desperation.

"What are you doing?! Wake up!"

She felt Luffys aura becoming very weak and felt some uneasiness.

'He is not going to lose, right?'

She was going to go help when a group of marines stood in her way.

They all seemed to be of Captain rank, five of them.

"Arg…this never ends…" One of the Captains moved in front of her and attacked with a sword.

She grabbed his sword hard with such a strong grip that she felt the bones cracking under her hand. The man grunted in pain and she punched him right in the face, knocking him out cold.

The other four decided to work together.

While fighting the marines, she noticed Luffys aura becoming stronger again.

'Seems like is finally ending…good. I was starting to feel tired already.' She has been fighting nonstop for hours already, even her near-limitless energy had a limit.

The first prop where Luffy was fighting Lucci was completely destroyed as the leader of the CP9 came flying.

The marines could not believe what they were seeing.

"We are going back together, Robin!" Luffy's shout resounded all over the bridge.

"Reporting to all warships, Mister Rob Lucci of CP9 has been defeated by Strawhat Luffy, just now!" The broadcast announced.

"Impossible! Even Mister Rob Lucci, the leader of the strongest CP9 group has been defeated by some pirates…" A marine said.

"Luffy won!" Celebrated Usopp.

"Got me worried for a moment there." Smiled Zoro.

"You did it!, Strawhat!" Said Franky.

"Guys!, get to the escape ship, right now!" Commanded Nami.

"Good job, Strawhat!" A group of familiar voices came from a den-den-mushi.

"Idiot!, they'll hear us!"

"Hey, what is that voice?" Asked one of the marines in charge.

"I don't know, Sir. We are getting a signal in one of our den-den-mushi."

"Broo!!" More familiar voices were heard.

"What is that voice?" Asked Usopp, looking like He was hearing something completely different.

"They really were alive." Said Zoro.

"Were you doubting me?" Vivi gave him a look.

Zoro got nervous and looked away. "no…."

"Oi!, aren't those the pirates we finish off at the island?" Asked one of the marines.

"That's impossible, they fell down the ravine! How could they possibly survive that?"

"We are all safe here!" The voices were heard again. "We have a way to escape so don't worry about us! Well, see you guys later!"

Franky started crying.

"Guuuuiz!. I would dever vorry about you guuuys!"

"That's good but it will be meaningless if we all die here." Said Zoro.

"Keep your eyes on Strawhat in the first prop," One of the Captains said.

"Sir!, but the Strawhat Captain doesn't seem to be moving!"

"What?" Exclaimed Zoro.

"Get out of my way!" Vivi blasted more marines off the bridge as she moved to the end. Once there, she saw Luffy on the floor of the tower, not moving.

She turned to Zoro and the others. "I'll get the Captain, you guys go ahead an-"

"FIRE!" A command was heard and following that, the ship that they were planning to use to escape was promptly blown up to smithereens.

"No!!. Our escape ship!" Cried Nami.

"What the hell!, we are doomed. That was our only way out." Exclaimed Franky.

"Kokoro and Chimney were in there!" Said Chopper.

"I got them!" Sanji jumped out of the flames while carrying the two of them.

"Where the hell have you been?" Asked Nami.

"Just doing a few errands, I'm sorry"

"FIRE!" Another order came and the rest of the bridge was blown up. Leaving only the first prop where Luffy was and the second prop where everyone else was.

Vivi quickly jumped off and flew towards the first prop to pick up Luffy.

She landed next to him and turned him around.

"Can you at least stand up, Captain?." She asked.

He seemed to try but nothing happened. "Shit, sorry. I can't move at all!."

"It's okay…I just never tried to fly while carrying someone…so we may both fall into the sea, that's all."

"What?....wait…I am hearing something…look below?"

Vivi also heard the voice and knew exactly who it was from.

She went to the border, looked down…and there it was…

"JUMP INTO THE OCEAN!" The voice of Usopp reached her.

"Captain!, we are leaving right now! Come on." She picked up Luffy and placed him on her back.

"Hold on however you can!...auch. You bit my ponytail!"

"You said however I could!. I can only move my mouth." Complained Luffy.

"Fine…hold on!" She ran to the border while carrying Luffy…and jumped off.

"Water Jet!" She put as much strength as she could into propelling themselves.

They were quickly losing height but at least they were moving forward at a good pace too.

"There it is!." She could see the ship getting close, but the ocean was getting close too.

"This is going to be tight!"

"Merry!" Yelled Luffy.

"Let's go back, everyone. Back to the sea of adventure again. I've come to take you home!" The voice of Merry resounded inside her head.

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