
A new dungeon discovery (1)

It had been a week since mother had a fight with one of the royal knights that was situated into our group for exploring Barself, my home country and the home of most dragons.

We had been walking, camping, fighting (but only sometimes) and all the regular daily activities like washing ourselves if we came across a river or a lake and eating, stuff like that.

During that week I hadn't fought many monsters but I had gained around 783 EXP from killing some monster that I had found here and there whilst travelling.

We had gotten up early this morning and began our walking yet again and further ventured into the lush forests that surrounded us. Nobody really talked to the others whilst walking and simply just walked in the silence of you don't include all the animal sounds and slight rustling of leaves or crunch of the now dry ground beneath us as we walked on top of it.

Nothing productive happened and most of the time you could tell that nobody was particularly interested in doing this exploration mission anymore and just wanted to go back to Harpsferd or find something in hopes of it curing their boredom.

"Slow down everyone there is a fluctuation of mana ahead of us." The only royal knight we had left said as he lifted his arm up a little as a signal.

Everyone did as he had said and slowed their pace as we all continued forwards.

'Can he not tell it's a dungeon? Even without using [Mastered spacial awareness] I could tell that there was a dungeon ahead of us.' I thought to myself as I stayed in silence while continuing on forwards.

"Ah, I see. So it was a dungeon. Everyone come to a stop." He said and everyone gathered around to see the dungeon.

"Why do we need to stop? Let's just jump in!" Jayden said with a grin, "This'll make things exciting."

"We don't know if it's rank. It could very well put us all in danger if we don't take precautions." The knight responded as he glanced over at Jayden's direction.

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it before but it doesn't seem to be on the stronger side so let's just jump in already!" Jayden said impatiently.

"Fine. If you're so eager about this then we shall hold a vote. Hands up if you want to go into the dungeon even at the risk of possible danger and death, if not don't do anything."

Everyone raised their hand with the exception of the princess.

"Sounds too dangerous, since there is a risk of danger you all have to protect me! Only then shall I enter." She said as she shivered.

"You realise if there is a possible threat of death when we enter that the monsters which reside inside this dungeon will target the weaker ones first, which is you princess, and if we have to protect you even if we die then where will all your protection go if we all do die? I'm not risking myself even for royalty for one and for two protect yourself if your so scared or just stay here." Jayden scoffed.

"That is incredibly rude! How dare you! You shall not go unpunished when I return to fathers side!" The princess shouted.

"Since the majority voted to enter with the exception of the princess we shall all enter. Princess if you do not wish to come just wait out here and Scarlet or I can stay with you." The knight said, "Is that alright with you Princess? Scarlet?"

"Hmph! I will be staying here." The princess said with most of the group ignoring her and leaving it to the knight to deal with who just sighed to himself.

"Very well, would you like Scarlet or myself to stay here with you as protection?" The knight asked.

"Whoever is stronger obviously." She said as she folded her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Alright then. Everyone else is permitted to enter and make sure you listen and follow the orders of Scarlet at all times. If you think it is dangerous, leave immediately." The knight said as he gestured for us to enter and stood next to the princess.

Jayden immediately rushed to the dungeon portal and jumped right on in with the rest of the group following after Scarlet entered.

Upon entering the portal I was surrounded by red grass and plants with anything that normally would have been green instead being red and the sky was not blue but a dark grey and bordering on black.

Having a quick look around I could see mountains off into the distance along with multiple lava pools and volcanoes, a couple hot springs here and there that I could notice through my [Mastered spacial awareness] and monsters that had elements with fire, earth and rarely ones with air. Some had the sub element of darkness and none had the counterpart light or the elements of water, bull or celestial. In addition to this there were some monsters that were elementless or just regular animals.

No monsters were particularly close to us so we didn't need to worry about fighting straight away.

The most noticeable thing about this dungeons surroundings was the fact that it had 3 suns in the sky that were hidden behind black clouds. They were providing minimal light to our surroundings despite the size of one of them. The suns all were different sizes with one of them being the same size as the sun back on Yerseild and the others being slightly smaller.

"This is going to be fun." Jayden said as he scanned his whereabouts for any monsters close by which to his disappointment, there wasn't.

"Hopefully it's not too dangerous and will cure all of our built up boredom from the past couple days." Catherine sighed.

"Even if it doesn't look particularly dangerous I want everyone fully aware of their surroundings at all times and make sure to prepare for any situation. Kiera, I know your strong but last time in that dungeon. You know what happened. You sure you still want to explore the dungeon?"

"Of course I do. Last time doesn't matter anyway as I'm fine." I replied as I shifted my gaze elsewhere.

"Let's get moving already! If you won't then I'll go solo just like that other knight that left us after encountering that dragon." Jayden said as he rested his hand on his swords hilt.

"Alright then. Let's get moving." Scarlet said as we began our walk into the depths of the dungeon.




Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 41%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Mastered spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

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