
Six hours of darkness (1)

Charles looked at that scar on Cain's arm and spoke:

"The mark of Cain, a curse placed upon you for the purpose of 'Connection', so you plan to connect us using the mark of Cain?"

Cain nodded and spoke:

"Yes, the mark and I are connected, the moment you connect to the mark, you will be connected to me and thus you can transmigrate into this body."

Charles could tell that Cain was different from the novel and decided to ask why:

"Cain, why do you want me to destroy everything?"

Cain lowered his head and reflected for a while and said:

"After I killed Abel out of jealousy, I was very sorry and tried to correct my mistake, but the creator, instead of reviving Abel, imposed a curse on me, a curse that will keep me alive for all eternity, a curse that would never allow me to achieve happiness."

"It is only a curse, one could break it."

"I looked for it, but it was impossible for me, maybe Lucifer could break it, but making deals with the devil, is not wise."

Cain suddenly started shaking hands and Charles looked at him confused.

"After thousands of years of wandering the world, I experienced various kinds of happiness, but they were all destroyed by the 'Strings of Fate', but there was one day when I found a different kind of happiness, something similar to the love I had from Abel, it was a woman named Rose.... She was the only one who fully accepted my soul, even though she knew who I was."

Charles cut him off and said:

"Let me guess, the curse has activated again and killed your beloved Rose?"

"Not only her, it also killed my four children..."


"First it was my 3 year old daughter, she died..."

Before Cain could continue, Charles cut him off by saying:

"I would love to hear the story of how your big family died, but unfortunately I don't give a damn if they died, so can we start soon?"

Cain clenched his fist and spoke:

"My only wish is that you destroy everything the creator created, that's all..."

"Yes, yes, now get up."

Cain stood up and regenerated his severed arm, looked at Charles' arm and spoke:

"You regenerated your arm?"

Charles spoke as he looked at his new arm:

"That? It heals itself automatically."

"Okay, which arm do you want to put the mark on?"

Charles stretched his right arm forward. In response, Cain also stretched his right arm forward and Cain spoke:

"I've already made the connection between the two of us on the boy, so all I need to do is pass the mark to you."

Charles held Cain's forearm and spoke:

"Come quickly."

Cain felt an extremely cold sensation as he was touched by the darkness, but decided to ignore it and squeezed his forearm as well.

After the two touched, Charles felt that something was trying to connect with him. Charles allowed the connection and a V-shaped scar was being imprinted on his forearm.

After the "Mark of Cain" was on Charles, he felt that now his destiny was being manipulated. Charles released Cain's forearm and spoke:

"What an uncomfortable feeling..."

Cain looked at his forearm and realized that it was still there, his V-shaped scar and said:

"Now you are being watched by 'Fate' itself, the older sister of 'death'."

Charles did not like this feeling of being watched by someone, so he decided to quickly solve this problem by saying:

"Reveal yourself 'Destiny', or I will come after you myself."

In the blink of an eye, 'Destiny' appeared in front of Charles and quickly knelt down while keeping his eyes closed.

Charles looked at 'Destiny' and noticed her appearance, a girl of at least 18 years old, with a veil over her face while wearing a priestess outfit, her entire color was white, her hair and even her clothes.

(Charles could easily see through the veil.)

Destiny after kneeling down, said in a respectful tone:

"It is an honor to be called by the darkness itself...what can I do for you?"

Charles approached her and spoke:

"You can stop interfering with my destiny and watch me, okay? I don't want any stones to get in my way and end up tripping."

Destiny nodded and spoke respectfully:

"Your wish is my command, I will never again interfere with anything that relates to you, I ask for mercy if I have caused any discomfort."

Charles turned to her and spoke as he walked over to Cain:

"I'll let you go just this once, but there won't be a second time, so be careful."

Destiny opened one of her eyes out of curiosity and looked into the darkness that was moving away from her, her eyes that were completely white in color, could literally see everything, but when she looked into the darkness, the only thing she could see, was an absolute black, its existence was something surreal to her.

Fate closed her eye open as she satiated her curiosity, and just as she was about to leave, she heard the darkness say:

"I told you so."

She was startled and suddenly her eye that was seeing charles, was being blown out.

Although her eye exploded, she remained kneeling and spoke calmly:

"Forgive me for disrespecting your orders, I was just curious about you, I promise it will never happen again, it was never my intention to insult you."

Charles looked at the kneeling Destiny as blood spilled from his veil and said:

"I will let you live, but on one condition, you will have to live the rest of your life with only one eye, if you disrespect my order again, of course you will die."

Fate leaned over and placed his forehead on the ground and said quietly:

"Thank you for your mercy, I will not let you down again, I promise."

Charles smiled at that and spoke:

"Go away now."

Destiny knelt down again and spoke in a respectful tone:

"Yes sir!"

In the blink of an eye, she was gone like the wind.

Cain looked at this whole scene and reflected:

'If I were like him, would I be able to save my family?'

Cutting through his thoughts was Charles who was speaking:

"I'm going to get inside you now, and I'm going to destroy your soul, so do you have any last words?"

Rolling his eyes, Cain looked shocked at Charles and spoke respectfully:

"Will you hear my last words, sir?"

"Will those be your last words?"

"No! It's just that I was surprised and wanted to confirm if it was true."

Charles was losing his patience and spoke angrily:

"Do you have any last words?!"

"Cof-cof, I just wanted to say that it was an honor to meet you and that I wanted to meet my family again in paradise, but I know that is impossible for me, but I want to believe that one day I will see them again, even though I know it will never happen, I have hope... those are my last words."

Suddenly, Cain could hear someone laughing:

"Pfff, what? Do you really hope that you will ever see your family again? You live only in dreams, the lie has seduced you more than your wife pfffff."

Cain looked at the ground and felt sad, as his hope of finding his family was nothing more than a joke to the being in front of him. He looked away avoiding eye contact and spoke:

"Maybe you are right..."

But suddenly he listened:

"But look on the bright side, that's what makes you more human..."

Rolling his eyes, Cain looked at Charles.

"Humans are constantly evolving since ancient times because of something called 'Hope', something that gives them strength to keep moving forward, something that makes them dream that one day they will achieve all their dreams, even if they know it's just a lie, it convinces them to keep moving forward, so be proud, Cain, you are human"

Suddenly tears began to fall from Cain's eyes and he looked shocked at this, but before he could say anything, the darkness was taking control of his body....

thanks for reading (^_^)

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts
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